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MySQLstatus variable Com_stmt_xxx

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:3人阅读


The Com_stmt_xxx status variables are asfollows:







Those variables stand for preparedstatement commands. Their names refer to the COM_xxx command set used in thenetwork layer. In other words, their values increase whenever preparedstatement API calls such as mysql_stmt_prepare(), mysql_stmt_execute(), and soforth are executed. However, Com_stmt_prepare, Com_stmt_execute andCom_stmt_close also increase for PREPARE, EXECUTE, or DEALLOCATE PREPARE,respectively. Additionally, the values of the older statement counter variablesCom_prepare_sql, Com_execute_sql, and Com_dealloc_sql increase for the PREPARE,EXECUTE, and DEALLOCATE PREPARE statements. Com_stmt_fetch stands for the totalnumber of network round-trips issued when fetching from cursors.

那些变量表示预编译语句命令。他们的名字涉及到Com_stmt_xxx命令在网络层使用。换句话说,无论什么时候预编译语句API调用mysql_stmt_prepare(), mysql_stmt_execute()执行时,他们的值都会增加。然而Com_stmt_prepare, Com_stmt_execute, Com_stmt_close 针对PREPARE,EXECUTE, or DEALLOCATE PREPARE也会增加。并且,旧的语句计数参数Com_prepare_sql, Com_execute_sql, Com_dealloc_sql针对PREPARE,EXECUTE, and DEALLOCATE PREPARE语句也会增加。Com_stmt_fetch代表提取游标时来回总共的次数。

Com_stmt_reprepare indicates the number oftimes statements were automatically reprepared by the server after metadatachanges to tables or views referred to by the statement. A reprepare operationincrements Com_stmt_reprepare, and also Com_stmt_prepare.


Com_explain_other indicates the number ofEXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION statements executed. See Section 8.8.4, “ObtainingExecution Plan Information for a Named Connection”. It was introduced in MySQL5.7.2.


Com_change_repl_filter indicates the numberof CHANGE REPLICATION FILTER statements executed. It was introduced in MySQL5.7.3.

本文出自 “90SirDB” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://90sirdb.blog.51cto.com/8713279/1932683

MySQLstatus variable Com_stmt_xxx

标签:mysql   status variable   com_stmt_xxx   
