时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:29人阅读
private static string _connStr = "mongodb://"; private static string _dbName = "test"; const string CollectionName = "sun";
private static IMongoDatabase db { get { var url = new MongoUrl(_connStr); var client = new MongoClient(url); return client.GetDatabase(_dbName); } }
//数据库连接字符串 #region //获取表对象 IMongoCollection<Video> tb = db.GetCollection<Video>(CollectionName); //先删除当前表 tb.Database.DropCollection(CollectionName); //测试数据--------------------------------- var videos = new List<Video> { new Video { Title="The Perfect Developer", Category="SciFi", Minutes=118 }, new Video { Title="Lost In Frankfurt am Main", Category="Horror", Minutes=122 }, new Video { Title="The Infinite Standup", Category="Horror", Minutes=341 } }; //测试数据--------------------------------- //插入 tb.InsertMany(videos); //查询 var all = tb.Find(x => x.Title != string.Empty).ToList(); //分组查询 var groupby = tb.Aggregate() .Group(x => x.Category, g => new { Name = g.Key, Count = g.Count(), TotalMinutes = g.Sum(x => x.Minutes) }) .ToList(); //更新 // updating title with "The perfect developer" video‘s ‘title‘ and ‘minute‘ tb.FindOneAndUpdate(x => x.Title == "The Perfect Developer", Builders<Video>.Update.Set(x => x.Title, "A Perfect Developer [updated]") .AddToSet(x => x.Comments, "good video!") .AddToSet(x => x.Comments, "not bad") ); all = tb.Find(x => x.Title != string.Empty).ToList(); //删除 tb.DeleteOne(x => x.Minutes == 122); all = tb.Find(x => x.Title != string.Empty).ToList(); #endregion
推荐使用2个MongoDB的 GUI
windows下64位 MongoDB安装工具和GUI工具
.NET MongoDB 驱动
MongoDB 3.4版本, C# 驱动 2.4 操作
标签:count video 安装工具 client count() gre img window evel