当前位置:Gxlcms > 数据库问题 > SQLmap源码分析之框架初始化(一)


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:6人阅读

main(): """ Main function of sqlmap when running from command line. """ try: checkEnvironment() setPaths(modulePath()) banner() # Store original command line options for possible later restoration cmdLineOptions.update(cmdLineParser().__dict__) initOptions(cmdLineOptions) if hasattr(conf, "api"): # heavy imports from lib.utils.api import StdDbOut from lib.utils.api import setRestAPILog # Overwrite system standard output and standard error to write # to an IPC database sys.stdout = StdDbOut(conf.taskid, messagetype="stdout") sys.stderr = StdDbOut(conf.taskid, messagetype="stderr") setRestAPILog() conf.showTime = True dataToStdout("[!] legal disclaimer: %s\n\n" % LEGAL_DISCLAIMER, forceOutput=True) dataToStdout("[*] starting at %s\n\n" % time.strftime("%X"), forceOutput=True) init() if conf.profile: profile() elif conf.smokeTest: smokeTest() elif conf.liveTest: liveTest() else: try: start() except thread.error as ex: if "can‘t start new thread" in getSafeExString(ex): errMsg = "unable to start new threads. Please check OS (u)limits" logger.critical(errMsg) raise SystemExit else: raise except SqlmapUserQuitException: errMsg = "user quit" try: logger.error(errMsg) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except (SqlmapSilentQuitException, bdb.BdbQuit): pass except SqlmapShellQuitException: cmdLineOptions.sqlmapShell = False except SqlmapBaseException as ex: errMsg = getSafeExString(ex) try: logger.critical(errMsg) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass raise SystemExit except KeyboardInterrupt: print errMsg = "user aborted" try: logger.error(errMsg) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except EOFError: print errMsg = "exit" try: logger.error(errMsg) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except SystemExit: pass except: print errMsg = unhandledExceptionMessage() excMsg = traceback.format_exc() try: if not checkIntegrity(): errMsg = "code integrity check failed (turning off automatic issue creation). " errMsg += "You should retrieve the latest development version from official GitHub " errMsg += "repository at ‘%s‘" % GIT_PAGE logger.critical(errMsg) print dataToStdout(excMsg) raise SystemExit elif "tamper/" in excMsg: logger.critical(errMsg) print dataToStdout(excMsg) raise SystemExit elif "MemoryError" in excMsg: errMsg = "memory exhaustion detected" logger.error(errMsg) raise SystemExit elif any(_ in excMsg for _ in ("No space left", "Disk quota exceeded")): errMsg = "no space left on output device" logger.error(errMsg) raise SystemExit elif all(_ in excMsg for _ in ("No such file", "_‘", "self.get_prog_name()")): errMsg = "corrupted installation detected (‘%s‘). " % excMsg.strip().split(\n)[-1] errMsg += "You should retrieve the latest development version from official GitHub " errMsg += "repository at ‘%s‘" % GIT_PAGE logger.error(errMsg) raise SystemExit elif "Read-only file system" in excMsg: errMsg = "output device is mounted as read-only" logger.error(errMsg) raise SystemExit elif "OperationalError: disk I/O error" in excMsg: errMsg = "I/O error on output device" logger.error(errMsg) raise SystemExit elif "_mkstemp_inner" in excMsg: errMsg = "there has been a problem while accessing temporary files" logger.error(errMsg) raise SystemExit elif "can‘t start new thread" in excMsg: errMsg = "there has been a problem while creating new thread instance. " errMsg += "Please make sure that you are not running too many processes" if not IS_WIN: errMsg += " (or increase the ‘ulimit -u‘ value)" logger.error(errMsg) raise SystemExit elif all(_ in excMsg for _ in ("pymysql", "configparser")): errMsg = "wrong initialization of pymsql detected (using Python3 dependencies)" logger.error(errMsg) raise SystemExit elif "bad marshal data (unknown type code)" in excMsg: match = re.search(r"\s*(.+)\s+ValueError", excMsg) errMsg = "one of your .pyc files are corrupted%s" % (" (‘%s‘)" % match.group(1) if match else "") errMsg += ". Please delete .pyc files on your system to fix the problem" logger.error(errMsg) raise SystemExit elif "valueStack.pop" in excMsg and kb.get("dumpKeyboardInterrupt"): raise SystemExit for match in re.finditer(rFile "(.+?)", line, excMsg): file_ = match.group(1) file_ = os.path.relpath(file_, os.path.dirname(__file__)) file_ = file_.replace("\\", /) file_ = re.sub(r"\.\./", /, file_).lstrip(/) excMsg = excMsg.replace(match.group(1), file_) errMsg = maskSensitiveData(errMsg) excMsg = maskSensitiveData(excMsg) if hasattr(conf, "api"): logger.critical("%s\n%s" % (errMsg, excMsg)) else: logger.critical(errMsg) kb.stickyLevel = logging.CRITICAL dataToStdout(excMsg) createGithubIssue(errMsg, excMsg) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: kb.threadContinue = False if conf.get("showTime"): dataToStdout("\n[*] shutting down at %s\n\n" % time.strftime("%X"), forceOutput=True) kb.threadException = True if kb.get("tempDir"): for prefix in (MKSTEMP_PREFIX.IPC, MKSTEMP_PREFIX.TESTING, MKSTEMP_PREFIX.COOKIE_JAR, MKSTEMP_PREFIX.BIG_ARRAY): for filepath in glob.glob(os.path.join(kb.tempDir, "%s*" % prefix)): try: os.remove(filepath) except OSError: pass if not filter(None, (filepath for filepath in glob.glob(os.path.join(kb.tempDir, *)) if not any(filepath.endswith(_) for _ in (.lock, .exe, _)))): shutil.rmtree(kb.tempDir, ignore_errors=True) if conf.get("hashDB"): try: conf.hashDB.flush(True) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass if cmdLineOptions.get("sqlmapShell"): cmdLineOptions.clear() conf.clear() kb.clear() main() if hasattr(conf, "api"): try: conf.databaseCursor.disconnect() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass if conf.get("dumper"): conf.dumper.flush() # short delay for thread finalization try: _ = time.time() while threading.activeCount() > 1 and (time.time() - _) > THREAD_FINALIZATION_TIMEOUT: time.sleep(0.01) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: # Reference: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1635080/terminate-a-multi-thread-python-program if threading.activeCount() > 1: os._exit(0)


def checkEnvironment():
    except UnicodeEncodeError:
        errMsg = "your system does not properly handle non-ASCII paths. "
        errMsg += "Please move the sqlmap‘s directory to the other location"
        raise SystemExit

    if distutils.version.LooseVersion(VERSION) < distutils.version.LooseVersion("1.0"):
        errMsg = "your runtime environment (e.g. PYTHONPATH) is "
        errMsg += "broken. Please make sure that you are not running "
        errMsg += "newer versions of sqlmap with runtime scripts for older "
        errMsg += "versions"
        raise SystemExit

    # Patch for pip (import) environment
    if "sqlmap.sqlmap" in sys.modules:
        for _ in ("cmdLineOptions", "conf", "kb"):
            globals()[_] = getattr(sys.modules["lib.core.data"], _)

        for _ in ("SqlmapBaseException", "SqlmapShellQuitException", "SqlmapSilentQuitException", "SqlmapUserQuitException"):
            globals()[_] = getattr(sys.modules["lib.core.exception"], _)



def modulePath():
    This will get us the program‘s directory, even if we are frozen
    using py2exe

        _ = sys.executable if weAreFrozen() else __file__  #如果用py2exe封装,那么_为python的绝对路径否则就是当前文件名也就是sqlmap.py
    except NameError:
        _ = inspect.getsourcefile(modulePath)

    return getUnicode(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(_)), encoding=sys.getfilesystemencoding() or UNICODE_ENCODING)



然后checkEnvironment()判断版本。接着判断sqlmap.sqlmap是否已经加载,如果加载,那么就获取到cmdLineOptions, conf, kb几个属性并且把它们作为全局变量。

接下来,setPaths(modulePath())设置了一下系统各个部分的绝对路径,并且判断.txt, .xml, .zip为扩展名的文件是否存在并且是否可读。




class AttribDict(dict):
    This class defines the sqlmap object, inheriting from Python data
    type dictionary.

    >>> foo = AttribDict()
    >>> foo.bar = 1
    >>> foo.bar

    def __init__(self, indict=None, attribute=None):
        if indict is None:
            indict = {}

        # Set any attributes here - before initialisation
        # these remain as normal attributes
        self.attribute = attribute
        dict.__init__(self, indict)
        self.__initialised = True

        # After initialisation, setting attributes
        # is the same as setting an item

    def __getattr__(self, item):
        Maps values to attributes
        Only called if there *is NOT* an attribute with this name

            return self.__getitem__(item)
        except KeyError:
            raise AttributeError("unable to access item ‘%s‘" % item)

    def __setattr__(self, item, value):
        Maps attributes to values
        Only if we are initialised

        # This test allows attributes to be set in the __init__ method
        if "_AttribDict__initialised" not in self.__dict__:
            return dict.__setattr__(self, item, value)

        # Any normal attributes are handled normally
        elif item in self.__dict__:
            dict.__setattr__(self, item, value)

            self.__setitem__(item, value)

    def __getstate__(self):
        return self.__dict__

    def __setstate__(self, dict):
        self.__dict__ = dict

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        retVal = self.__class__()
        memo[id(self)] = retVal

        for attr in dir(self):
            if not attr.startswith(_):
                value = getattr(self, attr)
                if not isinstance(value, (types.BuiltinFunctionType, types.FunctionType, types.MethodType)):
                    setattr(retVal, attr, copy.deepcopy(value, memo))

        for key, value in self.items():
            retVal.__setitem__(key, copy.deepcopy(value, memo))

        return retVal

继承了内置的dict,并且重写了一些方法。然后就可以这样去访问键值对:var.key。感慨 一下,好牛!!!


0x01  获取命令行参数选项



在获取命令行参数的时候,有很多dirty hack写法,感兴趣可以好好品味。这个层次的认知来源于对底层库函数的熟悉。再次感慨,好牛!!!


def _mergeOptions(inputOptions, overrideOptions):
    Merge command line options with configuration file and default options.

    @param inputOptions: optparse object with command line options.
    @type inputOptions: C{instance}

    if inputOptions.pickledOptions:
            unpickledOptions = base64unpickle(inputOptions.pickledOptions, unsafe=True)

            if type(unpickledOptions) == dict:
                unpickledOptions = AttribDict(unpickledOptions)


            unpickledOptions["pickledOptions"] = None
            for key in inputOptions:
                if key not in unpickledOptions:
                    unpickledOptions[key] = inputOptions[key]

            inputOptions = unpickledOptions
        except Exception, ex:
            errMsg = "provided invalid value ‘%s‘ for option ‘--pickled-options‘" % inputOptions.pickledOptions
            errMsg += " (%s)" % repr(ex)
            raise SqlmapSyntaxException(errMsg)

    if inputOptions.configFile:

    if hasattr(inputOptions, "items"):
        inputOptionsItems = inputOptions.items()
        inputOptionsItems = inputOptions.__dict__.items()

    for key, value in inputOptionsItems:
        if key not in conf or value not in (None, False) or overrideOptions:
            conf[key] = value

    if not hasattr(conf, "api"):
        for key, value in conf.items():
            if value is not None:

    for key, value in defaults.items():
        if hasattr(conf, key) and conf[key] is None:
            conf[key] = value

    lut = {}
    for group in optDict.keys():
        lut.update((_.upper(), _) for _ in optDict[group])

    envOptions = {}
    for key, value in os.environ.items():
        if key.upper().startswith(SQLMAP_ENVIRONMENT_PREFIX):
            _ = key[len(SQLMAP_ENVIRONMENT_PREFIX):].upper()
            if _ in lut:
                envOptions[lut[_]] = value

    if envOptions:
        for key, value in envOptions.items():
            conf[key] = value



{code: None, getUsers: None, resultsFilename: None, excludeSysDbs: None, ignoreTimeouts: None, skip: None, db: None, prefix: None, osShell: None, googlePage: 1, query: None, getComments: None, randomAgent: None, testSkip: None, authType: None, getPasswordHashes: None, parameters: {}, predictOutput: None, wizard: None, stopFail: None, forms: None, uChar: None, authUsername: None, pivotColumn: None, dropSetCookie: None, dbmsCred: None, tests: [], paramExclude: None, risk: 1, sqlFile: None, rParam: None, getCurrentUser: None, notString: None, getRoles: None, getPrivileges: None, testParameter: None, tbl: None, offline: None, trafficFile: None, osSmb: None, level: 1, dnsDomain: None, skipStatic: None, secondOrder: None, hashDBFile: None, method: None, skipWaf: None, osBof: None, hostname: None, firstChar: None, torPort: None, wFile: None, binaryFields: None, checkTor: None, commonTables: None, direct: None, paramDict: {}, proxyList: None, titles: None, getSchema: None, timeSec: 5, paramDel: None, safeReqFile: None, port: None, getColumns: None, headers: None, crawlExclude: None, authCred: None, boundaries: [], loadCookies: None, showVersion: None, outputDir: None, tmpDir: None, disablePrecon: None, murphyRate: None, invalidLogical: None, getCurrentDb: None, hexConvert: None, proxyFile: None, answers: None, resultsFP: None, host: None, dependencies: None, cookie: None, dbmsHandler: None, path: None, alert: None, optimize: None, safeUrl: None, limitStop: None, search: None, uFrom: None, requestFile: None, noCast: None, testFilter: None, eta: None, dumpPath: None, csrfToken: None, threads: 1, logFile: None, os: None, col: None, proxy: None, proxyCred: None, verbose: 1, crawlDepth: None, updateAll: None, privEsc: None, forceDns: None, getAll: None, cj: None, hpp: None, tmpPath: None, header: None, url: uwww.baidu.com, invalidBignum: None, regexp: None, getDbs: None, httpHeaders: [], outputPath: None, freshQueries: None, uCols: None, smokeTest: None, ignoreProxy: None, regData: None, udfInject: None, invalidString: None, tor: None, forceSSL: None, ignore401: None, beep: None, noEscape: None, configFile: None, ipv6: False, scope: None, scheme: None, authFile: None, dbmsConnector: None, torType: SOCKS5, regVal: None, string: None, hashDB: None, mnemonics: None, skipUrlEncode: None, referer: None, agent: None, regType: None, purgeOutput: None, retries: 3, wFileType: None, 


