当前位置:Gxlcms > 数据库问题 > 自动化运维—tomcat服务起停(mysql+shell+django+bootstrap+jquery)


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:22人阅读

#!/bin/sh 2 #Filename:starttomcat.sh 3 #需要传入参数:$1 $2 $3 4 # $1:tomcat的home目录 5 # $2:端口号 6 # $3:启动tomcat超时时长 7 #输出结果说明: 8 # 101:启动成功 9 # 104:启动超时 10 11 #写日志函数 12 log(){ 13 echo `date +"%F %T"`" "$* >> /logs/tomcat.log 14 } 15 16 #开启tomcat函数 17 starttomcat(){ 18 log "[command]:"$0" [parameters]:"$* 19 #启动tomcat前需要调用checktomcat获取tomcat状态 20 status=`. /operation/tomcat/checktomcat.sh $1 $2` 21 #如果tomcat处于运行状态,就不必再启动,把状态信息返回前端 22 if [ $status -eq 101 ];then 23 echo 101 24 #如果tomcat未运行,执行启动操作 25 else 26 su - tomcat -c $1/bin/startup.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 27 #设置count计时 28 count=0 29 #每5秒检查一次tomcat状态,直到检查到tomcat成功启动或者超时 30 status=`. /operation/tomcat/checktomcat.sh $1 $2` 31 until [ $status -eq 101 ] || [ $count -ge $3 ] 32 do 33 sleep 5 34 let count=$count+5 35 status=`. /operation/tomcat/checktomcat.sh $1 $2` 36 done 37 #如果检测到tomcat正常,判断为启动成功,返回状态信息 38 if [ $status -eq 101 ];then 39 echo 101 40 #如果超时还未启动成功,则判断为启动超时,返回启动超时代号104 41 else 42 echo 104 43 fi 44 fi 45 } 46 47 starttomcat $1 $2 $3



 1 # 针对tomcat服务器的操作:
 2 # 1.首先通过前台获得ID 和 操作
 3 # 2.通过ID 丰富信息
 4 # 3.形成完整的操作SQL
 5 # 4.执行SQL,返回结果
 6 # 5.将操作信息及结果写入操作记录表,并将结果返回前台
 7 # 6.前台收到信息更新tomcat现在运行状态
 8 def operation(request):
 9     # 获得前台信息
10     tomcat_id = request.GET.get(id)
11     tomcat_action = request.GET.get(action)
12     oper = request.COOKIES.get(loginname)
13     # 根据ID和action 获得任务信息,并形成完整的操作SQL,都存入taskinfo中
14     taskinfo = get_taskinfo(tomcat_id, tomcat_action, oper)
15     # 传入taskinfo,执行SQL操作,返回目标服务器控制台的结果
16     mytask = Task(taskinfo)
17     result = mytask.execute()
18     if result.isdigit():
19         taskinfo[resulut] = result
20     else:
21         taskinfo[resulut] = 102
22     # 将操作记录写入记录表中,同时更新tomcatdata表中的状态字段
23     genrecords_updatestatus(taskinfo)
24     # 将结果传到前台
25     message = {
26         101: Tomcat正常运行.,
27         102: Tomcat异常,请人工检查.,
28         103: Tomcat服务关闭.,
29         104: Tomcat启动超时.,
30         105: Tomcat关闭超时.,
31     }
32     return JsonResponse({
33         status: taskinfo[resulut],
34         message: message[taskinfo[resulut]],
35     })
37 # 根据ID生成taskinfo
38 def get_taskinfo(tomcat_id, tomcat_action, oper):
39     with connection.cursor() as cursor:
40         cursor.execute(
41             SELECT id, tomcatport, tomcathome, ipaddress, startwait, stopwait FROM tomcatdata WHERE id = %s % tomcat_id
42         )
43         tomcater = dictfetchall(cursor)[0]
44         serverip = tomcater[ipaddress]
45         cursor.execute(
46             "SELECT user1,password1 FROM machine_pwd WHERE ipaddress = ‘%s‘" % serverip
47         )
48         userinfo = dictfetchall(cursor)[0]
49     if tomcat_action == check_tomcat:
50         tomcat_home = tomcater[tomcathome]
51         tomcat_port = tomcater[tomcatport]
52         command = sh /operation/tomcat/checktomcat.sh %s %s  % (tomcat_home, tomcat_port)
53     elif tomcat_action == start_tomcat:
54         # 需要传入三个参数 home目录/端口号/启动超时时长
55         tomcat_home = tomcater[tomcathome]
56         tomcat_port = tomcater[tomcatport]
57         start_wait = tomcater[startwait]
58         # sh_dir = ‘/operation/tomcat/starttomcat.sh‘
59         command = sh /operation/tomcat/starttomcat.sh %s %s %s  % (tomcat_home, tomcat_port, start_wait)
60     elif tomcat_action == stop_tomcat:
61         # 需要传入三个参数 home目录/端口号/启动超时时长
62         tomcat_home = tomcater[tomcathome]
63         tomcat_port = tomcater[tomcatport]
64         stop_wait = tomcater[stopwait]
65         # sh_dir = ‘/operation/tomcat/starttomcat.sh‘
66         command = sh /operation/tomcat/stoptomcat.sh %s %s %s  % (tomcat_home, tomcat_port, stop_wait)
67     task_info = {
68         id: tomcat_id,
69         action: tomcat_action,
70         oper: oper,
71         ip: tomcater[ipaddress],
72         user: userinfo[user1],
73         pwd: userinfo[password1],
74         cmd: command,
75         result: ‘‘
76     }
77     return task_info
80 # 写入操作记录并更新tomcat状态
81 def genrecords_updatestatus(taskinfo):
82     with connection.cursor() as cursor:
83         sqlstatement1 = "insert into audit_log (oper_user, oper_command, oper_message) VALUES (‘%s‘, ‘%s‘, ‘%s‘)" % (
84             taskinfo[oper], taskinfo[cmd], taskinfo[resulut])
85         sqlstatement2 = "update tomcatdata set status = %d where id = %r" % (int(taskinfo[resulut]), taskinfo[id])
86         cursor.execute(sqlstatement1)
87         cursor.execute(sqlstatement2)


 1 import paramiko
 4 class Task(object):
 5     def __init__(self, task_info):
 6         self.task_info = task_info
 8     def create_connect(self):
 9         # 创建SSH对象
10         connectObj = paramiko.SSHClient()
11         # 把要连接的机器添加到known_hosts文件中
12         connectObj.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
13         # 连接服务器
14         connectObj.connect(
15             hostname=self.task_info[ip],
16             username=self.task_info[user],
17             password=self.task_info[pwd],
18             port=22,
19             timeout=10
20         )
21         # 判断是否连接成功
22         ###################
23         return connectObj
25     def execute(self):
26         try:
27             connectObj = self.create_connect()
28         except:
29             return 102
30         cmd = self.task_info[cmd]
31         stdin, stdout, stderr = connectObj.exec_command(cmd)
32         result = stdout.read()
33         connectObj.close()
34         if not result:
35             result = stderr.read().strip()
36         return result.decode().strip()


  1 $(function () {
  2     $("ul[id=‘servicemgr‘] li").click(function () {
  3         <!-- 导入workPage-->
  4         if (this.id == ‘toms‘) {
  5             $("#workpage").empty().load("/static/maintenance/html/workpage.html #tom_workpage");
  6             $.ajax({
  7                 type: "GET",
  8                 url: "./../tomcatData/",
  9                 datatype: ‘json‘,
 10                 data: {page: 1},
 11                 success: function (datas) {
 12                     loadtomcatdata(datas)
 13                 }
 14             });
 15         } else if (this.id == ‘oras‘) {
 16             $("#workpage").empty().load("/static/maintenance/html/workpage.html #ora_workpage");
 17             $.ajax({
 18                 type: "GET",
 19                 url: "./../oracleData/",
 20                 datatype: ‘json‘,
 21                 success: function (datas) {
 22                     loadoracledata(datas)
 23                 }
 24             })
 25         }
 26     });
 27 });
 29 // 针对tomcat服务器的操作
 30 function opt_tomcat(obj) {
 31     var tomcat_mes = $("#tomcat_mes");
 32     tomcat_mes.empty().append("正在玩命操作,请等待…");
 33     var id = obj.id;
 34     var action = obj.name;
 35     $.ajax({
 36         type: ‘Get‘,
 37         url: ‘./../operation‘,
 38         data: {‘id‘: id, ‘action‘: action},
 39         success: function (data) {
 40             tomcat_mes.empty().append(data[‘message‘]);
 41             //更新状态
 42             if (data[‘status‘] == ‘101‘) {
 43                 $(obj).parent().prevAll(‘.status‘).children(‘span‘).attr(‘class‘, ‘glyphicon glyphicon-ok-sign‘)
 44             } else if (data[‘status‘] == ‘102‘ || data[‘status‘] == ‘104‘ || data[‘status‘] == ‘105‘) {
 45                 $(obj).parent().prevAll(‘.status‘).children(‘span‘).attr(‘class‘, ‘glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign‘)
 46             } else if (data[‘status‘] == ‘103‘) {
 47                 $(obj).parent().prevAll(‘.status‘).children(‘span‘).attr(‘class‘, ‘glyphicon glyphicon-remove-sign‘)
 48             }
 49         }
 50     })
 51 }
 52 // 分页
 53 function page(obj) {
 54     var page_number = $(obj).text();
 55     $.ajax({
 56         type: "GET",
 57         url: "./../tomcatData/",
 58         datatype: ‘json‘,
 59         data: {page: page_number},
 60         success: function (datas) {
 61             loadtomcatdata(datas)
 62         }
 63     });
 64 }
 65 //导入tomcat数据
 66 function loadtomcatdata(datas) {
 67     var text = $(‘.text‘);
 68     text.empty();
 69     var html = ‘‘;
 70     for (var i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) {
 71         var id = datas[i][‘id‘];
 72         var ip = datas[i][‘ipaddress‘];
 73         var host = datas[i][‘machine‘];
 74         var dec = datas[i][‘description‘];
 75         var status = datas[i][‘status‘];
 76         html += ‘<tr>‘;
 77         html += ‘<td>‘ + id + ‘</td>‘;
 78         html += ‘<td>‘ + ip + ‘</td>‘;
 79         html += ‘<td>‘ + host + ‘</td>‘;
 80         html += ‘<td>‘ + dec + ‘</td>‘;
 81         // html += ‘<td class="status">‘ + status + ‘</td>‘;
 82         //更新状态
 83         if (status == ‘101‘) {
 84             html += ‘<td class="status"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok-sign" aria-hidden="true"></span></td>‘;
 85         } else if (status == ‘102‘ || status == ‘104‘ || status == ‘105‘) {
 86             html += ‘<td class="status"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign" aria-hidden="true"></span></td>‘;
 87         } else if (status == ‘103‘) {
 88             html += ‘<td class="status"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove-sign" aria-hidden="true"></span></td>‘;
 89         }
 90         html += ‘<td>‘ + ‘<button id=‘ + id + ‘ onclick="opt_tomcat(this)" name="check_tomcat" class="btn btn-default" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal">‘;
 91         html += ‘<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-check" aria-hidden="true"></span></button></td>‘;
 92         html += ‘<td>‘ + ‘<button id=‘ + id + ‘ onclick="opt_tomcat(this)" name="start_tomcat" class="btn btn-default" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal">‘;
 93         html += ‘<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-play" aria-hidden="true"></span></button></td>‘;
 94         html += ‘<td>‘ + ‘<button id=‘ + id + ‘ onclick="opt_tomcat(this)" name="stop_tomcat" class="btn btn-default" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal">‘;
 95         html += ‘<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-stop" aria-hidden="true"></span></button></td>‘;
 96         html += ‘</tr>‘;
 97     }
 98     text.append(html);
100 }
101 //搜索栏
102 function searchtomcat() {
104     var search_val = $(‘#search_tom‘).val();
105     $.ajax({
106         type: "GET",
107         url: "/../searchtomcat/",
108         data: {‘data‘: search_val},
109         datatype: "json",
110         success: function (datas) {
111             loadtomcatdata(datas);
112             $(‘#preandnext‘).empty()
113         }
114     })
115 }


 1 <!DOCTYPE html>
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27                 <small>自动化运维平台</small>
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