时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:12人阅读
例子:table1 :
userCode name datetime
107 tom 2017/6/21 22:34
107 tom 2017/6/24 10:21
107 tom 2017/12/7 10:45
107 tom 2017/1/15 14:01
107 tom 2017/12/26 14:11
208 jack 2017/6/21 22:36
208 jack 2017/11/15 10:46
208 jack 2017/1/19 9:12
208 jack 2017/1/10 13:57
208 jack 2017/1/22 10:08
309 ben 2017/6/22 12:54
309 ben 2017/3/11 9:16
309 ben 2017/1/10 11:18
309 ben 2017/12/20 15:09
select a.*
from table1 a
where not exists(select 1
from table1 b
where b.name=a.name and b.datetime>a.datetime);
select 1 from table ---查询符合条件的记录的行数
标签:date nbsp -- and exists user 查询 记录 tom