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mysql 可重复执行添加列

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:32人阅读

50), IN v_column varchar(50),IN v_discription varchar(1000)) begin declare stmt varchar(2000); declare v_flag int; select count(*) into v_flag from information_schema.columns where table_schema = (select DATABASE()) and table_name = v_table and column_name = v_column; if(v_flag=0) then set @sqlstr = concat(ALTER TABLE `,v_table,` ADD COLUMN `,v_column,` ,v_discription); prepare stmt from @sqlstr; execute stmt; end if; commit; end ;



call add_column_if(xxx,xxx,xxx);


mysql 可重复执行添加列

标签:调用   format   arch   proc   class   cut   xxx   ble   concat   
