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oracle HA 高可用性具体解释(之中的一个)

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:28人阅读


FAILOVER,Oracle RAC的高可用性的技术基础是Failover。就是指集群中的热河一个节点的故障都不会影响到用户的使用。连接到故障节点的用户会被自己主动转移到健康节点,从用户高手而言感觉不到这样的切换。这个功能在Oracle中被称作Failover(故障转移)。

Oracle RAC的Failover能够细分为3中,各自是:

(1)  Client-Side Connect time Failover;

(2)  TAF;

(3)  Server-side TAF。


不要再listener.ora中设置GLOBAL_DB_NAME。由于这个參数会禁用Connect-time Failover和TransparentApplication Failover。


Client-Side Connect time Failover

Client-Side Connect timeFailover的含义是:假设clienttnsname中配置了多个地址,用户发起请求时,会先尝试连接地址表中的第一个地址,假设这个连接尝试失败,则会继续尝试使用第二个地址。直至连接成功或者遍历了全部的地址。

这样的Failover的特点从他的名称中“connect time”就表达的非常清楚了,仅仅在建立连接的那一时刻起作用。也就是说这样的Failover方式仅仅在发起连接时採取感知节点故障。假设发现节点没有响应。则自己主动尝试地址列表的下一个地址。一旦连接建立以后,节点出现问题都不会做处理,从client的表现来看就是断开,用户程序必须又一次建立连接。



TAF(Transparent Apllication Failover)

从上文对Client-Side Connecttime Failover特点的分析能够看出。这样的failover的意义有限。

下载大部分流行的应用系统(比方WebLogic,JBOSS)都是启动时就建立若干到数据库的长连接,在应用程序整个生命周期内重用这些连接。Client-Side Connect Time Failover的工作方式是它相应用程序的可用性没有极大地帮助。


相对于Client-Side Connect Time Failover的用户程序被中断、抛出连接错误、用户必须中期应用程序。TAF这样的方式在提高应用程序HA能力上无疑是前进了一大步。






    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = frac1-vip)(PORT = 1521))

    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = frac2-vip)(PORT = 1521))
















(1)  METHOD选项用于定义何时创建到其它实例的连接,有BASIC和PERCONNECT两个选项值。

a. BASIC是指在感知到节点故障时才创建到其它实例的连接。

b. PERCONNECT是在最初建立连接时就同一时候建立到全部实例的连接,当发生问题时,立马就能够切换到其它链路上。




(2)  Type选项用于定于发生问题时对完毕的SQL语句怎样处理,其有两种类型:session和select。




(3)  DELAY和RETRIES这两个參数和简单。代表着重试时间间隔和重试次数。



Failover(TAF)的測试借助于前面监听和tnsnames的配置。而在11G R2没有引入之前出现问题用的是直接用集群的vip“漂”进行故障转移,而在11G R2以后,引入了一个新的ip,即SCAN(SingleClient Access Name)IP,Scan是一个域名,能够解析1到3个scan ip。client能够通过SCAN名解析来訪问数据库,其优点就是加入和删除节点时不须要再有额外的client维护,大大降低了维护方面的繁琐工作。

在集群环境中,我们配置的client是以scan ip的方式进行配置的。当我们某个用户在外面连接进来的时候,集群会自己主动的依据负载把该会话连接到一个特定的实例,假设该会话正在select一个表,还未完毕,该实例宕机了。oracle会自己主动将故障节点的失误切换到还有一个实例中运行,这种切换对于用户来说是透明的。用户不会感觉到异常,所运行操作也将返回正常的结果,这个也是RAC集群的高可用性所在。



[oracle@frac1admin]$ sqlplus scott/oracle@frac

SQL*Plus: Release11. Production on Wed Apr 16 01:55:37 2014

Copyright (c) 1982,2011, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:

Oracle Database 11gEnterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

With thePartitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP,

Data Mining and RealApplication Testing options

SQL> showparameter instance_name

NAME                                 TYPE                   VALUE

---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

instance_name                        string                 FRAC2



SQL> create tablebig_a as select * from dba_objects;


SQL>insert intobig_a select * from big_a;




SQL> selectOBJECT_TYPE,count(*) from big_a group by object_type;


SQL> shutdownabort;

ORACLE instance shutdown.



SQL> selectOBJECT_TYPE,count(*) from dba_objects group by object_type;

selectOBJECT_TYPE,count(*) from dba_objects group by object_type


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-25408: can notsafely replay call


SQL> /

OBJECT_TYPE                              COUNT(*)


EDITION                                         1

INDEX PARTITION                               302

TABLESUBPARTITION                             32

CONSUMER GROUP                                 25

SEQUENCE                                      229

TABLE                                        2936

INDEX                                        5266

SYNONYM                                     28152

VIEW                                         5186

FUNCTION                                      305

JAVA CLASS                                  23165

JAVA SOURCE                                     2

INDEXTYPE                                       9

CLUSTER                                        10

TYPE                                         2913

RESOURCE PLAN                                  10

JOB                                            14

EVALUATIONCONTEXT                             15

45 rows selected.


SQL> showparameter instance_name;

NAME                                 TYPE                                     VALUE

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------

instance_name                        string                                   FRAC1

SQL> !hostname


Server-Side TAF

第三种方式是Server-Side TAF,但从名字上就能够猜出这样的方式和之前的TAF有一定的关系。其实也是这样,能够把Server-Side TAF看做是TAF的一个变种。首先Server-Side TAF也是TAF,全部TAF的特点他都具有;其次,这样的TAF是在server上配置,而不像TAF是在client配置的。

前面介绍的Client-Side TAF,配置过程须要改动clienttnsnames.ora文件,假设有非常多client使用这个数据库,那么每次微小的參数调整都要把书友计算机更改一遍。即低效又易出错。

而Server-Side TAF通过结合Service。在数据库里保存FAIL_MODE的配置。把全部的TAF配置保存在数据字典里,从而省去了client的配置工作,如今client的TNS文件就不须要不论什么TAF的配置选项。

从配置參数而言,Service-Side TAF相比多了一个Instance Role(实力角色)的概念。


a.    PREFERRED:首选实例,会优先选择拥有这个角色的实例提供服务。

b.    AVILABLE:后备实例,用户会优先连接PREFERRD的Instance。当PREFERRED的Instance不可用时。才会被转移到AVILABLE的实例上。


要想使用Server-Side TAF必须配置Server。Server能够在创建数据库时创建。也能够在数据库创建之后改动;既能够通过配置向导也能够通过命令行方式配置。









实例1作为首选实例,TAF police选择basic,參考上图;





[root@felix1bin]# ./srvctl config service -d felix -h

Usage:srvctl config service -d <name> [-s <service_name>] [-a] [-S<level>]

    -d <name>           Unique name for the database

    -s <service>        Service name

    -a                  Additional attributes

    -S <level>          Additional information for EM Console

    -h                  Print usage


 [root@felix1bin]# ./srvctl config service -d felix

taf_server PREF: felix1 AVAIL: felix2

[root@felix1 bin]#


[root@felix1 bin]# ./srvctl config service -dfelix -s taf_server -a

taf_server PREF: felix1 AVAIL: felix2 TAF:basic

[root@felix1 bin]#









[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl add service -h

Usage: srvctl add service -d <name> -s<service_name> -r "<preferred_list>" [-a"<available_list>"] [-P <TAF_policy>]

    -d<name>           Unique name forthe database

    -s<service>        Service name

    -r"<pref_list>"    List ofpreferred instances

    -a"<avail_list>"   List ofavailable instances

    -P<TAF_policy>     TAF policy (NONE,BASIC, or PRECONNECT)

Usage: srvctl add service -d <name> -s<service_name> -u {-r "<new_pref_inst>" | -a"<new_avail_inst>"}

    -d<name>           Unique name forthe database

    -s <service>        Service name

    -u                  Add a new instance to serviceconfiguration

    -r<new_pref_inst>  Name of newpreferred instance

    -a<new_avail_inst> Name of new available instance

    -h                  Print usage

[oracle@felix1 ~]$



[oracle@felix1~]$ srvctl add service -d felix -s taf_srvctl -r felix2 -a felix1 -P BASIC




[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl config service -d felix-a

taf_server PREF: felix1 AVAIL: felix2 TAF: basic

taf_srvctl PREF: felix2 AVAIL: felix1 TAF: BASIC

[oracle@felix1 ~]$


[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl config service -d felix-h

Usage: srvctl config service -d <name> [-s<service_name>] [-a] [-S <level>]

    -d<name>           Unique name for the database

    -s<service>        Service name

    -a                  Additional attributes

    -S<level>          Additionalinformation for EM Console

    -h                  Print usage

[oracle@felix1 ~]$

假设不指定“-s service_name”,就会显示全部的service配置,这些配置仅仅包含preferred和avilable instance。使用-a选项。还会显示TAF的信息。






[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl disable service -h

Usage: srvctl disable service -d <name> -s"<service_name_list>" [-i <inst_name>]

    -d<name>           Unique name forthe database

    -s"<serv,...>"     Commaseparated service names

    -i<inst>           Instance name

    -h                  Print usage

[oracle@felix1 ~]$


[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl disable service -d felix-s taf_server -i felix1

[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl config service -d felix-a

taf_server PREF: felix1 AVAIL: felix2 TAF: basic

Service taf_server is disabled on instance(s) felix1.

taf_srvctl PREF: felix2 AVAIL: felix1 TAF: BASIC

[oracle@felix1 ~]$


[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl disable service -d felix-s taf_server

PRKP-1024 : The service taf_server is stillrunning.




[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl stop service -h

Usage: srvctl stop service -d <name> [-s"<service_name_list>" [-i <inst_name>]] [-f]

    -d<name>           Unique name forthe database

    -s"<serv,...>"     Commaseparated service names

    -i<inst>           Instance name

    -f                  Disconnect all sessionsduring stop or relocate service operations

    -h                  Print usage

[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl stop service  -d felix -staf_server

[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl config service -d felix-a

taf_server PREF: felix1 AVAIL: felix2 TAF: basic

taf_srvctl PREF: felix2 AVAIL: felix1 TAF: BASIC

[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl disable service -d felix-s taf_server

[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl config service -d felix-a

taf_server PREF: felix1 AVAIL: felix2 TAF: basic

Service taf_server is disabled.

taf_srvctl PREF: felix2 AVAIL: felix1 TAF: BASIC

[oracle@felix1 ~]$


[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl start service  -h

Usage: srvctl start service -d <name> [-s"<service_name_list>" [-i <inst_name>]] [-o<start_options>]

    -d<name>           Unique name forthe database

    -s"<serv,...>"     Commaseparated service names

    -i<inst>           Instance name

    -o<start_options>  Options to startupcommand (e.g. open, mount, or nomount)

    -h                  Print usage

[oracle@felix1 ~]$


[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl start service  -d felix -s taf_server

[oracle@felix1 ~]$



[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl status  service -h

Usage: srvctl status service -d <name> [-s"<service_name_list>"] [-f] [-v] [-S <level>]

    -d<name>           Unique name forthe database

    -s"<serv,...>"     Comma separatedservice names

    -f                  Include disabled applications

    -v                  Verbose output

    -S<level>          Additionalinformation for EM Console

    -h                  Print usage

[oracle@felix1 ~]$


[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl status  service -d felix -s taf_server -f -v

Service taf_server is running on instance(s)felix2

[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl status  service -d felix -s taf_server -f -v -S 3

#@=info: operation={status} config={full}ver={}

#@=service[0]: name={taf_server} enabled={true}pref={felix1} avail={felix2} disabled_insts={felix1} tafpolicy={basic}type={user}

#@=service[1]: name={felix} enabled={true}pref={felix1, felix2} avail={} disabled_insts={} tafpolicy={NONE}type={internal}

Service taf_server is running on instance(s)felix2

#@=result[0]: up={felix2} down={felix1}disabled={felix1} unknown={}

#@=result[1]: up={felix1, felix2} down={}disabled={} unknown={}

#@=done: status={0}

[oracle@felix1 ~]$



[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl remove service -h

Usage: srvctl remove service -d <name> -s<service_name> [-i <inst_name>] [-f]

    -d<name>           Unique name forthe database

    -s<service>        Service name

    -i<inst>           Instance name

    -f                  Force remove

    -h                  Print usage

[oracle@felix1 ~]$


[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl status service -d felix

Service taf_server is running oninstance(s) felix1

Service taf_srvctl is not running.

[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl remove service -d felix-s taf_server -i felix1

taf_server PREF: felix1 AVAIL: felix2

Remove service taf_server from the instancefelix1?

(y/[n]) y

PRKP-1024 : The service taf_server is still running.

[oracle@felix1 ~]$


[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl remove service -d felix-s taf_srvctl -i felix1

taf_srvctl PREF: felix2 AVAIL: felix1

Remove service taf_srvctl from the instancefelix1? (y/[n]) y

PRKP-1067 : Instance felix1 is the last availableinstance for service taf_srvctl. Try modify service instead.

[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl config  service -d felix -a

taf_server PREF: felix1 AVAIL: felix2 TAF: basic

taf_srvctl PREF: felix2 AVAIL: felix1 TAF: BASIC

[oracle@felix1 ~]$


[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl remove service -d felix -staf_srvctl  -f

[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl config  service -d felix -a

taf_server PREF: felix1 AVAIL: felix2 TAF: basic

[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl remove service -d felix-s taf_server  -f

PRKP-1024: The service taf_server is still running.

[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl stop service -d felix -staf_server 

[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl remove service -d felix-s taf_server  -f

[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl config  service -d felix -a

[oracle@felix1 ~]$


[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl modify service -h

Usage: srvctl modify service -d <name> -s<service_name> -i <old_inst_name> -t <new_inst_name> [-f]

    -d<name>           Unique name forthe database

    -s<service>        Service name

    -i<old_inst>       Old instance name

    -t<new_inst>       New instance name

    -f                  Disconnect all sessionsduring stop or relocate service operations

Usage: srvctl modify service -d <name> -s<service_name> -i <avail_inst_name> -r [-f]

    -d<name>           Unique name forthe database

    -s<service>        Service name

    -i<inst>           Instance name

    -r                  Upgrade instance to preferred

    -f                  Disconnect all sessionsduring stop or relocate service operations

Usage: srvctl modify service -d <name> -s<service_name> -n -i <prefered_inst> [-a <available_list>][-f]

    -d<name>           Unique name forthe database

    -s<service>        Service name

    -n                  Modify service configuration

    -r"<pref_list>"    List ofpreferred instances

    -a"<avail_list>"   List ofavailable instances

    -f                  Disconnect all sessions during stopor relocate service operations

Usage: srvctl modify service -d <name> -s<service_name> -P <TAF_policy> [-f]

    -d<name>           Unique name forthe database

    -s<service>        Service name

    -P<TAF_policy>     TAF policy (NONE,BASIC, or PRECONNECT)

    -f                  Disconnect all sessionsduring stop or relocate service operations

    -h                  Print usage

[oracle@felix1 ~]$


[oracle@felix2 ~]$ srvctl modify service -d felix-s taf_srvctl -n -i felix1,felix2 -f

[oracle@felix2 ~]$ srvctl config  service -d felix  -a

taf_srvctlPREF: felix1 felix2 AVAIL:  TAF: basic

[oracle@felix2 ~]$









SQL> show parameter service


NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE

------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------

service_names                        string      felix



[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl add service -d felix -s felix_ora -r felix1 -a felix2 -P BASIC

[oracle@felix1 ~]$ 

[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl config service -d felix-a

felix_ora PREF: felix1 AVAIL: felix2 TAF: BASIC

[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl status  service -d felix

Service felix_ora is not running.

[oracle@felix1 ~]$

3.确认服务创建成功,下面标红部分说明服务已经作为一项CRS Resource注冊到CRS中。可是眼下没有启动。

[oracle@felix1 ~]$ crs_stat -t  -v

Name          Type           R/RA   F/FT  Target    State     Host       


ora.felix.db  application    0/0    0/1   ONLINE    ONLINE    felix1     

ora....x1.inst application    0/5   0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE   felix1     

ora....x2.inst application    0/5   0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE   felix2     

ora...._ora.cs application   0/0    0/1    OFFLINE  OFFLINE              

ora....ix1.srv application   0/0    0/0    OFFLINE  OFFLINE               

ora....SM1.asm application    0/5   0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE   felix1     

ora....X1.lsnr application    0/5   0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE   felix1     

ora.felix1.gsd application    0/5   0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE   felix1     

ora.felix1.ons application    0/3   0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE   felix1     

ora.felix1.vip application    0/0   0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE   felix1     

ora....SM2.asm application    0/5   0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE   felix2     

ora....X2.lsnr application    0/5   0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE   felix2     

ora.felix2.gsd application    0/5   0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE   felix2     

ora.felix2.ons application    0/3   0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE   felix2     

ora.felix2.vip application    0/0   0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE   felix2     

[oracle@felix1 ~]$


[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl enable service -d felix-s felix_ora

PRKP-1018 : Service felix_ora already enabled.

[oracle@felix1 ~]$


[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl start  service -d felix -s felix_ora

[oracle@felix1 ~]$

[oracle@felix1 ~]$ srvctl status  service -d felix -s felix_ora

Service felix_ora is running on instance(s) felix1

[oracle@felix1 ~]$


[oracle@felix2 ~]$ crs_stat  -t  -v

Name          Type           R/RA   F/FT  Target    State     Host       


ora.felix.db  application    0/0    0/1   ONLINE    ONLINE    felix1     

ora....x1.inst application    0/5   0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE   felix1     

ora....x2.inst application    0/5   0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE   felix2     

ora...._ora.cs application   0/0    0/1    ONLINE   ONLINE    felix1     

ora....ix1.srv application   0/0    0/0    ONLINE   ONLINE    felix1     

ora....SM1.asm application    0/5   0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE   felix1     

ora....X1.lsnr application    0/5   0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE   felix1     

ora.felix1.gsd application    0/5   0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE   felix1     

ora.felix1.ons application    0/3   0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE   felix1     

ora.felix1.vip application    0/0   0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE   felix1     

ora....SM2.asm application    0/5   0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE   felix2     

ora....X2.lsnr application    0/5   0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE   felix2     

ora.felix2.gsd application    0/5   0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE   felix2     

ora.felix2.ons application    0/3   0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE   felix2     

ora.felix2.vip application    0/0   0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE   felix2     

[oracle@felix2 ~]$



SQL> show parameter service


NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE

------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------

service_names                        string      felix, felix_ora




 dbms_service.modify_service(service_name     =>‘felix_ora‘,

                             failover_method  =>dbms_service.failover_method_basic,

                             failover_type    =>dbms_service.failover_type_select,

                             failover_retries =>180,

                             failover_delay   =>5);




PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.



Set lines 1000 pages 1000

col name for a50

col clb_goal for a15

col FAILOVER_METHOD  for a15

col failover_type for a20;

SQL> selectname,failover_method,failover_type,clb_goal from dba_services;


NAME                                              FAILOVER_METHOD FAILOVER_TYPE       CLB_GOAL

----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------

SYS$BACKGROUND                                                                         SHORT

SYS$USERS                                                                              SHORT

seeddataXDB                                                                            LONG

seeddata.regress.rdbms.dev.us.oracle.com                                               LONG

felixXDB                                                                                LONG

