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ADB 基本命令整理

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:22人阅读


Android debug bridge is a command line tool that lets you communicate with connected Android device.




ADB Debugging


1.  adb devices


Prints a list of all attached devices.


Package Manager


2.  adb install


Pushes an Android application (specified as a full path to an .apk file) to device.


·         adb install test.apk


·         adb install -r test.apk   //replace existing application


3.  adb uninstall


Removes a package from the emulator/device.


·         adb uninstall com.test.app
·         adb uninstall -k com.test.app     //Keep the data and cache directories around after package removal.


4.  adb shell pm list packages


Prints all packages, optionally only those whose package name contains the text in <FILTER>.


·         adb shell pm list packages -s    //Filter to only show system packages.
·         adb shell pm list packages -3    //Filter to only show third party packages.
·         adb shell pm list packages -i    //See the installer for the packages.


File Manager


5.  adb pull


Download a specified file from the device to your computer.


·         adb pull /sdcard/demo.mp4   // download /sdcard/demo.mp4  to <android-sdk-path>/platform-tools directory.
·         adb pull /sdcard/demo.mp4 e:\    // download /sdcard/demo.mp4 to drive E.


6.  adb push


Upload a specified file from your computer to the device.


·         adb push test.apk /sdcard     // Copies <android-sdk-path>/platform-tools/test.apk to /sdcard directory.
·         adb push d:\test.apk /sdcard    // Copies d:\test.apk to /sdcard directory.


7.  adb shell ls


list directory contents


8.  adb shell cd


change directory


9.  adb shell rm


remove files or directories


rm -f /sdcard/test.txt    //force remove without prompt
rm -r /sdcard/tmp     //remove the contents of directories recursively
rm -d /sdcard/tmp     //remove directory, even if it is a non-empty directory




10.adb shell mkdir


make directories


mkdir /sdcard/tmp




11.adb shell cp


copy fils and directories to dest


adb shell
cp /sdcard/test.txt  /sdcard/demo.txt    //cp [options] <source><dest>




12.adb shell  mv


move or rename files


adb shell


mv /sdcard/tmp   /system/tmp           //move


mv /sdcard/tmp   /sdacrd/test          //rename






Print log data to the screen.


l  V-----show all info , verbose level


l  D-----show debug level


l  I-----show info level


l  W-----show warning level


l  E-----show error level


l  F-----show fatal level




n  Radio-----about network  


n  Event-----activity manager/service manager


n  Main-----default


n  Kernel-----CPU ,memory


n  Bugreport-----ANR ,version ,serial






13.adb logcat


adb logcat -v time >log.txt




14.adb shell dumpsys


dumps system data


adb shell dumpsys battery      //查看电量信息


adb shell dumpsys meminfo    //查看内存信息


adb shell dumpsys cpuinfo     //查看cpu信息






15.adb shell screencap


taking a screenshot of a device display


adb shell screencap  /sdcard/screen.png    


adb pull /adcard/screen.png          //download the file from the device


16.adb shell screenrecord


recording the display of devices running Android 4.4 and higher


adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/demo.mp4


adb pull /sdcard/demo.mp4      //download the file from the device






17.adb shell ps


list the process


adb shell ps aux


adb shell pstree


18.adb shell getprop


adb shell cat /system/build.prop   //获取系统版本信息




ro.build.display.id=KOT49H.20140814 test-keys












[ro.build.characteristics]: [mbx]


[ro.build.date.utc]: [1407987033]


[ro.build.date]: [2014-08-14 16:50:37]


[ro.build.description]: [k200-user 4.4.2 KOT49H 20140814 test-keys]


[ro.build.display.id]: [KOT49H.20140814 test-keys]




adb shell getprop ro.serialno                        //获取版本序列号


adb shell getprop ro.build.version.number                          //获取版本号




Work Time






adb shell dumpsys battery set level 50




2.To capture screenshot


adb shell screencap /sdcard/screen.png


adb pull /sdcard/screen.png




3.To fetch System Version


adb shell getprop ro.build.version.number




4.To Disable USB Charging during adb connection


adb shell dumpsys battery set usb 0




[usb powered : False -> can be verified from "adb shell dumpsys battery"]




5.To Enable USB Charging during adb connection


adb shell dumpsys battery set usb 1




[usb powered : True -> can be verified from "adb shell dumpsys battery"]




6.To verify Battery Percentage


adb shell dumpsys battery






adb shell


logcat -v time | grep "OTA"






adb logcat - v time >power.txt










1.device full


cd /data/


mkdir space


dd if=/dev/zero of=/data/space/space.dat bs=1048576 count=3000




2.cache full


cd cache


mkdir space


dd if=/dev/zero of=/cache/space/space.dat bs=1048576 count=350




3.Reader APP


adb shell


dumpsys package "com.amazon.kindle" | grep ‘version‘






adb shell


dumpsys package ‘com.ophone.reader.ui‘ | grep version










Run adb command to start ContentSupportTestApp -


- adb devices


- adb shell


- am start -n com.amazon.android.app.contentsupport.testapp/.PackageListActivity














[查看版本信息]adb shell dumpsys package com.amazon.kindle | grep versionName






adb push (750books) /sdcard/Documents




3.adb shell setenforce Permissive




4.连接到debug board




Install screen to ubuntu:


>apt-get install screen




Connect your testing device to with serial cable, serial cable connect to normal usb cable, and normal usb cable to desktop




Enter screen mode by cmd:


>sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200




Run cmd in screen mode:


echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/printk


(press enter button)




echo 1 > /sys/module/printk/parameters/time


(press enter button)




echo 1 > /sys/devices/soc0/soc.2/2000000.aips-bus/20f4000.epdc/mxc_epdc_debug


(press enter button)




echo 24 >/sys/devices/soc0/soc.2/2000000.aips-bus/20f4000.epdc/temperature_override


(press enter button)




svc wifi disable


(press enter button)




getevent -tl &


(press enter button)




cat /proc/kmsg | grep -i ‘update end marker‘






memory test


1.  Collect the same after execution of each case and refer the PSS TOTAL value for memory details


adb shell dumpsys meminfo com.amazon.kindle


2.  Look out for LMK of “com.ophone.reader.ui” after execution of entire suite


adb logcat –v threadtime |grep lowmemorykiller


3.  Get available memory


adb shell cat /proc/meminfo





ADB 基本命令整理

标签:stact   nic   middle   over   adb debug   log   direct   ext   reader   
