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数据库问题 >
JDBC 报错 "SQLException: Column 'addtime' not found",求助!
JDBC 报错 "SQLException: Column 'addtime' not found",求助!
时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17
select id="listComntedProdId" resultType="java.util.Map">
select op.*, oc.comment, oc.score + 0 as score, oc.sid, oc.images, oc.is_show + 0 as is_show, oc.addtime as comment_addtime
from onlineshop_comment as oc
inner join onlineshop_product as op on oc.goods_id = op.id
where oc.user_id = #{uid}
order by oc.id DESC
<if test="start >=0 and limit>0">
limit #{start},#{limit}
org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: Error attempting to get column ‘addtime‘ from result set. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Column ‘addtime‘ not found.
后将 “oc.addtime as comment_addtime” 改为 "oc.addtime" ,报错消失,原因不明,求助!
JDBC 报错 "SQLException: Column 'addtime' not found",求助!
标签:select sql UI order 报错 get ram cat images