时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:8人阅读
1 USE [APS_Future_FT] 2 GO 3 /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[A_CrudePrice] Script Date: 2013/11/5 19:13:21 ******/ 4 SET ANSI_NULLS ON 5 GO 6 SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON 7 GO 8 -- ============================================= 9 -- Author: <Author,,Name> 10 -- Create date: <Create Date,,> 11 -- Description: <Description,,> 12 -- ============================================= 13 ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[A_CrudePrice] 14 ( 15 @BeginDate DATETIME , 16 @EndDate DATETIME, 17 @PageSize INT, 18 @PageIndex INT, 19 @TotalCount INT OUTPUT 20 ) 21 AS 22 BEGIN 23 -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from 24 -- interfering with SELECT statements. 25 SET NOCOUNT ON; 26 27 DECLARE @CodeList NVARCHAR(max) 28 DECLARE @str NVARCHAR(max) 29 SET @CodeList =( SELECT DISTINCT ‘[‘+ iscp.CrudeStandard+‘],‘ 30 FROM dbo.T_H_InternalStandardCrudePrice iscp 31 FOR XML PATH(‘‘) 32 ) 33 SET @CodeList = SUBSTRING(@CodeList,1,LEN(@CodeList)-1) 34 PRINT @CodeList 35 36 SELECT iscp.PriceDate,iscp.CrudeStandard,iscp.CrudeStandardPrice 37 INTO #A 38 FROM dbo.T_H_InternalStandardCrudePrice iscp 39 WHERE iscp.PriceDate BETWEEN @BeginDate AND @EndDate 40 41 42 SET @str = ‘ 43 SELECT Row=row_number() over(order by PriceDate desc), PriceDate,‘+@CodeList+‘ 44 FROM ( 45 select * from #A 46 )AS A 47 PIVOT ( sum(A.CrudeStandardPrice) FOR A.CrudeStandard IN (‘+@CodeList+‘ ) 48 )AS B‘ 49 SET @str =‘ SELECT * INTO ##A 50 FROM (‘+@str+‘) as C‘ 51 52 EXEC(@str) 53 54 SELECT * 55 FROM ##A AS tempA 56 WHERE tempA.Row BETWEEN @PageSize * @PageIndex AND @PageSize *(@PageIndex + 1) 57 58 SELECT @TotalCount =( SELECT COUNT(*) 59 FROM ##A 60 ) 61 DROP TABLE #A 62 DROP TABLE ##A 63 64 END
T-sql 行转列,数据库查询分页
标签:pivot extra alt == time tween roc exe pat