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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:40人阅读

* from (select a.*,rownum rc from 表名 where rownum<=endrow) a where a.rc>=startrow 2.DB2数据库分页 Select * from (select rownumber() over() as rc,a.* from (select * from 表名 order by 列名) as a) where rc between startrow and endrow 3.SQL Server 2000数据库分页 Select top pagesize * from 表名 where 列名 not in(select top pagesize*page 列名 from 表名 order by 列名) order by 列名 4.SQL Server 2005数据库分页 Select * from (select 列名,row_搜索number() over(order by 列名1) as 别名from 表名) as t where t.列名1>=startrow and t.列名1<=endrow 5.MySQL数据库分页 Select * from 表名 limit startrow,pagesize (Pagesize为每页显示的记录条数) 6.PostgreSQL数据库分页 Select * from 表名 limit pagesize,offset startrow (Pagesize为每页显示的记录条数.) 7.通用模式 select * from ( select * from tb_student where sid not in(select sid from tb_student where rownum<=(currentPage-1)*pageSize)) where rownum <=pageSize;



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