时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:58人阅读
public class HotStandby_RechargeType : IOracleCustomType { public void FromCustomObject(OracleConnection con, IntPtr pUdt) { OracleUdt.SetValue(con, pUdt, "USERNAME", this.UserName); OracleUdt.SetValue(con, pUdt, "MSGTYPE", this.MsgType); OracleUdt.SetValue(con, pUdt, "VAL", this.Val); } public void ToCustomObject(OracleConnection con, IntPtr pUdt) { this.UserName = (string)OracleUdt.GetValue(con, pUdt, "USERNAME"); this.MsgType = (int)OracleUdt.GetValue(con, pUdt, "MSGTYPE"); this.Val = (int)OracleUdt.GetValue(con, pUdt, "VAL"); } [OracleObjectMapping("USERNAME")] public string UserName { get; set; } [OracleObjectMapping("MSGTYPE")] public int MsgType { get; set; } [OracleObjectMapping("VAL")] public int Val { get; set; } } [OracleCustomTypeMappingAttribute("HOTSTANDBY_RECHARGE")] public class HotStandby_RechargeFactory : IOracleCustomTypeFactory { public IOracleCustomType CreateObject() { return new HotStandby_RechargeType(); } } [OracleCustomTypeMapping("HOTSTANDBY_RECHARGE_ARRAY")] public class HotStandby_RechargeArrayFactory : IOracleArrayTypeFactory { public Array CreateArray(int numElems) { return new HotStandby_RechargeFactory[numElems]; } public Array CreateStatusArray(int numElems) { return null; } }
--创建表 CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE HOTSTANDBY_RECHARGE_ARRAY as table of HotStandby_Recharge --创建类型 CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE HotStandby_Recharge is object( UserName varchar2(50), MsgType integer, Val integer )
create or replace procedure Proc_HotStandbyQuotaChange ( FeeDeduction in HotStandby_Recharge_Array, Recharge in HotStandby_Recharge_Array, result out integer )as cursor f_cursor is select * from table(FeeDeduction) ; cursor r_cursor is select * from table(Recharge); v_userid integer:=0; f_row f_cursor%rowtype; r_row r_cursor%rowtype; begin open f_cursor;--打开游标 -- fetch f_cursor into f_row ; loop fetch f_cursor into f_row ; --让游标指针往下移动 exit when f_cursor%notfound; update user_amountinfo t set t.amount=t.amount-(f_row.Val) where t.userid=(select c.userid from base_userinfo c where c.username=f_row.UserName) and t.msgtype=f_row.MsgType; -- fetch f_cursor into f_row ; end loop; close f_cursor; open r_cursor; loop fetch r_cursor into r_row; exit when r_cursor%notfound; select t.userid into v_userid from user_amountinfo t where t.userid = (select u.userid from base_userinfo u where u.username =r_row.UserName) and t.msgtype = r_row.MsgType; if (v_userid>0) then update user_amountinfo t set t.amount=t.amount-(r_row.Val),t.addtime=SYSDATE(),t.rechargeamount=t.rechargeamount-(r_row.Val) where t.userid=v_userid and t.msgtype=r_row.MsgType; elsif (v_userid<=0) then insert into user_amountinfo(userid,amount,msgtype,addtime,rechargeamount) values(v_userid,r_row.Val,r_row.MsgType,Sysdate(),r_row.Val); end if; end loop; close r_cursor; commit; result:=sqlcode; end Proc_HotStandbyQuotaChange;
标签:存储过程 hot output factory typename 创建类型 ora put 游标