时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:7人阅读
#!/bin/bash function isExist_dbuser() { [ $# -ne 1 ] && { printf "Call the function isExist_dbuser error.\n";return 1;} local dbname=$(echo $1|tr ‘[a-z]‘ ‘[A-Z]‘) local SELECT_DBNAME_SQL="select_dbname.sql" local SELECT_DBNAME_RESULT="select_dbname.result" rm -f "${SELECT_DBNAME_SQL}" touch "${SELECT_DBNAME_SQL}" echo "select username from dba_users;" >> "${SELECT_DBNAME_SQL}" echo "exit" >> "${SELECT_DBNAME_SQL}" sqlplus -S / as sysdba < "${SELECT_DBNAME_SQL}" > "${SELECT_DBNAME_RESULT}" grep "^${dbname}$" "${SELECT_DBNAME_RESULT}" &> /dev/null && return 0 || return 1 } [ $# -ne 1 ] && { printf "Usage:$(basename $0) dbname";exit 1;} [ $(whoami) != ‘oracle‘ ]&&{ printf "Please execute script on the oracle user,exit\n";exit 1;} DBNAME=$(echo $1|tr ‘[a-z]‘ ‘[A-Z]‘) KILL_SESSION_SQL="kill_session.sql" KILL_SESSION_RESULT="kill_session.result" DROP_USER_SQL="drop_user.sql" rm "${KILL_SESSION_SQL}" "${KILL_SESSION_RESULT}" "${DROP_USER_SQL}" touch "${KILL_SESSION_SQL}" "${KILL_SESSION_RESULT}" "${DROP_USER_SQL}" isExist_dbuser ${DBNAME} || {printf "The user of ${DBNAME} not exist,please input again.\n";exit 1;} echo "SELECT ‘alter system kill session ‘||‘‘‘‘ ||t.sid ||‘,‘||t.SERIAL#|| ‘‘‘‘ FROM v$session t WHERE t.USERNAME="${DBNAME}";" >> "${KILL_SESSION_SQL}" sqlplus -S / as sysdba < "${KILL_SESSION_SQL}" > "${KILL_SESSION_RESULT}" grep ‘^alter system kill session‘ "${KILL_SESSION_RESULT}" >> "${DROP_USER_SQL}" echo "drop user ${dbaname} cascade;" >> "${DROP_USER_SQL}" echo "exit" >> "${DROP_USER_SQL}" sqlplus -S / as sysdba < "${DROP_USER_SQL}" isExist_dbuser ${DBNAME} && {printf "Drop the user of ${DBNAME} success\n";exit;} || {printf "Drop the user of ${DBNAME} fail\n";exit 1;}
标签:gre 成功 users class turn $0 dev exec size