时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:11人阅读
1 internal class SqlConnection_WR_Safe : IDisposable 2 { 3 /// <summary> 4 /// SqlConnection 5 /// </summary> 6 public DbConnection DbConnection { get; set; } 7 8 public SqlConnection_WR_Safe(Opt_DataBaseType dataBaseType, string ConnString_RW) 9 { 10 this.DbConnection = GetDbConnection(dataBaseType, ConnString_RW); 11 } 12 /** 13 * if read db disabled,switchover to read write db immediately 14 * */ 15 public SqlConnection_WR_Safe(Opt_DataBaseType dataBaseType, string ConnString_R, string ConnString_RW) 16 { 17 try 18 { 19 this.DbConnection = GetDbConnection(dataBaseType, ConnString_R); 20 } 21 catch (Exception) 22 { 23 this.DbConnection = GetDbConnection(dataBaseType, ConnString_RW); 24 } 25 } 26 27 /// <summary> 28 /// GetDataBase ConnectionString by database type and connection string -- private use 29 /// </summary> 30 /// <param name="dataBaseType"></param> 31 /// <param name="ConnString"></param> 32 /// <returns></returns> 33 private DbConnection GetDbConnection(Opt_DataBaseType dataBaseType, string ConnString) 34 { 35 switch (dataBaseType) 36 { 37 case Opt_DataBaseType.SqlServer: 38 return new SqlConnection(ConnString); 39 case Opt_DataBaseType.MySql: 40 return new MySqlConnection(ConnString); 41 case Opt_DataBaseType.Oracle: 42 return new OracleConnection(ConnString); 43 default: 44 return new SqlConnection(ConnString); 45 } 46 } 47 /// <summary> 48 /// Must Close Connection after use 49 /// </summary> 50 public void Dispose() 51 { 52 if (this.DbConnection != null) 53 { 54 this.DbConnection.Dispose(); 55 } 56 } 57 }
1 internal class DbCommandCommon : IDisposable 2 { 3 /// <summary> 4 /// common dbcommand 5 /// </summary> 6 public DbCommand DbCommand { get; set; } 7 public DbCommandCommon(Opt_DataBaseType dataBaseType) 8 { 9 this.DbCommand = GetDbCommand(dataBaseType); 10 } 11 12 /// <summary> 13 /// Get DbCommand select database type 14 /// </summary> 15 /// <param name="dataBaseType"></param> 16 /// <returns></returns> 17 private DbCommand GetDbCommand(Opt_DataBaseType dataBaseType) 18 { 19 switch (dataBaseType) 20 { 21 case Opt_DataBaseType.SqlServer: 22 return new SqlCommand(); 23 case Opt_DataBaseType.MySql: 24 return new MySqlCommand(); 25 case Opt_DataBaseType.Oracle: 26 return new OracleCommand(); 27 default: 28 return new SqlCommand(); 29 } 30 } 31 /// <summary> 32 /// must dispose after use 33 /// </summary> 34 public void Dispose() 35 { 36 if (this.DbCommand != null) 37 { 38 this.DbCommand.Dispose(); 39 } 40 } 41 }
1 /// <summary> 2 /// DbDataAdapterCommon 3 /// </summary> 4 internal class DbDataAdapterCommon : DbDataAdapter, IDisposable 5 { 6 public DbDataAdapter DbDataAdapter { get; set; } 7 public DbDataAdapterCommon(Opt_DataBaseType dataBaseType, DbCommand dbCommand) 8 { 9 //get dbAdapter 10 this.DbDataAdapter = GetDbAdapter(dataBaseType, dbCommand); 11 //provid select command 12 this.SelectCommand = dbCommand; 13 } 14 private DbDataAdapter GetDbAdapter(Opt_DataBaseType dataBaseType, DbCommand dbCommand) 15 { 16 switch (dataBaseType) 17 { 18 case Opt_DataBaseType.SqlServer: 19 return new SqlDataAdapter(); 20 case Opt_DataBaseType.MySql: 21 return new MySqlDataAdapter(); 22 case Opt_DataBaseType.Oracle: 23 return new OracleDataAdapter(); 24 default: 25 return new SqlDataAdapter(); 26 } 27 } 28 /// <summary> 29 /// must dispose after use 30 /// </summary> 31 public new void Dispose() 32 { 33 if (this.DbDataAdapter != null) 34 { 35 this.DbDataAdapter.Dispose(); 36 } 37 } 38 }
>1 这里以ExecuteNonQuery为例:
1 public static int ExecuteNonQuery(string commandTextOrSpName, CommandType commandType = CommandType.Text) 2 { 3 using (SqlConnection_WR_Safe conn = new SqlConnection_WR_Safe(dataBaseType, ConnString_RW)) 4 { 5 using (DbCommandCommon cmd = new DbCommandCommon(dataBaseType)) 6 { 7 PreparCommand(conn.DbConnection, cmd.DbCommand, commandTextOrSpName, commandType); 8 return cmd.DbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); 9 } 10 } 11 }
>2 查询ExecuteDataSet方法:
1 public static DataSet ExecuteDataSet(string commandTextOrSpName, CommandType commandType = CommandType.Text) 2 { 3 using (SqlConnection_WR_Safe conn = new SqlConnection_WR_Safe(dataBaseType, ConnString_R, ConnString_RW)) 4 { 5 using (DbCommandCommon cmd = new DbCommandCommon(dataBaseType)) 6 { 7 PreparCommand(conn.DbConnection, cmd.DbCommand, commandTextOrSpName, commandType); 8 using (DbDataAdapterCommon da = new DbDataAdapterCommon(dataBaseType, cmd.DbCommand)) 9 { 10 DataSet ds = new DataSet(); 11 da.Fill(ds); 12 return ds; 13 } 14 } 15 } 16 }
本类分为 ExecuteNonQuery、ExecuteScalar、ExecuteScalar、ExecuteDataTable、ExecuteDataSet、ExecuteList Entity、ExecuteEntity七大部分,每一部分分为 无条件参数执行Sql语句或存储过程、SqlParameter[]参数执行Sql语句,Object[]参数执行存储过程三个重载方法。
1 public static List<Entity> GetListFromDataSet<Entity>(DataSet ds) where Entity : class 2 { 3 List<Entity> list = new List<Entity>();//实例化一个list对象 4 PropertyInfo[] propertyInfos = typeof(Entity).GetProperties(); //获取T对象的所有公共属性 5 6 DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; // 获取到ds的dt 7 if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) 8 { 9 //判断读取的行是否>0 即数据库数据已被读取 10 foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) 11 { 12 Entity model1 = System.Activator.CreateInstance<Entity>();//实例化一个对象,便于往list里填充数据 13 foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in propertyInfos) 14 { 15 try 16 { 17 //遍历模型里所有的字段 18 if (row[propertyInfo.Name] != System.DBNull.Value) 19 { 20 //判断值是否为空,如果空赋值为null见else 21 if (propertyInfo.PropertyType.IsGenericType && propertyInfo.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Equals(typeof(Nullable<>))) 22 { 23 //如果convertsionType为nullable类,声明一个NullableConverter类,该类提供从Nullable类到基础基元类型的转换 24 NullableConverter nullableConverter = new NullableConverter(propertyInfo.PropertyType); 25 //将convertsionType转换为nullable对的基础基元类型 26 propertyInfo.SetValue(model1, Convert.ChangeType(row[propertyInfo.Name], nullableConverter.UnderlyingType), null); 27 } 28 else 29 { 30 propertyInfo.SetValue(model1, Convert.ChangeType(row[propertyInfo.Name], propertyInfo.PropertyType), null); 31 } 32 } 33 else 34 { 35 propertyInfo.SetValue(model1, null, null);//如果数据库的值为空,则赋值为null 36 } 37 } 38 catch (Exception) 39 { 40 propertyInfo.SetValue(model1, null, null);//如果数据库的值为空,则赋值为null 41 } 42 } 43 list.Add(model1);//将对象填充到list中 44 } 45 } 46 return list; 47 }
1 public static Entity GetEntityFromDataReader<Entity>(DbDataReader reader) where Entity : class 2 { 3 Entity model = System.Activator.CreateInstance<Entity>(); //实例化一个T类型对象 4 PropertyInfo[] propertyInfos = model.GetType().GetProperties(); //获取T对象的所有公共属性 5 using (reader) 6 { 7 if (reader.Read()) 8 { 9 foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in propertyInfos) 10 { 11 //遍历模型里所有的字段 12 if (reader[propertyInfo.Name] != System.DBNull.Value) 13 { 14 //判断值是否为空,如果空赋值为null见else 15 if (propertyInfo.PropertyType.IsGenericType && propertyInfo.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Equals(typeof(Nullable<>))) 16 { 17 //如果convertsionType为nullable类,声明一个NullableConverter类,该类提供从Nullable类到基础基元类型的转换 18 NullableConverter nullableConverter = new NullableConverter(propertyInfo.PropertyType); 19 //将convertsionType转换为nullable对的基础基元类型 20 propertyInfo.SetValue(model, Convert.ChangeType(reader[propertyInfo.Name], nullableConverter.UnderlyingType), null); 21 } 22 else 23 { 24 propertyInfo.SetValue(model, Convert.ChangeType(reader[propertyInfo.Name], propertyInfo.PropertyType), null); 25 } 26 } 27 else 28 { 29 propertyInfo.SetValue(model, null, null);//如果数据库的值为空,则赋值为null 30 } 31 } 32 return model;//返回T类型的赋值后的对象 model 33 } 34 } 35 return default(Entity);//返回引用类型和值类型的默认值0或null 36 }
1 public static Entity GetEntityFromDataSet<Entity>(DataSet ds) where Entity : class 2 { 3 return GetListFromDataSet<Entity>(ds).FirstOrDefault(); 4 }
1 public class TB_People 2 { 3 public Guid Uid { get; set; } 4 public string Name { get; set; } 5 public int Age { get; set; } 6 public int ClassId { get; set; } 7 }
1 List<TB_People> peopleList = Db_Helper_DG.ExecuteList<TB_People>("select * from student where ClassId=?ClassId", System.Data.CommandType.Text, new MySqlParameter("?ClassId", 1)); 2 foreach (var item in peopleList) 3 { 4 Console.WriteLine(item.Name); 5 }
这里的MySql语句 select * from student where ClassId=?ClassId 然后参数化赋值 ?ClassId=1 进行查询。
1 List<TB_People> peopleList = Db_Helper_DG.ExecuteList<TB_People>("select * from TB_People where ClassId=@ClassId", System.Data.CommandType.Text, new SqlParameter("@ClassId", 1)); 2 foreach (var item in peopleList) 3 { 4 Console.WriteLine(item.Name); 5 }
select * from TB_People where ClassId =1,ClassId按照SqlServer参数传递的方式进行传递。
C#操作SqlServer MySql Oracle通用帮助类
标签:一个 ado.net 字段 实例化 ble 系统 tables param row