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mysql中多个left join子查询写法以及别名用法

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:3人阅读

SELECT     a.id,     a.thumbNail,     a. NAME,     a.marketPrice,     a.memberPrice,     a.personName,     a. STATUS,     a.recieveOrderDate,     a.trackNumber,     a.contact,     a.reportSendDate,     b.trackNumber,     a.reportDownloadPath FROM     (         SELECT             od.id,             ps.thumbNail,             ps. NAME,             od.marketPrice,             od.memberPrice,             od.personName,             od. STATUS,             od.recieveOrderDate,             ol.trackNumber,             ol.contact,             od.reportSendDate,             od.reportSendOrderLogisticId,             od.reportDownloadPath         FROM             orders.order_detail od         LEFT JOIN orders.order_logistics ol ON od.recieveOrderLogisticId = ol.id         LEFT JOIN orders.product_snapshot ps ON od.productSnapShotId = ps.id         WHERE             od.valid = TRUE         AND ol.valid = TRUE         AND od.orderId =?     ) a LEFT JOIN (     SELECT         ol.trackNumber,         od.id     FROM         orders.order_detail od     LEFT JOIN orders.order_logistics ol ON od.reportSendOrderLogisticId = ol.id     WHERE         od.valid = TRUE     AND ol.valid = TRUE     AND od.orderId =? ) b ON a.id = b.id     ps:解释下 对于Mysql中的语句,牵扯到左查询时  可以用left join关联  但一般对于不知道什么时候起别名 什么时候用括号的老铁们 真实头疼  所以发个模板 剩下的根据自己的业务具体实施。

mysql中多个left join子查询写法以及别名用法

标签:写法   col   from   port   ack   member   div   size   bsp   
