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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:6人阅读

增(一共有三种方式) # 插入单条记录 insert into t1(name,...) values(lzp,..); 注意一点:t1(name,...)必须包含所有非空列(除去自增列) # 插入多条记录 insert into t1(name,age) values(lzp,12),(alex,30); # 拷贝复制(拷贝t2表的数据到t1) insert into t1(name,age) values select name,age from t2; #2 改 update t1 set name=b,age=13 where name=lzp; update t1 set name=c where name=alex; #3 查(重点) select [...] from tb [...] 从前面[]扩展: select name as cname, age from tb1; # 起别名 select name, age, 1 from tb1; # 多显示一列,该列的值为常量 select name, age, variable from tb1; # 多显示一列,该列的值为变量,变量的定义在前面实现 从后面的[]扩展: 1 where select name, age from tb1 where id in2,4,6) # id =2 或id=4,或id=6 集合(2,4,6) select name, age from tb1 where id <> 3 # <>不等于(小于<或者大于>select name, age from tb1 where id not in (2,4,6) select name, age from tb1 where id between 5 and 12; # id in [5,12] #闭区间集合[5,12] select name, age from tb1 where id in (select id from tb2); # 通配符%(多个任意字符), 下划线_(一个任意字符) select name, age from tb1 where name like "a%" # 以a开头的名字 note: 不能允许这种 where id =1 and id=2, 这样查到的肯定是Null 2 分页limit [start], count ; start 是从0开始,默认值=0;count表示查看的记录数 select name, age from tb1 limit 10; #查看第一条数据到第10条数据; select name, age from tb1 limit 10,10; #查看第11条数据到第20条数据 简单分页: page = int(input(‘‘).strip()) start = (page-1)*10 select name, age from tb1 limit start,10 limit 10 offset=20; 等效 3 order by 排序 order by 列名 [asc|desc] # 列名都是整数 select name, age from tb1 order by id desc;# 按id从大到小排序 select name, age from tb1 order by id desc limit 0,2; # 多列排序 order by cow_1 desc, cow_2 desc # 注意不是order by cow_1, order by cow_2 先按cow_1降序排,如果cow_1有相同的记录,对cow_1相同的记录按cow_2进行降序排 4 分组group by + 聚合函数 group by part_id: 可以理解成,将part_id相同的折成一条记录(怎么折?去重(最好不用distinct) 对于相同的记录,可以根据函数count(),max(),min(),sum(),avg()折成一条记录 这些函数称为聚合函数 example1: 用户表,部门表,查看每个部门有多少人 select part_id, count(id), max(id) from tb1 group by part_id; 5 分组group by + 聚合函数 + 二次刷选(having) 对聚合函数结果进行二次刷选时,必须用having select part_id, count(id) from tb1 group by part_id having count(id) > 1 # 刷选出部门人数大于1的部门 6 连表操作 将所有表select出来,然后告诉他们的关系 select * from user, department where user.part_id = department.id 推荐:left join ...on (之前版本性能更好,目前版本两者性能是一致) #将所有表select 出来; select * from tb1 left join tb2 # on tb1.part_id = tb2.id 告诉他们表之间的关系 select * from user left join department on user.part_id = department.id 7 连表操作left join 和right join, inner join 区别 select * from tb1 left join tb2 where ... tb1会全部显示,左边的表会全部显示; inner join 等效于将实现left join连表,后将Null出现的整行隐藏(不显示) 8 多张表连接 select * from tb1 left join tb2 where ... # 此时只能告诉tb1和tb2的关系 left join tb3 where ... # 此时可以告诉tb1和tb3的关系,tb2和tb3的关系(此时,已经将tb1,tb2,tb3关联进来了) 连表的时候,如果遇到列名相同,*可变成表名. select tb1.id, tb2.id, tb3.id from tb1 left join tb2 where .. left join tb3 where .. 举例: http://images2015.cnblogs.com/blog/425762/201608/425762-20160803224643778-2071849037.png http://www.cnblogs.com/wupeiqi/articles/5729934.html 学生,班级,老师,课程,成绩表: 学生表:foreign key 班级表 班级表: 课程表:foreign key 老师 成绩表:学生id, 课程id, 分数; foreign key 学生表, foreign key 课程表 #9 临时表 将查询得到的数据,作为一个临时表;在内存中存储,但并没有写到硬盘上。 语法: (select * from tb1 where age > 20) as B; select sid fromselect * from tb1 where age > 20) as B; #10 增加显示列(前提:select score from tb1 where name="yuwen"只能是一个值) select id, (select score from tb1 where name="yuwen") from tb2; tb1和tb2不是同一表,增加的显示列不是处理同一个表同一行的数据 #11 增加显示列 select id, (select score from tb1 as s2 where s2.id= s1.id) as score from tb1 as s1 # 最外层的循环,一行一行数据 # 里面的循环,每一行中的一列一列 #12 条件语句 case when min(num) < 10 then 0 else 1 end as c #13 mysql的三元运算 if(True, 1,0) # 计算课程平均分从高到底显示,显示任课老师 avg(if(isnull(score.num), 0, score.num)) # 因为为空的时候无法计算 select score.course_id, course.cname, teacher.tname, avg(if(isnull(score.num), 0, score.num)) as average from score left join course on score.course_id=course.cid left join teacher on course.teacher_id=teacher.tid group by score.course_id order by average desc; # 此时可以用average,但是在select里面不能用average #14 双重循环 select * from (select A.student_id, A.course_id, A.num, (select B.num from score as B where B.course_id = A.course_id order by B.num desc limit 0,1) as frist_s, (select B.num from score as B where B.course_id = A.course_id order by B.num desc limit 1,1) as second_s from score as A) as C where C.num >= C.second_s #15 多表操作,直接用连表,会比较好理解和设置where #16 # 查询没有学过李平老师课学生的姓名,id---没有学过李平老师任何一门课的学生 先刷选出选过李平老师任意一门课的学生, # 碰到Not,一定要在最顶一层进行Not, 在学生表里面not in (学过老师课程学生的id,还有进行分组过滤掉重复的) # 先查到李平老师教过哪些课; -- select student.sid,student.sname from student where student.sid not in ( -- select student_id from score -- where score.course_id in (select cid from course left join teacher on course.teacher_id=teacher.tid where teacher.tname=李平老师) -- group by student_id); #17 where group by having : 先进行where一次刷选,再进行group having刷选 #18 union 上下连表(union自动去重,union all则不会去重) select id, name from tb1 union select sid, sname frou stb1;



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