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python init 方法 与 sql语句当前时间对比

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:21人阅读

_report as (
select t0.id,t0.hpartner_id as hpartner_id, t0.khwl_code as khwl_code,t1.product_tmpl_id as productn,
t4.id as name_uom, t5.price as custo_price,t0.product_meno as product_meno ,t0.meno as meno,t5.date_from,t5.date_to
from product_custo_info t0
LEFT JOIN product_product t1 on t0.product_tmpl_id=t1.product_tmpl_id
LEFT JOIN product_template t3 on t3.id=t1.product_tmpl_id
LEFT JOIN res_partner t2 on t2.id=t0.hpartner_id
LEFT JOIN product_uom t4 on t3.uom_id=t4.id
left join partner_product_price t5 on t5.ppp_line_id=t0.id



select * from (select  t1.id,t0.product_meno,
 t0.hpartner_id,t0.khwl_code ,t0.name_uom,t0.custo_price  
,t0.product_meno,t0.meno,t2.pname ,t0.date_from,t0.date_to
from cust_product_info_report  t0  
LEFT JOIN product_product t1 on t1.product_tmpl_id=t0.productn  
LEFT JOIN product_template t2  on t1.product_tmpl_id=t2.id
where  (now()>=t0.date_from  and now()<=t0.date_to) or  (t0.date_from is null and t0.date_to is null )  or
(t0.date_from is null and (now()<=t0.date_to))  or (t0.date_to is null and (now()>=t0.date_from))
 as p where  hpartner_id=‘16404‘  
 order by pname

python init 方法 与 sql语句当前时间对比

标签:template   exec   exist   date   ice   repo   now()   方法   select   
