当前位置:Gxlcms > 数据库问题 > {oldboy-django][2深入django]分页功能


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:20人阅读

en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Title</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/plugins/bootstrap-3.3.7-dist/css/bootstrap.css"> </head> <body> <p>用户信息</p> <table class="table"> <thead> <tr> <th>id</th> <th>name</th> <th>age</th> <th>type</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> {% for row in current_page_obj %} <tr> <td>{{ row.id }}</td> <td>{{ row.name }}</td> <td>{{ row.age }}</td> <td>{{ row.ut.title }}</td> </tr> {% endfor %} </tbody> </table> <div> {% if current_page_obj.has_previous %} <a href="/fenye/?page={{ current_page_obj.previous_page_number }}">上一页</a> {% endif %} {% for page in current_page_obj.paginator.page_range %} <a href="/fenye/?page={{ page }}">{{ page }}</a> {% endfor %} {% if current_page_obj.has_next %} <a href="/fenye/?page={{ current_page_obj.next_page_number }}">下一页</a> {% endif %} </div> </body> </html> View Code

  1.2 分页视图函数

def fenye(request):

    user_list = models.UserInfo.objects.all()
    # 实现分页功能
    from django.core.paginator import Page,Paginator

    current_page_number = request.GET.get(page)
    paginator = Paginator(user_list, 10)
            # print(paginator.count)            #数据总行数 305
            # print(paginator.num_pages)        #总页数 31
            # print(paginator.object_list)      #当前页的数据 QuerySet[obj,obj]
            # print(paginator.per_page)         #每一页显示多少行数据10
            # print(paginator.page_range)       #页数的范围(1,32), 是一个range(1,32),即是一个数组
            # print(paginator.page(1))          #里面的1表示页码数,
        current_page_obj = paginator.page(current_page_number) # 也是一个QuerySet对象 [obj,obj,..]
    except Exception as e:
        current_page_obj = paginator.page(1)

            # print(current_page_obj.has_next())          #当前页是否有下一页
            # print(current_page_obj.next_page_number())  #当前页的下一页码
            # print(current_page_obj.has_previous())      # 当前页是否有上一页
            # print(current_page_obj.previous_page_number())# 当前页的上一页码
            # print(current_page_obj.object_list)         # 当前页的数据行列表QuerySet[obj,obj,...]
            # print(current_page_obj.number)              # 当前页码
            # print(current_page_obj.paginator)           # 当前页的paginator对象

    return render(request, fenye.html, {current_page_obj: current_page_obj})
View Code



2 自定义分页

  2.1 模板

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/plugins/bootstrap-3.3.7-dist/css/bootstrap.css">
    <table  class="table">
            {% for row in user_list %}
                    <td>{{ row.id }}</td>
                    <td>{{ row.name }}</td>
                    <td>{{ row.age }}</td>
                    <td>{{ row.ut.title }}</td>
            {% endfor %}

{#    {{ page_info.pager|safe }}#}

    <nav aria-label="Page navigation">
        <ul class="pagination">
            {{ page_info.pager|safe }}

{#    <div>#}
{#        {% if current_page_obj.has_previous %}#}
{#            <a href="/fenye/?page={{ current_page_obj.previous_page_number }}">上一页</a>#}
{#        {% endif %}#}
{#        {% for page in current_page_obj.paginator.page_range %}#}
{#            <a href="/fenye/?page={{ page }}">{{ page }}</a>#}
{#        {% endfor %}#}
{#        {% if current_page_obj.has_next %}#}
{#            <a href="/fenye/?page={{ current_page_obj.next_page_number }}">下一页</a>#}
{#        {% endif %}#}
{#    </div>#}
View Code

  2.2 自定义模块

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys

if __name__ == "__main__":
    os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "day4.settings")
        from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line
    except ImportError:
        # The above import may fail for some other reason. Ensure that the
        # issue is really that Django is missing to avoid masking other
        # exceptions on Python 2.
            import django
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError(
                "Couldn‘t import Django. Are you sure it‘s installed and "
                "available on your PYTHONPATH environment variable? Did you "
                "forget to activate a virtual environment?"
View Code

  2.3 视图

def custom_fenye(request):
    from utils.pagation_define import PageInfo
    current_page_number = request.GET.get(page)
    all_count = models.UserInfo.objects.all().count()
    page_info = PageInfo(current_page_number, all_count, "/custom_fenye.html/")
    user_list = models.UserInfo.objects.all()[page_info.start():page_info.end()]  # 列表切片操作 a[start:end]   start<= index < end
    return render(request, custom_fenye.html, {user_list: user_list, page_info: page_info})
View Code



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