时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:72人阅读
select * from Info
select Code as ‘代号‘,Name as ‘姓名‘ from Info
Where后面跟条件 条件要写清楚
Select * from score where degree =”92”;
Select * from score where cno=‘3-245‘ and degree=”86”
或者用or 并且用and
查找老师表中姓李的 名字是两个字老师
select * from teacher
where tName like ‘%李%‘
%代表任意多个字符 _代表一个字符
(4)排序查询 order by 字段 排序值(desc/asc )
select * from student order by class asc
(5)范围查询 关系运算符 between。。。and
select * from Car where Price>=40 and Price<=60
select * from Car where Price between 40 and 50、
(6)离散查询 in not in
select * from student where sname in (‘张三‘,‘李四‘)
。。。where sname =“张三” or sname =“李四”
select sum(Price) from Car #查询所有价格之和 sum()求和
select count(Code) from Car #查询数据条数
select max(Code) from Car #求最大值
select min(Brand) from Car #求最小值
select avg(Price) from Car #求平均值
(8)分页查询 limit 从第几条开始,取多少条数据
select * from student limit (pageSize-1)*5,5
select distinct cno from score;
(10)分组查询 group by 字段 having 条件
select count(*),cno,group_concat(degree),sum(degree) from score group by cno ;
select cno,group_concat(degree),sum(degree) from score group by cno having count(*)>3
#分组之后根据条件查询使用having 不使用where
Select * from student as stu,score as sc
where stu.sno = sc.sno and sc.sno = “103” ;
select Code,Name from Info
select Code,Name from Nation
外层查询 (里层查询)
子查询:select Code from Nation where Name=‘汉族‘
父查询:select * from Info where Nation = ‘‘
select * from Info where Nation = (select Code from Nation where Name=‘汉族‘)
父查询:select * from Car where Oil<(该系列平均油耗)
子查询:select avg(Oil) from Car where Brand = ‘某个系列‘
select * from Car a where Oil<(select avg(Oil) from Car b where b.Brand = a.Brand )
标签:模糊查询 价格 cat rom 条件查询 strong 最大 student 模糊