时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:19人阅读
- # Enable to use MySQL 5.5
- [mysql55-community]
- name=MySQL 5.5 Community Server
- baseurl=http://repo.mysql.com/yum/mysql-5.5-community/el/6/$basearch/
- enabled=1
- gpgcheck=1
- gpgkey=file:/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-mysql
- # Enable to use MySQL 5.6
- [mysql56-community]
- name=MySQL 5.6 Community Server
- baseurl=http://repo.mysql.com/yum/mysql-5.6-community/el/6/$basearch/
- enabled=0
- gpgcheck=1
- gpgkey=file:/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-mysql
- yum install mysql-community-client mysql-community-devel mysql-community-server php-mysql
编辑 /etc/my.cnf 文件
- innodb_file_per_table=1 设置InnoDB为独立表空间模式,每个数据库的每个表都会生成一个数据目录
- innodb_buffer_pool_size= 默认值:128M,设置为操作系统内存的70%-80%最佳<br>service mysqld start 启动mysql<br>chkconfig mysqld on 设为开机启动<br><br>mysqladmin -u root password ‘root‘ 设置密码为root
CentOS 6.*通过yum安装 MySQL-5.5
标签:alt baseurl /etc/ x86_64 gpo pos 默认值 table 表空间