当前位置:Gxlcms > 数据库问题 > Mbatis——动态SQL


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:7人阅读

xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="com.nuch.edu.mapper.EmployeeDynamicSql"> <!-- • if:判断 • choose (when, otherwise):分支选择;带了break的swtich-case 如果带了id就用id查,如果带了lastName就用lastName查;只会进入其中一个 • trim 字符串截取(where(封装查询条件), set(封装修改条件)) • foreach 遍历集合 --> <!-- 查询员工,要求,携带了哪个字段查询条件就带上这个字段的值 --> <select id="getEmpsByConditionIf" resultType="com.nuch.edu.domain.Employee"> SELECT * FROM tbl_employee <where> <!-- test:判断表达式(OGNL) OGNL参照PPT或者官方文档。 --> <if test="id != null "> id = #{id} </if> <!-- ognl会进行字符串与数字的转换判断 "0"==0 --> <if test="gender==0 or gender ==1"> and gender = #{gender} </if> <if test="email != null and email.trim() != ‘‘"> and email = #{email} </if> <if test="lastName != null and lastName.trim() != ‘‘"> and last_name like #{lastName} </if> </where> </select> <select id="getEmpsByConditionTrim" resultType="com.nuch.edu.domain.Employee"> SELECT * FROM tbl_employee <!-- 后面多出的and或者or where标签不能解决 prefix="":前缀:trim标签体中是整个字符串拼串 后的结果。 prefix给拼串后的整个字符串加一个前缀 prefixOverrides="": 前缀覆盖: 去掉整个字符串前面多余的字符 suffix="":后缀 suffix给拼串后的整个字符串加一个后缀 suffixOverrides="" 后缀覆盖:去掉整个字符串后面多余的字符 --> <!-- 自定义字符串的截取规则 --> <trim prefix="where" prefixOverrides="and" suffix="" suffixOverrides="and"> <if test="id != null "> id = #{id} and </if> <if test="gender==0 or gender ==1"> gender = #{gender} and </if> <if test="email != null and email.trim() != ‘‘"> email = #{email} and </if> <if test="lastName != null and lastName.trim() != ‘‘"> last_name like #{lastName} and </if> </trim> </select> <select id="getEmpsByConditionChoose" resultType="com.nuch.edu.domain.Employee"> SELECT * FROM tbl_employee <where> <!-- 如果带了id就用id查,如果带了lastName就用lastName查;只会进入其中一个 --> <choose> <when test="id != null" >id = #{id}</when> <when test="email != null and email.trim() != ‘‘"> email = #{email}</when> <when test="lastName != null and lastName.trim() !=‘‘" >last_name = #{lastName}</when> <otherwise> gender = 1 </otherwise> </choose> </where> </select> <update id="UpdateEmpsBySet"> update tbl_employee <!-- Set标签的使用 --> <set> <if test="gender==0 or gender ==1"> gender = #{gender} , </if> <if test="email != null and email.trim() != ‘‘"> email = #{email} , </if> <if test="lastName != null and lastName.trim() != ‘‘"> last_name = #{lastName} , </if> </set> <where> <if test="id != null "> id = #{id} </if> </where> </update> <select id="getEmpsByConditionCollection" resultType="com.nuch.edu.domain.Employee"> SELECT * from tbl_employee WHERE id in <!-- collection:指定要遍历的集合: list类型的参数会特殊处理封装在map中,map的key就叫list item:将当前遍历出的元素赋值给指定的变量 separator:每个元素之间的分隔符 open:遍历出所有结果拼接一个开始的字符 close:遍历出所有结果拼接一个结束的字符 index:索引。遍历list的时候是index就是索引,item就是当前值 遍历map的时候index表示的就是map的key,item就是map的值 #{变量名}就能取出变量的值也就是当前遍历出的元素 --> <foreach collection="ids" item="id" open="(" close=")" separator=","> #{id} </foreach> </select> <!-- 批量保存 --> <!--MySQL下批量保存:可以foreach遍历 mysql支持values(),(),()语法--> <!-- <insert id="addEmps"> INSERT INTO tbl_employee (gender,email,last_name,dept_id) VALUES <foreach collection="emps" item="emp" separator=","> (#{emp.gender},#{emp.email},#{emp.lastName},#{emp.dept.id}) </foreach> </insert>--> <!-- 一次执行多个sql需要数据库连接属性allowMultiQueries=true; 这种分号分隔多个sql可以用于其他的批量操作(删除,修改) --> <!--url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mybatis?allowMultiQueries=true--> <insert id="addEmps"> <foreach collection="emps" item="emp" separator=";"> INSERT INTO tbl_employee (gender,email,last_name,dept_id) VALUES (#{emp.gender},#{emp.email},#{emp.lastName},#{emp.dept.id}) </foreach> </insert> </mapper>


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