时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:26人阅读
select * from scott.dept;
select * from scott.emp;
--dual 是 Oracle提供的一个虚表
select length(‘hello‘) from dual;
--lower把大写转小写 upper把小写转大写
select * from scott.emp where ename=‘smith‘;
select * from scott.emp where lower(ename)=‘smith‘;
select upper(‘helloworld‘) from dual;
select lower(‘HELLOWORLD‘) from dual;
select initcap(‘sql course‘) from dual;
--CONCAT 连接两个字符串
select concat(‘Hello‘,‘World‘) from dual;
--substr 取子字符串,从start开始,取count个
select substr(‘HelloWorld‘,1,5) from dual;
--substr 取子字符串,从4开始取到末尾
select substr(‘HelloWorld‘,-4) from dual;
--LENGTH 返回字符串的长度
select length(‘HelloWorld‘) from dual;
--INSTR(string,char) 在一个字符串中搜索指定的字符,返回发现指定的字符的位置,从1开始
select instr(‘HelloWorld‘,‘o‘) from dual;
select rpad(sal,8,‘*‘) from scott.emp;
select lpad(sal,8,‘*‘) from scott.emp;
select trim(‘ HelloWorld ‘) from dual;
select length(‘ HelloWorld ‘) from dual;
select length(trim(‘ HelloWorld ‘)) from dual;
select trim(‘H‘ from ‘HelloWorldH‘) from dual;
select trim(leading ‘H‘ from ‘HelloWorldH‘) from dual;
select trim(trailing ‘H‘ from ‘HelloWorldH‘) from dual;
select trim(both ‘H‘ from ‘HelloWorldH‘) from dual;
--string 希望被替换的字符或变量
--s1 需要被替换的字符串 s2 替换的字符串
select replace(‘HelloWorldH‘,‘ll‘,‘FF‘) from dual;
--数值函数 Round四舍五入
select Round(3.14159,3) from dual;
select TRUNC(3.14159,3) from dual;
select MOD(1600,300) from dual;
create table tb_test(
currdate date
select * from tb_test;
select sysdate from dual;
insert into tb_test(currdate)values(sysdate);
insert into tb_test(currdate)values(to_date(‘2018/1/14 02:03:42‘,‘yyyy/mm/dd hh:mi:ss‘));
insert into tb_test(currdate)values(to_date(‘2018/1/14‘,‘yyyy/mm/dd‘));
--oracle的日期类型时date 默认是yyyy/mm/dd hh:mi:ss
select sysdate from dual;
select sysdate+84 from dual;
--三个转换函数 to_date to_char to_number
select to_date(‘2018/1/14 02:03:42‘,‘yyyy/mm/dd hh:mi:ss‘) from dual;
select to_date(‘2018/1/14‘,‘yyyy/mm/dd‘) from dual;
--to_char(日期,格式) 将日期转成字符
select to_char(sysdate,‘yyyy/mm/dd‘) from dual;
select to_char(sysdate,‘yyyy/mm/dd hh:mi:ss‘) from dual;
select to_char(sysdate,‘mm‘) from dual;
select to_char(3.14159) from dual;
--to_number(字符串) 将一个字符串的数字转成number类型
select to_number(‘123.123‘) from dual;
select tb_number(‘abc‘) from dual;
select to_date(‘2018/04/08‘,‘yyyy/mm/dd‘)-sysdate from dual;
select TRUNC(to_date(‘2018/04/08‘,‘yyyy/mm/dd‘)-sysdate,0) from dual;
select sysdate-to_date(‘2018/04/08‘,‘yyyy/mm/dd‘) from dual;
select sysdate+2/24 from dual;
select sysdate+2/24/60 from dual;
select months_between(
)as months from dual;
select add_months(sysdate,3) from dual;
select next_day(sysdate,‘星期二‘) from dual;
--国外周日是1 , 所以3指周二
select next_day(sysdate,3) from dual;
select last_day(sysdate) from dual;
--得到下一小时 0分0秒
select trunc(sysdate+1/24,‘hh‘) from dual;
--得到下一天 0分0秒
select trunc(sysdate+1,‘dd‘) from dual;
--得到下一月 1号0分0秒
select last_day(sysdate) from dual;
select trunc(last_day(sysdate)+1) from dual;
--得到下一年 1月1号0分0秒
select trunc(sysdate,‘yyyy‘) from dual;
select add_months(trunc(sysdate,‘yyyy‘),12) from dual;
--Round四舍五入函数 默认按照 dd进行 4舍5入 超过中午 12点就进入下一天
select Round(sysdate) from dual;
select Round(sysdate,‘mm‘) from dual;
select Round(sysdate,‘yyyy‘) from dual;
select trunc(sysdate,‘mm‘) from dual;
select trunc(sysdate,‘dd‘) from dual;
select trunc(sysdate,‘hh‘) from dual;
select trunc(sysdate,‘mi‘)+1/24/60 from dual;
select trunc(sysdate)+1+2/24 from dual;
select trunc(next_day(sysdate,2))+2/24 from dual;
select trunc(last_day(sysdate))+1+2/24 from dual;
select trunc(add_months(sysdate,3),‘Q‘)+2/24 from dual;
select add_months(trunc(sysdate,‘yyyy‘),6)+2/24 from dual;
select add_months(trunc(sysdate,‘yyyy‘),12)+2/24 from dual;
--nvl函数 如果第一个参数为null,则取第二个参数
select comm from scott.emp;
select nvl(comm,0) from scott.emp;
select ename,sal,comm,(sal+comm)*12 年收入 from scott.emp;
select ename,sal,nvl(comm,0),(sal+nvl(comm,0))*12 from scott.emp;
--nvl2函数 如果第一个参数为null,则取第三个参数,否则取第二个参数
select nvl2(comm,comm,0) from scott.emp;
--nullif 相等返回null,不等返回expr1
select nullif(1,3) from dual;
select * from scott.emp;
select ename,job,sal 基本工资,
case job
when ‘SALESMAN‘ THEN sal+sal*0.9
when ‘MANAGER‘ THEN sal+sal*0.85
when ‘ANALYST‘ THEN sal+100
when ‘CLERK‘ THEN sal+200
else sal
as 实发工资 --作为别名
from scott.emp;
select ename,job,sal 基本工资,
‘SALESMAN‘, sal+sal*0.39,
‘MANAGER‘ , sal+sal*0.85,
‘ANALYST‘ , sal+100,
‘CLERK‘ , sal+200,
)as 实发工资 --别名
from scott.emp;
create table tb_course(
name varchar2(18),
course varchar2(18),
grade number
INSERT INTO tb_course(NAME,course,grade) VALUES(‘tom‘,‘JDBC‘,20);
INSERT INTO tb_course(NAME,course,grade) VALUES(‘tom‘,‘Hibernate‘,50);
INSERT INTO tb_course(NAME,course,grade) VALUES(‘tom‘,‘Spring‘,80);
INSERT INTO tb_course(NAME,course,grade) VALUES(‘mary‘,‘JDBC‘,30);
INSERT INTO tb_course(NAME,course,grade) VALUES(‘mary‘,‘Hibernate‘,60);
INSERT INTO tb_course(NAME,course,grade) VALUES(‘mary‘,‘Spring‘,70);
select * from tb_course;
select name,grade as JDBC from tb_course where course=‘JDBC‘;
select name,grade as Hibernate from tb_course where course=‘Hibernate‘;
select name,grade as Spring from tb_course where course=‘Spring‘;
select T4.name,T1.JDBC,T2.Hibernate,T3.Spring
(select name,grade as JDBC from tb_course where course=‘JDBC‘) T1,
(select name,grade as Hibernate from tb_course where course=‘Hibernate‘) T2,
(select name,grade as Spring from tb_course where course=‘Spring‘) T3,
(select distinct name from tb_course) T4
where T4.name = T1.name and T4.name = T2.name and T4.name = T3.name;
decode(course,‘JDBC‘,grade,0) AS JDBC,--如果‘course‘列的值是‘jdbc‘,则显示‘grade‘的值,否则显示0
decode(course,‘Hibernate‘,grade,0) AS Hibernate,
decode(course,‘Spring‘,grade,0) AS Spring
sum(decode(course,‘JDBC‘,grade,0)) JDBC,
sum(decode(course,‘Hibernate‘,grade,0)) Hibernate,
sum(decode(course,‘Spring‘,grade,0)) Spring
tb_course t
GROUP BY t.name;
标签:查询系统 com column cap 数据 ace 需要 超过 日期函数