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kafka 查询 SQL Query

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:21人阅读

. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wiseweb_crawler_foreignmedias WHERE site_id=90000 AND (gathertime BETWEEN 2017-05-01 00:00:01 AND 2017-05-10 23:59:59) 2、 SELECT site_id, COUNT(*) FROM wiseweb_crawler_foreignmedias WHERE (site_id BETWEEN 90000 and 99999) AND (gathertime BETWEEN 2017-05-11 00:00:01 AND 2017-05-11 23:59:59) GROUP BY site_id limit 3000 3 title:Иртыш потоп or content:Иртыш потоп AND gathertime:[ "2017-05-20 00:00:01" TO "2017-05-23 23:59:59"] 4 SELECT site_id,title,publishtime,gathertime FROM wiseweb_crawler_foreignmedias where (title = %Водная% OR content = %Водная%) AND(title = %сотрудничество% OR content = %сотрудничество%) AND(title = %Китай% OR content = %Китай%) 5 SELECT site_name,title,publishtime,content,url FROM wiseweb_crawler_website20170718 WHERE (title = 舆情 OR content = 舆情) AND (gathertime BETWEEN 2017-07-21 00:00:00 AND 2017-07-28 23:59:59)AND (site_id BETWEEN 129494 AND 130357) 金融116886-117064 金融 129494- 130357 SELECT site_id,title,publishtime,site_name FROM wiseweb_crawler_website20171024 where (content=%舆情%or content=%舆论引导%or content=%脱敏%or content=%数据脱敏%or content=%精准搜索%or content=%画像%or content=%风控%or content=%风险控制%or content=%内容管理%or content=%大数据分析% or content=%大数据采集%or content=%大数据挖掘%)and(contet=%招标公告% or title=%招标公告%) SELECT site_id,title,publishtime,content,site_name,url FROM wiseweb_crawler_website20171201 where (content=%舆情%or content=%舆论引导%or content=%脱敏%or content=%数据脱敏%or content=%精准搜索%or content=%画像%or content=%风控%or content=%风险控制%or content=%内容管理%or content=%大数据分析% or content=%大数据采集%or content=%大数据挖掘%)and(contet=%招标公告% or title=%招标公告%)AND (publishtime BETWEEN 2017-12-01 00:00:00 AND 2017-12-08 23:59:59)


kafka 查询 SQL Query

标签:log   count   sel   风控   内容   time   mit   web   数据分析   
