时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:15人阅读
2.Or 不会使用联合索引
/*创建测试数据表*/ create table MyTestTable ( id varchar(10)not null, parent varchar(40) not null, addtime datetime default(getdate()), intcolumn int default(10), bitcolumn bit default(1) ) go /*添加万条随机字符串测试数据耗时分钟*/ declare @count int=3557643 declare @i int =0 declare @id varchar(10),@parent varchar(40) while(@i<@count) begin select @id=left(newid(),10) if(@i % 20=0) begin select @parent=left(newid(),40) end insert MyTestTable(id,parent) values(@id,@parent) select @i=@i+1 end go
declare @beginTime datetime =getdate() declare @elapsedSecond int =0 select * from MyTestTable where parent=‘F92D6A9D-4E9E-4980-8B46-8AD938CEDCB4‘ and id=‘FD3687F4-1‘ select @elapsedSecond=DATEDIFF(MICROSECOND,@beginTime,GETDATE()) print ‘未建立索引时查找数据消耗微秒数‘ print @elapsedSecond select @beginTime=GETDATE() select * from MyTestTable where parent=‘F535C18F-BD48-4D45-88DF-9653BB9B422D‘ select @elapsedSecond=DATEDIFF(MICROSECOND,@beginTime,GETDATE()) print ‘未建立索引时查找第二列数据消耗微秒数‘ print @elapsedSecond
/*建立索引*/ alter table MyTestTable add constraint PK_id_parent primary key(id asc,parent asc) /*建立索引后的查询*/ declare @beginTime datetime =getdate() declare @elapsedSecond int =0 select * from MyTestTable where parent=‘F92D6A9D-4E9E-4980-8B46-8AD938CEDCB4‘ and id=‘FD3687F4-1‘ select @elapsedSecond=DATEDIFF(MICROSECOND,@beginTime,GETDATE()) print ‘建立索引时查找数据消耗微秒数‘ print @elapsedSecond select @beginTime=GETDATE() select * from MyTestTable where parent=‘F92D6A9D-4E9E-4980-8B46-8AD938CEDCB4‘ select @elapsedSecond=DATEDIFF(MICROSECOND,@beginTime,GETDATE()) print ‘建立索引后查找第二列数据消耗微秒数‘ print @elapsedSecond
/*索引使用测试结论*/ select * from MyTestTable where id=‘FD3687F4-1‘ --用索引 select * from MyTestTable where id=‘FD3687F4-1‘ and parent=‘F92D6A9D-4E9E-4980-8B46-8AD938CEDCB4‘ and intcolumn>0 --用索引 select * from MyTestTable where id=‘FD3687F4-1‘ and intcolumn>0 and parent=‘F92D6A9D-4E9E-4980-8B46-8AD938CEDCB4‘ --用索引 select * from MyTestTable where id=‘FD3687F4-1‘ and intcolumn>0 --用索引 select * from MyTestTable where parent=‘F92D6A9D-4E9E-4980-8B46-8AD938CEDCB4‘ and id=‘FD3687F4-1‘ --用索引 select * from MyTestTable where parent=‘F92D6A9D-4E9E-4980-8B46-8AD938CEDCB4‘ and intcolumn>0 --不用索引 select * from MyTestTable where parent=‘F92D6A9D-4E9E-4980-8B46-8AD938CEDCB4‘ or id=‘FD3687F4-1‘ --不用索引
SQL Server(MySql)中的联合主键(联合索引) 索引分析
标签:sele 文章 结果 测试数据 依次 style str default 测试环境