时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:15人阅读
你会发现sql server报错了,提示你声明的游标ID是一个READ_ONLY的只读游标。READ_ONLY游标意味着声明的游标只能读取数据,游标不能做任何更新操作,而我们上面的语句使用了游标ID来更新表#Foo的数据,所以报错了。
CREATE TABLE #Foo( [ID] [smallint] IDENTITY(1,1), [Code] [char](3) NULL, [Name] [varchar](50) NULL, [ProvinceID] [tinyint] NULL CONSTRAINT [PK_Foo] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ID] ASC ) ) go Insert #Foo(Code, Name, ProvinceID) Select ‘A‘, ‘New York‘, 3; Declare ID Cursor For Select top 5 ID From #Foo Order by ID Open ID; Fetch From ID ; Update #Foo Set Name+=‘1‘ Where Current OF ID Close ID ; Deallocate ID Select * From #Foo go Drop Table #Foo
If your table does not have a unique index (or a primary key constraint or unique key constraint, both of which create a unique index behind the scenes), then you dynamic cursor is converted to a static cursor. And all static cursors must be read only.
If one of the tables referenced by the CURSOR has no unique index, the CURSOR will be converted to STATIC. And STATIC cursors are READ-ONLY. See Using Implicit Cursor Conversions for more information.
Sql Server中的游标最好只能用于有主键或唯一键的表
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