时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:18人阅读
静态分析: 分析时发现11个错误。 Unrecognized keyword. (near "key" at position 185) Unexpected token. (near "=" at position 209) Unexpected token. (near "readcount" at position 210) Unexpected token. (near "+" at position 220) Unexpected token. (near "1" at position 222) Unexpected token. (near "," at position 223) Unexpected token. (near "readtime" at position 224) Unexpected token. (near "=" at position 232) Unrecognized keyword. (near "now" at position 233) Unexpected token. (near "(" at position 236) Unexpected token. (near ")" at position 237) SQL 查询: 文档 INSERT INTO readbook (readid,readpage,readcount,bookid,userid,readtime) VALUES ( (SELECT readid From readbook where userid=1 and bookid=1 and readpage=5) ,5,1,1,1,now()) ON duplicate key UPDATE readcount=readcount + 1,readtime=now() MySQL 返回: 文档 #1093 - You can‘t specify target table ‘readbook‘ for update in FROM clauseerror code
INSERT INTO readbook (readid,readpage,readcount,bookid,userid,readtime) VALUES ( (SELECT * from (SELECT readid From readbook where userid=1 and bookid=1 and readpage=5) as a ),5,1,1,1,now()) ON duplicate key UPDATE readcount=readcount + 1,readtime=now()
(SELECT * from (SELECT readid From readbook where userid=1 and bookid=1 and readpage=5) as a
必须有 as a ,因为必须给表起个别名,但我以前使用SQL SERVER时,没这个要求。
INSERT INTO readbook (readid,readpage,readcount,bookid,userid,readtime) VALUES ( (SELECT CASE WHEN a.readid>0 THEN a.readid ELSE NULL END from(SELECT readid From readbook where userid=1 and bookid=1 and readpage=3) as a) ,3,1,1,1,now()) ON duplicate key UPDATE readcount=readcount + 1,readtime=now()
后来逐渐尝试,发现这个CASE WEHN是没有必要的,貌似MYSQL能自动把查不到结果的值,以默认值代替。
使用mysql merge into 时遇到的mysql #1093错误的解决
标签:class 技术分享 eve 分享图片 cli 存在 closed position serve