当前位置:Gxlcms > 数据库问题 > Oracle快速收集AWR的方案


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:10人阅读

sqlplus / as sysdba


SQL> @F:\perf\awr\awr_generate.sql

Current Instance

DB Id DB Name Inst Num Instance
----------- ------------ -------- ------------
1481259953 ORCL 1 orcl

Instances in this Workload Repository schema

DB Id Inst Num DB Name Instance Host
------------ -------- ------------ ------------ ------------
* 1481259953 1 ORCL orcl WIN-JQK18VPJ

Using 1481259953 for database Id
Using 1 for instance number

Specify the number of days of snapshots to choose from
Entering the number of days (n) will result in the most recent
(n) days of snapshots being listed. Pressing <return> without
specifying a number lists all completed snapshots.

输入 num_days 的值: 1

Listing the last day‘s Completed Snapshots

Instance DB Name Snap Id Snap Started Level
------------ ------------ --------- ------------------ -----
orcl ORCL 10429 11 11月 2018 00:00 1
10430 11 11月 2018 01:00 1
10431 11 11月 2018 02:00 1
10432 11 11月 2018 03:00 1
10433 11 11月 2018 04:00 1
10434 11 11月 2018 05:00 1
10435 11 11月 2018 06:00 1
10436 11 11月 2018 07:00 1
10437 11 11月 2018 08:00 1
10438 11 11月 2018 09:00 1
10439 11 11月 2018 10:00 1
10440 11 11月 2018 11:00 1
10441 11 11月 2018 12:00 1
10442 11 11月 2018 13:00 1
10443 11 11月 2018 14:00 1
10444 11 11月 2018 15:00 1
10445 11 11月 2018 16:00 1
10446 11 11月 2018 17:00 1

10447 11 11月 2018 18:00 1
10448 11 11月 2018 19:00 1
10449 11 11月 2018 20:00 1


Specify the Begin and End Snapshot Ids
输入 begin_snap 的值: 10447
Begin Snapshot Id specified: 10447

输入 end_snap 的值: 10449
End Snapshot Id specified: 10449


Specify output script name
This script produces output in the form of another SQL script
The output script contains the commands to generate the AWR Reports

The default output file name is awr-gene.sql

Script written to awr-gene.sql - check and run in order to generate AWR report

SQL> @awr-gene.sql
Beginning AWR Generation...
Creating AWR Report awrrpt_1_20181111_1800__20181111_1900.html for instance numb
er 1 snapshots 10447 to 10448



awr_generate.sql      script

--   Script for creating multiple consecutive Oracle AWR/ADDM Reports
--   between the specificed start and end snapshot IDs, for all instances
--  See GitHub repository at https://github.com/flashdba/scripts
--   modify by falent  for  get multiple awr report using snap time
set feedback off
set echo off
set verify off
set timing off

-- Set AWR_FORMAT to "text" or "html"
--define AWR_FORMAT = ‘text‘
define AWR_FORMAT = html
define DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILENAME = awr-gene.sql
define DEFAULT_ADDM_FILENAME = addm-gene.sql
define NO_ADDM = 8

-- Get values for dbid and inst_num before calling awrinput.sql

set echo off heading on
column inst_num  heading "Inst Num"  new_value inst_num  format 99999;
column inst_name heading "Instance"  new_value inst_name format a12;
column db_name   heading "DB Name"   new_value db_name   format a12;
column dbid      heading "DB Id"     new_value dbid      format 9999999999 just c;

prompt Current Instance
prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

select d.dbid            dbid
     , d.name            db_name
     , i.instance_number inst_num
     , i.instance_name   inst_name
  from v$database d,
       v$instance i;

-- Call the Oracle common input script to setup start and end snap ids

-- Ask the user for the name of the output script
prompt Specify output script name
prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
prompt This script produces output in the form of another SQL script
prompt The output script contains the commands to generate the AWR Reports
prompt The default output file name is &DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILENAME

set heading off
--column outfile_name new_value outfile_name noprint;
--select ‘Using the output file name ‘ || nvl(‘&outfile_name‘,‘&DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILENAME‘), nvl(‘&outfile_name‘,‘&DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILENAME‘) outfile_name  from sys.dual;

set linesize 800
set serverout on
set termout off

-- spool to outputfile

-- write script header comments
prompt REM Temporary script created 
prompt REM Used to create multiple AWR reports between two snapshots
select REM Created by user ||user|| on ||sys_context(userenv, host)|| at ||to_char(sysdate, DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI) from dual;

set heading on
-- Begin iterating through snapshots and generating reports

  c_dbid           CONSTANT NUMBER := :dbid;
  c_inst_num       CONSTANT NUMBER := :inst_num;
  c_start_snap_id  CONSTANT NUMBER := :bid;
  c_end_snap_id    CONSTANT NUMBER := :eid;
  c_awr_options    CONSTANT NUMBER := &&NO_ADDM;
  c_report_type    CONSTANT CHAR(4):= &&AWR_FORMAT;
  v_awr_reportname VARCHAR2(120);
  v_report_suffix  CHAR(5);

  CURSOR c_snapshots IS
  select inst_num, start_snap_id, end_snap_id,start_snap_time,end_snap_time
  from (
    select s.instance_number as inst_num,
           s.snap_id as start_snap_id,
           lead(s.snap_id,1,null) over (partition by s.instance_number order by s.snap_id) as end_snap_id,
           to_char(s.end_interval_time,YYYYMMDD_HH24MI) start_snap_time,
           lead(to_char(s.end_interval_time,YYYYMMDD_HH24MI),1,null) over (partition by s.instance_number order by s.snap_id) as end_snap_time

      from dba_hist_snapshot s
     where s.dbid            = c_dbid
       and s.snap_id        >= c_start_snap_id
       and s.snap_id        <= c_end_snap_id
  where end_snap_id is not null
  order by inst_num, start_snap_id;
  --awr rpt
  dbms_output.put_line(prompt Beginning AWR Generation...);

  dbms_output.put_line(set heading off feedback off lines 800 pages 5000 trimspool on trimout on);

  -- Determine report type (html or text)
  IF c_report_type = html THEN
    v_report_suffix := .html;
    v_report_suffix := .txt;

  -- Iterate through snapshots
  FOR cr_snapshot in c_snapshots
    -- Construct filename for AWR report
    v_awr_reportname := awrrpt_||cr_snapshot.inst_num||_||cr_snapshot.start_snap_time||__||cr_snapshot.end_snap_time||v_report_suffix;

    dbms_output.put_line(prompt Creating AWR Report ||v_awr_reportname
        || for instance number ||cr_snapshot.inst_num|| snapshots ||cr_snapshot.start_snap_id|| to ||cr_snapshot.end_snap_id);

    -- Disable terminal output to stop AWR text appearing on screen
    dbms_output.put_line(set termout off);

    -- Set spool to create AWR report file
    dbms_output.put_line(spool ||v_awr_reportname);

    -- call the table function to generate the report
    IF c_report_type = html THEN
        dbms_output.put_line(select output from table(dbms_workload_repository.awr_report_html(
        dbms_output.put_line(select output from table(dbms_workload_repository.awr_report_text(
    END IF;

    dbms_output.put_line(spool off);

    -- Enable terminal output having finished generating AWR report
    dbms_output.put_line(set termout on);


  dbms_output.put_line(set heading on feedback 6 lines 100 pages 45);

  dbms_output.put_line(prompt AWR Generation Complete);


spool off
set termout on

prompt Script written to &DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILENAME   - check and run in order to generate AWR reports...

--clear columns sql
undefine AWR_FORMAT
undefine NO_ADDME
undefine TASK_NAME

set feedback 6 verify on lines 200 pages 999
View Code



标签:call   end   options   tar   option   varchar   win   txt   htm   
