当前位置:Gxlcms > 数据库问题 > oracle常用的操作


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:15人阅读

建临时学生表 create table temp_student( id number, name varchar2(20), sex char(2), age number, class varchar2(20), userId number ); comment on table temp_student is 临时学生表; comment on column temp_student.id is ID; comment on column temp_student.name is 姓名; comment on column temp_student.sex is 性别; comment on column temp_student.age is 年龄; comment on column temp_student.class is 班级; comment on column temp_student.userId is 临时人员ID; --建临时人员表 create table temp_user( id number, name varchar2(20), age number, sex char(2) ); comment on table temp_user is 临时人员表; comment on column temp_user.id is ID; comment on column temp_user.name is 姓名; comment on column temp_user.age is 年龄; comment on column temp_user.sex is 性别;



select * from temp_student for update; 
select * from temp_user for update;

drop table temp_student;
drop table temp_user;

alter table temp_student add  join_date date;
comment on column temp_student.join_date is 入学时间; 
alter table temp_student modify(class varchar2(200));
alter table temp_student rename column  join_date to join;
rename temp_student to t_student;
alter table t_student drop column join;

alter table temp_student add primary key (id);
alter table temp_user add primary key(id);
alter table temp_student add constraint  userKey foreign key(userId) references temp_user(id);
alter table temp_student drop primary key;
alter table temp_student drop constraint userKey;

create public synonym t_student for temp_student;
create public synonym t_user for temp_user;

grant select,insert,update on sys.temp_student to bepcde,bepopr;
revoke select,insert,update on sys.temp_student from bepcde,bepopr;
create sequence t_student_seq 
  minvalue 1 --初始序号为1
  maxvalue 9999999999999999  --最大序号,这里也可以设置
  start with 1 --从1开始计算
  increment by 1 --每次增1
  cache 30  --缓存20个
  cycle; --//循环
drop sequence t_student_seq;
select t_student_seq.nextval from dual; --1

create index id_a on t_student(name);
drop index id_a;



标签:drop   命名   角色   update   重命名   吉利   odi   with   修改   
