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Oracle EBS PO采购订单更新

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:179人阅读

l_result NUMBER; l_progress NUMBER; l_errors PO_API_ERRORS_REC_TYPE; l_chg PO_CHANGES_REC_TYPE; l_shipment_changes PO_SHIPMENTS_REC_TYPE; l_return_status VARCHAR2(30); BEGIN fnd_global.apps_initialize(user_id => &user_id,-- This function execution is required before launching the approval work flow. resp_id => &responsibility_id, resp_appl_id => &resp_application_id); --to set org context in a R12 env mo_global.set_policy_context (S, &org_id); -- Create an Object for Changes -- po_changes_rec_type constructor takes either po_header_id OR po_release_id to construct the object. -- In case of purchase order pass po_release_id as NULL. l_chg := po_changes_rec_type.Create_object(p_po_header_id => <header id>, p_po_release_id => <release id>); -- Add a Line Changes to the Change Object l_chg.line_changes.add_change(p_po_line_id => <po line id>, p_quantity => <value>); -- Add Shipment Changes to the Change Object l_chg.shipment_changes.add_change(p_po_line_location_id => <line location id>, p_quantity => <value>); -- Add Distribution Level Changes l_chg.distribution_changes.add_change(p_po_distribution_id => <po distribution id>, p_quantity_ordered => <value>); -- Now call the change api to execute the above changes PO_DOCUMENT_UPDATE_GRP.UPDATE_DOCUMENT(p_api_version => 1.0,-- pass this as 1.0 p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.G_TRUE,-- pass this as TRUE x_return_status => l_return_status,-- returns the result of execution p_changes => l_chg,-- changes obj. contains all changes intended to be made on document p_run_submission_checks => fnd_api.G_FALSE,-- set to TRUE if want to perform submission check p_launch_approvals_flag => fnd_api.G_TRUE,-- set to TRUE if want to launch approval work flow after making the changes p_buyer_id => NULL,-- buyer id p_update_source => NULL, -- name of a source who is calling this API. In case of manual call can be passed as NULL p_override_date => NULL, x_api_errors => l_errors,-- list of errors if any occurred in execution p_mass_update_releases => NULL); IF l_errors IS NOT NULL THEN FOR i IN 1.. l_errors.message_text.COUNT LOOP dbms_output.Put_line( Error is || l_errors.Message_text(i) || - name || l_errors.Message_name(i)); END LOOP; END IF; COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_output.Put_line(error : || sqlerrm); END;


Oracle EBS PO采购订单更新

标签:comm   flow   订单   ova   ber   ogre   after   ons   lin   
