当前位置:Gxlcms > 数据库问题 > 查询表名及列名长度超过一定长度的SQL


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:4人阅读

apple=# select * from (select a.relname, char_length(a.relname) as tb_name_length, b.attname, char_length(b.attname) as att_name_length, d.typname, b.attlen, b.attnum from pg_class a, pg_attribute b ,pg_tables c , pg_type d where b.attrelid = a.oid and b.attnum > 0  and c.schemaname = ‘public‘ and a.relname = c.tablename and b.atttypid = d.oid ) as d where d.tb_name_length > 10 or att_name_length > 10;
        relname        | tb_name_length |      attname       | att_name_length |  typname  | attlen | attnum
 test_0001              |              8 | datatypename       |              12 | varchar   |     -1 |      2
 test_0001              |              8 | startuptime        |              11 | timestamp |      8 |      5




select * from (select a.relname, char_length(a.relname) as tb_name_length, b.attname, char_length(b.attname) as att_name_length, d.typname, b.attlen, b.attnum from pg_class a, pg_attribute b ,pg_namespace c , pg_type d where b.attrelid = a.oid and b.attnum > 0  and c.nspname = ‘public‘ and a.relnamespace = c.oid and b.atttypid = d.oid ) as d where d.tb_name_length > 10 or att_name_length > 10;



标签:names   HERE   超过   查询   ace   获取   tab   sch   table   
