时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:25人阅读
相关链接: https://www.cnblogs.com/chenpi/p/5133648.html
mysql 变量表示形式,@varName
- use life;
- set @param = "ddd";
- set @param2 = 1;
- select @param, @param2;
mysql 定义存储过程的时候,如果过程体是很多条语句,需要使用begin end,但是在begin end中间写;会报错,说begin没有配套的end。解决方式是DELIMITER // 。。。DELIMITER ;
mysql的DELIMITER 表示解释器在遇到什么符号的时候可以开始执行。
- drop procedure if exists selectById;
- create procedure selectById( a int)
- begin
- select * from family where _id =a;
- end//
- set @a = 1;
- call selectById(@a);
对视图进行的增删改操作要符合基本表的约束,例如:使用insert、delete操作视图来操作基本表,需要保证未出现在视图中的列都允许空。(!delete 也需要)
mysql部分数据类型 tinyint 1字节,int 4字节,bigint 8字节,float 4字节,double 8字节。
char(n) 定长字符串,varchar(n)不定长字符串,text 长文本数据( 5.0.3以上版本 varchar长度可以很大, 可使用varchar 存储长文本,节省空间 )
- drop database if exists life;
- create database life;
- use life;
- drop table if exists family;
- create table family (
- fullName varchar(8),
- info varchar(300)
- );
- alter table family add column _id int not null primary key auto_increment;
- insert into family (fullName, info) values("father","love food");
- insert into family (fullName, info) values("mother", "love flowers");
- insert into family (fullName, info) values("brother", "sunny boy");
- insert into family (fullName, info) values("sister", "shy girl");
- drop table if exists worklife;
- create table worklife(
- _id int not null primary key auto_increment,
- _name varchar(40),
- detail varchar(800)
- );
- insert into worklife (_name, detail) values ("first_c", "say goodbye to school");
- insert into worklife (_name, detail) values ("second_c", "say goodbye to first leader");
- insert into worklife (_name, detail) values ("known", "spring is coming");
alter table t_name add column col_name col_type;
alter table t_name drop column col_name ;
alter table t_name add primary key (col_name);
alter table t_name drop primary key (col_name);
insert into t_name values (all col_values)
insert into t_name (interested col_names) values (col_values)
select * from t_name where condition_words;
update t_name set field1 = field1+3
select t_col_name as v_col_name from t_name where
select avg(t_col_name) as v_col_name from t_name where
求和函数sum,求平均数avg 最大值max,最小值min
delete from t_name where
标签:not rest call 表结构 rds mys lte 数据 lov