时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:30人阅读
使用benthos 做为webhook,是一种方法,功能很强大,但是有点复杂,所以换了一个更简单直接的webhook 工具
根据请求的数据,只处理关于db exporter 任务部分的消息,然后就是调用shell 执行一些逻辑处理
使用docker-compose 运行
version: "3"
image: almir/webhook
command: ["-verbose", "-hooks=/etc/webhook/hooks.json","-hotreload"]
- "./hooks.json:/etc/webhook/hooks.json"
- "./app.sh:/app.sh"
- "9000:9000"
image: sonatype/nexus3
- "8081:8081"
- ./nexus-data:/nexus-data
- ./backup/:/backup/
hooks.json 主要是定义webhook 的match 规则,以及匹配规则之后执行的shell,因为是post 请求,所以使用了payload source
"id": "webhook",
"execute-command": "/app.sh",
"command-working-directory": "/",
"source": "payload",
"context": "audit.context"
"source": "payload",
"type": "audit.type"
"type": "value",
"value": "Admin - Export databases for backup",
"source": "payload",
"name": "audit.context"
"type": "value",
"value": "finished",
"source": "payload",
"name": "audit.type"
为了测试,很简单,就是echo 信息
echo "this is a demo app"
docker-compose up -d
主要是通过global 的webhook 通知db exporter 任务已经完成,然后完成之后可以执行一些固定的shell 脚本
audit 配置,路径是更具json 定义文件编写的
db exporter task 配置,这个可以根据实际自己调整
webhook_1 | [webhook] 2019/04/28 11:45:00 [2bb51c] error extracting command arguments: couldn‘t retrieve argument for {Source:payload Name: EnvName: Base64Decode:false}
webhook_1 | [webhook] 2019/04/28 11:45:00 [2bb51c] error extracting command arguments: couldn‘t retrieve argument for {Source:payload Name: EnvName: Base64Decode:false}
webhook_1 | [webhook] 2019/04/28 11:45:00 [2bb51c] executing /app.sh (/app.sh) with arguments ["/app.sh" "" ""] and environment [] using / as cwd
webhook_1 | [webhook] 2019/04/28 11:45:00 [2bb51c] command output: this is a demo app
webhook_1 |
webhook_1 | [webhook] 2019/04/28 11:45:00 [2bb51c] finished handling webhook
webhook_1 | [webhook] 2019/04/28 11:45:00 200 | 2.733775ms | webhook:9000 | POST /hooks/webhook
webhook_1 | [webhook] 2019/04/28 11:50:00 [e1803a] incoming HTTP request from
webhook_1 | [webhook] 2019/04/28 11:50:00 [e1803a] webhook got matched
webhook_1 | [webhook] 2019/04/28 11:50:00 [e1803a] webhook got matched, but didn‘t get triggered because the trigger rules were not satisfied
webhook_1 | [webhook] 2019/04/28 11:50:00 200 | 198.993µs | webhook:9000 | POST /hooks/webhook
webhook_1 | [webhook] 2019/04/28 11:50:00 [3dc5af] incoming HTTP request from
webhook_1 | [webhook] 2019/04/28 11:50:00 [3dc5af] webhook got matched
webhook_1 | [webhook] 2019/04/28 11:50:00 [3dc5af] webhook got matched, but didn‘t get triggered because the trigger rules were not satisfied
webhook_1 | [webhook] 2019/04/28 11:50:00 200 | 143.131µs | webhook:9000 | POST /hooks/webhook
webhook_1 | [webhook] 2019/04/28 11:50:00 [3496eb] incoming HTTP request from
webhook_1 | [webhook] 2019/04/28 11:50:00 [3496eb] webhook got matched
webhook_1 | [webhook] 2019/04/28 11:50:00 [3496eb] webhook got matched, but didn‘t get triggered because the trigger rules were not satisfied
使用adnanh/webhook 比使用benthos 方便简单好多,功能已经够用了
nexus 数据库备份任务webhook 通知-另外一种方法
标签:通过 use res 请求 rom min 完成 自己 bho