时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:38人阅读
create or replace procedure destine_ticket(i_flightId in char, --不需要些类型值 i_LuggageLimit in number , i_class_code in char , i_seats in number, o_booking_flag out char ) is v_temp integer; v_temp1 integer; begin begin select 1 into v_temp from flight t1 where t1.flightid=i_flightId and to_number(t1.estdeparturedatetime-sysdate)*24 >= 3; exception --异常捕获 when no_data_found then v_temp:=0; --复制要写:= end;
return; --退出存储过程 end destine_ticket;
declare o_booking_flag char(10); begin -- Call the procedure destine_ticket(i_flightid =>‘000000037‘, i_luggagelimit =>20, i_class_code =>‘E‘, i_seats =>2, o_booking_flag =>o_booking_flag); end;
标签:EDA style sql put 类型 退出 sys 异常捕获 bms