mysql数据库 select语句全集
时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17
1.1 作用
1.2 单独使用select
1.2.1 select @@XXX;获取参数信息
select @@port; 查端口号
show variables; 查看所有参数
show variables like '%innodb%'; |查参数
1.2.2 select 函数();
select now(); 函数加括号
mysql> select database(); |库
mysql> select now(); |时间
mysql> select version(); |版本
1.3 sql92标准的使用语法
1.3.1 select语法执行顺序
select开始--> from 字句 --> where子句 -->
group by 子句 --> select 后执行条件-->
having子句 --> order by -->limit
id |
自增的无关列 |
name |
城市名字 |
countrycode |
所在国家代号 |
district |
中国省的意思 每个是洲的意思 |
populiation |
城市人口数量 |
select * from root.jyt |
绝对路径 生产中使用较少 |
select name,populication from jyt; |
查看两列的内容 |
select name,populication from root.jyt; |
查看两列的内容 |
where配合等值查询 |
select * from where countrycode=‘chn‘; |
查询表中的中国城市信息 |
where配合不等值查询 |
select * from where Population<100; |
人口小于100人的城市 (>,<,<=,>=,<>) |
where配合模糊查询 |
select * from where CountryCode like ‘c%‘; |
国家以c开头 禁止%开头 |
where配合逻辑连接符(AND or) |
select * from where Population > 10000 AND Population < 20000; |
select * from where population between 10000 and 20000; |
select * from where CountryCode=‘chn‘ OR CountryCode=‘usa‘; |
select * from where countrycode in (‘chn‘,‘usa‘); |
SELECT * FROM WHERE CountryCode=‘chn‘ UNION ALL SELECT*FROM WHERE CountryCode=‘usa‘; |
推荐 union 去重 加all不去重 默认去重 |
avg() |
select district,avg(population) from city where countrycode=‘chn‘ group by district; |
count() |
select countrycode,count(name) from city group by countrycode; |
sum() |
select countrycode,sum(population) from city group by countrycode ; |
max() |
- |
min() |
- |
group_concat() |
select countrycode,group_concat(district) from city group by countrycode; |
查询统计总数 |
select district,sum(population) from city where countrycode=‘chn‘ group by district; |
查询统计总数并排序降序 |
SELECT district,sum(population) FROM city WHERE countrycode=‘chn‘ GROUP BY district ORDER BY SUM(Population) DESC; |
查询中国所有的城市,并以人口数降序输出 |
select*from city where countrycode=‘chn‘ order by population desc; |
- |
- |
limit m,n 跳过m行显示n行 |
limit x offset y 跳过y行显示x行 |
前5行 |
SELECT*FROM city WHERE countrycode=‘chn‘ ORDER BY population DESC LIMIT 5; |
显示6-10行 |
SELECT*FROM city WHERE countrycode=‘chn‘ ORDER BY population DESC LIMIT 5,5; |
显示6-10行 |
select*from city where countrycode=‘chn‘ order by population desc limit 5 offset 5; |
mysql数据库 select语句全集
标签:自增 class 语法 variable union all variables mys ase select 函数