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关于 Spring JdbcTemplate 的一些总结

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:14人阅读

关于 Spring JdbcTemplate 的一些总结



当前项目中一直使用的都是 SpringData JPA ,即 public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Serializable> 这种用法;

考虑到 SpringData JPA 确实有一定的局限性,在部分查询中使用到了 JdbcTemplate 进行复杂查询操作;
由于本人16年也曾使用过 JdbcTemplate,古语温故而知新,所以做此总结梳理。


public class xxx{

    xxx method(){
        List<WishDTO> list = jdbcTemplate.query(sql, new WishDTO());

public class WishDTO implements RowMapper<WishDTO>, Serializable {
    String xxx;
    Long xxx;
    Date xxx;
    BigDecimal xxx;

    public WishDTO mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) {
        WishDTO dto = new WishDTO();
        Field[] fields = dto.getClass().getDeclaredFields();
        for (Field field : fields) {
            try {
                field.set(dto, rs.getObject(field.getName()));
            } catch (Exception e) {
        return dto;



个人感觉让 WishDTO 再实现实现一遍 RowMapper 有点麻烦,毕竟 WishDTO 实体类的所有字段都是需要赋值的,并没有定制化需求。

所以想着有没有更好地写法,然后就翻了一下 jdbcTemplate 的方法,找到了一个自认为满足自己这个需求的方法:

public <T> List<T> queryForList(String sql, Class<T> elementType)
即 将代码改为:

public class xxx{
xxx method(){
    List<WishDTO> list = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, WishDTO.class);


public class WishDTO implements Serializable {
String xxx;
Long xxx;
Date xxx;
BigDecimal xxx;

一切看起来都很完美,但执行却报错了:**Incorrect column count: expected 1, actual 13**

### 思考


    public <T> List<T> queryForList(String sql, Class<T> elementType) throws DataAccessException {
        return query(sql, getSingleColumnRowMapper(elementType));

其本质是还是调用public &lt;T&gt; List&lt;T&gt; query(String sql, RowMapper&lt;T&gt; rowMapper),只是将 Class&lt;T&gt; elementType 封装成一个 RowMapper 实现实例;

    protected <T> RowMapper<T> getSingleColumnRowMapper(Class<T> requiredType) {
        return new SingleColumnRowMapper<>(requiredType);

现在我们可以看一下 SingleColumnRowMapper 类的描述:

 * {@link RowMapper} implementation that converts a single column into a single
 * result value per row. Expects to operate on a {@code java.sql.ResultSet}
 * that just contains a single column.
 * <p>The type of the result value for each row can be specified. The value
 * for the single column will be extracted from the {@code ResultSet}
 * and converted into the specified target type.

其实从类名也可以看出,这是一个 RowMapper 的 简单实现,且仅能接收一个字段的数据,如 String.class 和 Integer.class 等基础类型;



使用 BeanPropertyRowMapper 进行封装 ;
即 将代码改为:

public class xxx{

    xxx method(){
        List<WishDTO> list = jdbcTemplate.query(sql, new BeanPropertyRowMapper<WishDTO>(WishDTO.class));

public class WishDTO implements Serializable {
    String xxx;
    Long xxx;
    Date xxx;
    BigDecimal xxx;

接下来看一下 BeanPropertyRowMapper 的类描述:

 * {@link RowMapper} implementation that converts a row into a new instance
 * of the specified mapped target class. The mapped target class must be a
 * top-level class and it must have a default or no-arg constructor.
 * <p>Column values are mapped based on matching the column name as obtained from result set
 * meta-data to public setters for the corresponding properties. The names are matched either
 * directly or by transforming a name separating the parts with underscores to the same name
 * using "camel" case.
 * <p>Mapping is provided for fields in the target class for many common types, e.g.:
 * String, boolean, Boolean, byte, Byte, short, Short, int, Integer, long, Long,
 * float, Float, double, Double, BigDecimal, {@code java.util.Date}, etc.
 * <p>To facilitate mapping between columns and fields that don‘t have matching names,
 * try using column aliases in the SQL statement like "select fname as first_name from customer".
 * <p>For ‘null‘ values read from the database, we will attempt to call the setter, but in the case of
 * Java primitives, this causes a TypeMismatchException. This class can be configured (using the
 * primitivesDefaultedForNullValue property) to trap this exception and use the primitives default value.
 * Be aware that if you use the values from the generated bean to update the database the primitive value
 * will have been set to the primitive‘s default value instead of null.
 * <p>Please note that this class is designed to provide convenience rather than high performance.
 * For best performance, consider using a custom {@link RowMapper} implementation.

其作用就是讲一个Bean class 转化成相对应的 Bean RowMapper 实现类。




int rowCount = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("select count(*) from t_actor", Integer.class);

int countOfActorsNamedJoe = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("select count(*) from t_actor where first_name = ?", Integer.class, "Joe");

String lastName = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("select last_name from t_actor where id = ?", new Object[]{1212L}, String.class);

Actor actor = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(
        "select first_name, last_name from t_actor where id = ?",
        new Object[]{1212L},
        new RowMapper<Actor>() {
            public Actor mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                Actor actor = new Actor();
                return actor;

List<Actor> actors = this.jdbcTemplate.query(
        "select first_name, last_name from t_actor",
        new RowMapper<Actor>() {
            public Actor mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                Actor actor = new Actor();
                return actor;


public List<Actor> findAllActors() {
    return this.jdbcTemplate.query( "select first_name, last_name from t_actor", new ActorMapper());
private static final class ActorMapper implements RowMapper<Actor> {
    public Actor mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
        Actor actor = new Actor();
        return actor;


        "insert into t_actor (first_name, last_name) values (?, ?)",
        "Leonor", "Watling");

        "update t_actor set last_name = ? where id = ?",
        "Banjo", 5276L);

        "delete from actor where id = ?",


this.jdbcTemplate.execute("create table mytable (id integer, name varchar(100))");



关于 Spring JdbcTemplate 的一些总结

标签:class   tst   you   single   cat   column   rom   imp   named   
