时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:15人阅读
在如今大数据(big data)横行的时代,传统的关系型数据库如oracle,mysql在大数据量,高并发的场景下显得力不从心。于是乎,NoSQL横空出世,如column-based的cassandra数据库,document-based的MongoDB,还有今天介绍的小众的graph-based的图数据数据库Neo4j。
图数据库名字的由来其实与其在底层的存储方式有关,图数据库并不表示会存储图形,图片等。Neo4j底层会以图的方式把用户定义的节点(nodes)以及关系(relationships)存储起来,Nodes 和 Relationships 包含key/value形式的属性。Nodes通过Relationships所定义的关系相连起来,形成关系型网络结构。通过这种方式,可是高效的实现从某个节点开始,通过节点与节点间关系,找出两个节点间的联系。
2. Neo4j之爱的再判断----天生我材必有用
关于neo4j的更多细节和neo4j server的安装以及用cypher语言创建节点,关系等内容可以参考网上资料(如:https://blog.csdn.net/victory0508/article/details/78414798),本文着重关注Spring boot 2.0 如何简洁的调用neo4j.
3. Neo4j执Spring boot之手----窈窕淑女,Spring boot好逑
在我的第一篇博客里介绍了Spring boot 2.0。本文将Spring boot 结合Spring Data,用极少的代码,基本零配置,不用书写任何查询(queries)语句(这里是cypher)实现了Neo4j的增删改查。
3.1 Neo4j的连接配置
Spring boot的配置文件默认在src/main/resources下面,支持传统的application.properties 和application.yml
- spring.data.neo4j.username=neo4j
- spring.data.neo4j.password=helloworld
- spring:
- data:
- neo4j:
- username: neo4j
- password: helloworld
3.2 实体类(model)
- @NodeEntity
- public class Legend {
- @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id;
- private String name;
- private Legend() {
- // Empty constructor required as of Neo4j API 2.0.5
- };
- public Legend(String name) {
- this.name = name;
- }
- /**
- * Neo4j doesn‘t REALLY have bi-directional relationships. It just means when querying
- * to ignore the direction of the relationship.
- * https://dzone.com/articles/modelling-data-neo4j
- */
- @Relationship(type = "FANS", direction = Relationship.UNDIRECTED)
- public Set<Legend> fans;
- public void fansWith(Legend legend) {
- if (fans == null) {
- fans = new HashSet<>();
- }
- fans.add(legend);
- }
- public String toString() {
- //java 8 stream and optional
- return this.name + "‘s fans => "
- + Optional.ofNullable(this.fans).orElse(
- Collections.emptySet()).stream()
- .map(Legend::getName)
- .collect(Collectors.toList());
- }
- public String getName() {
- return name;
- }
- public void setName(String name) {
- this.name = name;
- }
- }
实体类annotated by 注解@NodeEntity,这样当调用保存这个实体时(save方法),会将它保存到neo4j数据库。
@Relationship(type = "FANS", direction = Relationship.UNDIRECTED)
3.3 Spring data neo4j
Spring Data 属于Spring 大家庭,用于简化对数据库的访问,在很多情况下,甚至都不用写任何queries就可以实现对数据库的各种操作。
- import org.springframework.data.repository.CrudRepository;
- public interface LegendRepo extends CrudRepository<Legend, Long> {
- Legend findByName(String name);
- }
CrudRepository 是关键,它封装常用的如保存,更新等操作。
上面的findByName方法表示用name来查询。name必须是实体类的一个属性。在关系型数据库里,spring data会自己将他转化成 select * from table where name=?。而neo4j使用cypher语言,类似转化成查询语句
- MATCH (n:`Legend`) WHERE n.`name` = { `name_0` } WITH n RETURN n,
- [ [ (n)-[r_f1:`FANS`]-(l1:`Legend`) | [ r_f1, l1 ] ] ], ID(n) with params {name_0=杨过}
findByNameAndLevel(String name,String level)
如果要分页,需要继承PagingAndSortingRepository,而不是CrudRepository 。有关springdata的更多细节,笔者将会在以后的博客中详细介绍。
3.4 Spring boot 启动类
- @SpringBootApplication
- @EnableNeo4jRepositories
- public class SpringBootNeo4jApplication {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- SpringApplication.run(SpringBootNeo4jApplication.class, args);
- }
- }
这里的注解@EnableNeo4jRepositories告诉spring boot程序使用neo4j repository。
3.5 Spring boot 测试类
开发工具Spring tool suites自动会生成测试类,添加自己的逻辑代码,保存三个节点:杨过,小龙女和郭襄。
- @RunWith(SpringRunner.class)
- @SpringBootTest
- public class SpringBootNeo4jApplicationTests {
- @Autowired
- LegendRepo legendRepo;
- private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SpringBootNeo4jApplicationTests.class);
- @Test
- public void contextLoads() {
- legendRepo.deleteAll();
- Legend yangguo = new Legend("杨过");
- Legend dragonGirl = new Legend("小龙女");
- Legend guoxiang = new Legend("郭襄");
- List<Legend> team = Arrays.asList(yangguo, dragonGirl, guoxiang);
- log.info("Before linking up with Neo4j...");
- //java 8 stream
- team.stream().forEach(legend -> log.info("\t" + legend.toString()));
- legendRepo.save(yangguo);
- legendRepo.save(dragonGirl);
- legendRepo.save(guoxiang);
- yangguo = legendRepo.findByName(yangguo.getName());
- yangguo.fansWith(dragonGirl);
- yangguo.fansWith(guoxiang);
- legendRepo.save(yangguo);
- dragonGirl = legendRepo.findByName(dragonGirl.getName());
- dragonGirl.fansWith(guoxiang);
- // We already know that dragonGirl is a fan of yangguo
- legendRepo.save(dragonGirl);
- // We already know guoxiang fans with yangguo and dragongirl
- log.info("Look up yangguo‘s fans ...");
- log.info(legendRepo.findByName("杨过").toString());
- }
- }
Look up yangguo‘s fans ...
Request: MATCH (n:`Legend`) WHERE n.`name` = { `name_0` } WITH n RETURN n,[ [ (n)-[r_f1:`FANS`]-(l1:`Legend`) | [ r_f1, l1 ] ] ], ID(n) with params {name_0=杨过}
杨过‘s fans => [郭襄, 小龙女]
4. Neo4j与Spring boot----一生一代一双人Neo4j在某些场合能发挥自己的优势,而用spring boot的方式,使得neo4j的使用非常简单,自从有了spring boot,生活变得好轻松。
关注spring boot,请继续关注我的博客。