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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:8人阅读

!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import json from django.db.models import Q from repository import models from utils.pager import PageInfo from utils.response import BaseResponse from django.http.request import QueryDict from .base import BaseServiceList class Asset(BaseServiceList): def __init__(self): # 查询条件的配置 condition_config = [ {name: cabinet_num, text: 机柜号, condition_type: input}, {name: device_type_id, text: 资产类型, condition_type: select, global_name: device_type_list}, {name: device_status_id, text: 资产状态, condition_type: select, global_name: device_status_list}, ] # 表格的配置 table_config = [ { q: id, # 用于数据库查询的字段,即Model.Tb.objects.filter(*[]) title: "ID", # 前段表格中显示的标题 display: 1, # 是否在前段显示,0表示在前端不显示, 1表示在前端隐藏, 2表示在前段显示 text: {content: "{id}", kwargs: {id: @id}}, attr: {} # 自定义属性 }, { q: device_type_id, title: "资产类型", display: 1, text: {content: "{n}", kwargs: {n: @@device_type_list}}, attr: {} }, { q: server_title, title: "主机名", display: 1, text: {content: "{n}", kwargs: {n: @server_title}}, attr: {} }, { q: network_title, title: "网络设备标识", display: 1, text: {content: "{n}", kwargs: {n: @network_title}}, attr: {} }, { q: idc_id, title: "IDC", display: 1, text: {content: "{n}", kwargs: {n: @@idc_list}}, attr: {name: idc_id, id: @idc_id, origin: @idc_id, edit-enable: true, edit-type: select, global-name: idc_list} }, { q: cabinet_num, title: "机柜号", display: 1, text: {content: "{cabinet_num}", kwargs: {cabinet_num: @cabinet_num}}, attr: {name: cabinet_num, edit-enable: true, edit-type: input, origin: @cabinet_num, } }, { q: cabinet_order, title: "位置", display: 1, text: {content: "{cabinet_order}", kwargs: {cabinet_order: @cabinet_order}}, attr: {name: cabinet_order, edit-enable: true, edit-type: input, origin: @cabinet_order, } }, { q: business_unit_id, title: "业务线ID", display: 0, text: {content: "", kwargs: {}}, attr: {} }, { q: business_unit__name, title: "业务线", display: 1, text: {content: "{business_unit__name}", kwargs: {business_unit__name: @business_unit__name}}, attr: {name: business_unit_id, id: @business_unit_id, origin: @business_unit_id, edit-enable: true, edit-type: select, global-name: business_unit_list} }, { q: device_status_id, title: "资产状态", display: 1, text: {content: "{n}", kwargs: {n: @@device_status_list}}, attr: {name: device_status_id, id: @device_status_id, origin: @device_status_id, edit-enable: true, edit-type: select, global-name: device_status_list} }, { q: None, title: "选项", display: 1, text: { content: "<a href=‘/asset-{device_type_id}-{nid}.html‘>查看详细</a> | <a href=‘/edit-asset-{device_type_id}-{nid}.html‘>编辑</a>", kwargs: {device_type_id: @device_type_id, nid: @id}}, attr: {} }, ] # 额外搜索条件 extra_select = { server_title: select hostname from repository_server where repository_server.asset_id=repository_asset.id and repository_asset.device_type_id=1, network_title: select management_ip from repository_networkdevice where repository_networkdevice.asset_id=repository_asset.id and repository_asset.device_type_id=2, } super(Asset, self).__init__(condition_config, table_config, extra_select) @property def device_status_list(self): result = map(lambda x: {id: x[0], name: x[1]}, models.Asset.device_status_choices) return list(result) @property def device_type_list(self): result = map(lambda x: {id: x[0], name: x[1]}, models.Asset.device_type_choices) return list(result) @property def idc_list(self): values = models.IDC.objects.only(id, name, floor) result = map(lambda x: {id: x.id, name: "%s-%s" % (x.name, x.floor)}, values) return list(result) @property def business_unit_list(self): values = models.BusinessUnit.objects.values(id, name) return list(values) @staticmethod def assets_condition(request): con_str = request.GET.get(condition, None) if not con_str: con_dict = {} else: con_dict = json.loads(con_str) con_q = Q() for k, v in con_dict.items(): temp = Q() temp.connector = OR for item in v: temp.children.append((k, item)) con_q.add(temp, AND) return con_q def fetch_assets(self, request): response = BaseResponse() try: ret = {} conditions = self.assets_condition(request) asset_count = models.Asset.objects.filter(conditions).count() page_info = PageInfo(request.GET.get(pager, None), asset_count) asset_list = models.Asset.objects.filter(conditions).extra(select=self.extra_select).values( *self.values_list)[page_info.start:page_info.end] ret[table_config] = self.table_config ret[condition_config] = self.condition_config ret[data_list] = list(asset_list) ret[page_info] = { "page_str": page_info.pager(), "page_start": page_info.start, } ret[global_dict] = { device_status_list: self.device_status_list, device_type_list: self.device_type_list, idc_list: self.idc_list, business_unit_list: self.business_unit_list } response.data = ret response.message = 获取成功 except Exception as e: response.status = False response.message = str(e) return response @staticmethod def delete_assets(request): response = BaseResponse() try: delete_dict = QueryDict(request.body, encoding=utf-8) id_list = delete_dict.getlist(id_list) models.Asset.objects.filter(id__in=id_list).delete() response.message = 删除成功 except Exception as e: response.status = False response.message = str(e) return response @staticmethod def put_assets(request): response = BaseResponse() try: response.error = [] put_dict = QueryDict(request.body, encoding=utf-8) update_list = json.loads(put_dict.get(update_list)) error_count = 0 for row_dict in update_list: nid = row_dict.pop(nid) num = row_dict.pop(num) try: models.Asset.objects.filter(id=nid).update(**row_dict) except Exception as e: response.error.append({num: num, message: str(e)}) response.status = False error_count += 1 if error_count: response.message = 共%s条,失败%s条 % (len(update_list), error_count,) else: response.message = 更新成功 except Exception as e: response.status = False response.message = str(e) return response @staticmethod def assets_detail(device_type_id, asset_id): response = BaseResponse() try: if device_type_id == 1: response.data = models.Server.objects.filter(asset_id=asset_id).select_related(asset).first() else: response.data = models.NetworkDevice.objects.filter(asset_id=asset_id).select_related(asset).first() except Exception as e: response.status = False response.message = str(e) return response views



标签:mod   date   set   value   except   put   状态   event   rgs   
