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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:5人阅读

-- Create table 学生信息 2 drop table HAND_STUDENT; 3 create table HAND_STUDENT 4 ( 5 STUDENT_NO VARCHAR2(10) not null, 6 STUDENT_NAME VARCHAR2(20), 7 STUDENT_AGE NUMBER(2), 8 STUDENT_GENDER VARCHAR2(5) 9 ); 10 -- Add comments to the table 11 comment on table HAND_STUDENT 12 is 学生信息表; 13 -- Add comments to the columns 14 comment on column HAND_STUDENT.STUDENT_NO 15 is 学号; 16 comment on column HAND_STUDENT.STUDENT_NAME 17 is 姓名; 18 comment on column HAND_STUDENT.STUDENT_AGE 19 is 年龄; 20 comment on column HAND_STUDENT.STUDENT_GENDER 21 is 性别; 22 -- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints 23 alter table HAND_STUDENT add primary key (STUDENT_NO); 24 25 -- Create table 教师信息表 26 drop table HAND_TEACHER; 27 create table HAND_TEACHER 28 ( 29 TEACHER_NO VARCHAR2(10) not null, 30 TEACHER_NAME VARCHAR2(20), 31 MANAGER_NO VARCHAR2(10) 32 ); 33 -- Add comments to the table 34 comment on table HAND_TEACHER 35 is 教师信息表; 36 -- Add comments to the columns 37 comment on column HAND_TEACHER.TEACHER_NO 38 is 教师编号; 39 comment on column HAND_TEACHER.TEACHER_NAME 40 is 教师名称; 41 comment on column HAND_TEACHER.MANAGER_NO 42 is 上级编号; 43 -- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints 44 alter table HAND_TEACHER add primary key (TEACHER_NO); 45 46 -- Create table 课程信息表 47 drop table HAND_COURSE; 48 create table HAND_COURSE 49 ( 50 COURSE_NO VARCHAR2(10) not null, 51 COURSE_NAME VARCHAR2(20), 52 TEACHER_NO VARCHAR2(20) not null 53 ); 54 -- Add comments to the table 55 comment on table HAND_COURSE 56 is 课程信息表; 57 -- Add comments to the columns 58 comment on column HAND_COURSE.COURSE_NO 59 is 课程号; 60 comment on column HAND_COURSE.COURSE_NAME 61 is 课程名称; 62 comment on column HAND_COURSE.TEACHER_NO 63 is 教师编号; 64 -- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints 65 alter table HAND_COURSE add constraint PK_COURSE primary key (COURSE_NO, TEACHER_NO); 66 67 -- Create table 成绩信息表 68 drop table HAND_STUDENT_CORE; 69 create table HAND_STUDENT_CORE 70 ( 71 STUDENT_NO VARCHAR2(10) not null, 72 COURSE_NO VARCHAR2(10) not null, 73 CORE NUMBER(4,2) 74 ); 75 -- Add comments to the table 76 comment on table HAND_STUDENT_CORE 77 is 学生成绩表; 78 -- Add comments to the columns 79 comment on column HAND_STUDENT_CORE.STUDENT_NO 80 is 学号; 81 comment on column HAND_STUDENT_CORE.COURSE_NO 82 is 课程号; 83 comment on column HAND_STUDENT_CORE.CORE 84 is 分数; 85 -- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints 86 alter table HAND_STUDENT_CORE add constraint PK_SC primary key (STUDENT_NO, COURSE_NO); 87 88 -- Create table 学生历史信息表 89 drop table HAND_STUDENT_HIS; 90 create table HAND_STUDENT_HIS 91 ( 92 STUDENT_NO VARCHAR2(10) not null, 93 STUDENT_NAME VARCHAR2(20), 94 STUDENT_AGE NUMBER(2), 95 STUDENT_GENDER VARCHAR2(5), 96 LAST_UPDATE_DATE DATE, 97 STATUS VARCHAR2(5) 98 ); 99 -- Add comments to the table 100 comment on table HAND_STUDENT_HIS 101 is 学生信息历史表; 102 -- Add comments to the columns 103 comment on column HAND_STUDENT_HIS.STUDENT_NO 104 is 学号; 105 comment on column HAND_STUDENT_HIS.STUDENT_NAME 106 is 姓名; 107 comment on column HAND_STUDENT_HIS.STUDENT_AGE 108 is 年龄; 109 comment on column HAND_STUDENT_HIS.STUDENT_GENDER 110 is 性别; 111 comment on column HAND_STUDENT_HIS.LAST_UPDATE_DATE 112 is 最后更新时间; 113 comment on column HAND_STUDENT_HIS.STATUS 114 is 状态; 115 116 -- Create table 日志信息表 117 drop table HAND_LOG; 118 create table HAND_LOG 119 ( 120 CODE VARCHAR2(240) not null, 121 MSG VARCHAR2(240) not null, 122 KEY1 VARCHAR2(240), 123 KEY2 VARCHAR2(240), 124 KEY3 VARCHAR2(240), 125 KEY4 VARCHAR2(240), 126 KEY5 VARCHAR2(240) 127 ); 128 -- Add comments to the table 129 comment on table HAND_LOG 130 is 日志信息表; 131 -- Add comments to the columns 132 comment on column HAND_LOG.CODE 133 is 编号; 134 comment on column HAND_LOG.MSG 135 is 消息; 136 comment on column HAND_LOG.KEY1 137 is 关键字1; 138 comment on column HAND_LOG.KEY2 139 is 关键字2; 140 comment on column HAND_LOG.KEY3 141 is 关键字3; 142 comment on column HAND_LOG.KEY4 143 is 关键字4; 144 comment on column HAND_LOG.KEY5 145 is 关键字5; 146 147 /*******初始化学生表的数据******/ 148 insert into HAND_STUDENT values (s001,张三,23,); 149 insert into HAND_STUDENT values (s002,李四,23,); 150 insert into HAND_STUDENT values (s003,吴鹏,25,); 151 insert into HAND_STUDENT values (s004,琴沁,20,); 152 insert into HAND_STUDENT values (s005,王丽,20,); 153 insert into HAND_STUDENT values (s006,李波,21,); 154 insert into HAND_STUDENT values (s007,刘玉,21,); 155 insert into HAND_STUDENT values (s008,萧蓉,21,); 156 insert into HAND_STUDENT values (s009,陈萧晓,23,); 157 insert into HAND_STUDENT values (s010,陈美,22,); 158 commit; 159 /******************初始化教师表***********************/ 160 insert into HAND_TEACHER values (t001, 刘阳,‘‘); 161 insert into HAND_TEACHER values (t002, 谌燕,t001); 162 insert into HAND_TEACHER values (t003, 胡明星,t002); 163 commit; 164 /***************初始化课程表****************************/ 165 insert into HAND_COURSE values (c001,J2SE,t002); 166 insert into HAND_COURSE values (c002,Java Web,t002); 167 insert into HAND_COURSE values (c003,SSH,t001); 168 insert into HAND_COURSE values (c004,Oracle,t001); 169 insert into HAND_COURSE values (c005,SQL SERVER 2005,t003); 170 insert into HAND_COURSE values (c006,C#,t003); 171 insert into HAND_COURSE values (c007,JavaScript,t002); 172 insert into HAND_COURSE values (c008,DIV+CSS,t001); 173 insert into HAND_COURSE values (c009,PHP,t003); 174 insert into HAND_COURSE values (c010,EJB3.0,t002); 175 insert into HAND_COURSE values (c011,PHP,t004); 176 commit; 177 /***************初始化成绩表***********************/ 178 insert into HAND_STUDENT_CORE values (s001,c001,58.9); 179 insert into HAND_STUDENT_CORE values (s002,c001,80.9); 180 insert into HAND_STUDENT_CORE values (s003,c001,81.9); 181 insert into HAND_STUDENT_CORE values (s004,c001,60.9); 182 insert into HAND_STUDENT_CORE values (s001,c002,82.9); 183 insert into HAND_STUDENT_CORE values (s002,c002,72.9); 184 insert into HAND_STUDENT_CORE values (s003,c002,81.9); 185 insert into HAND_STUDENT_CORE values (s001,c003,59); 186 insert into HAND_STUDENT_CORE values (s003,c011,81.9); 187 insert into HAND_STUDENT_CORE values (s001,c011,59); 188 commit; View Code


  1.创建一个 package,命名为 cux_exam_工号_pkg,包含以下内容: 

    1.1声明一个 recoder 数据类型命名为 type_studens_rec,包含以下字段:



    1.2 基于上面的记录声明一个内存表类型,命名为 type_studens_tbl。

    1.3创建一个方法,返回类型为 type_studens_tbl,取出分数低于课程平均分 的学生信息:学号、姓名、课程编号、课程名、教师、分数、课程平均分、 课程最高分、最低分。

    1.4创建一个过程,调用上面的方法,输出这些学生中,给所有成绩低于平均分 的学生加 1 分(更新成绩表),如果加分后的学生成绩低于 60 分,则输出这 个学生的信息。处理成功则返回 S 状态并提交事物;失败则返回 E 状态及 回错误消息,同时回滚事物。

    1.5创建一个方法,根据参数的教师编号,返回这个教师的直接领导的教师编 号。如果不存在,返回-1, 如果存在多条记录,返回-2,如果存在其他异 常,返回-3。

    1.6创建一个公共方法,根据参数 课程编号,返回该课程学生的及格率,返回 类型为数字,保留两位小数(及格率=课程成绩在 60 分以上的同学人数/课 程总人数)。

    1.7写一个匿名块,创建一张临时表,hand_teacher_temp(动态 SQL), 结构 与 hand_teacher 相同。取所有课程及格率高于 50%的教师信息,插入到hand_teacher_temp 表中。(使用前面程序中求及格率的函数)。

    1.8 写一个匿名块,更新学生所选课程的成绩。如果存在课程成绩在 60 分以 上,则对原成绩降分 2%,输出学生编号,课程编号以及更新后的成绩(用 returning into )。



create or replace package cux_exam_xxxx_pkg is
-- 1. 定义数据类型
type score_data_type is record(
student_no hand_student.student_no%type,
student_name hand_student.student_name%type,
student_age hand_student.student_age%type,
student_gender hand_student.student_gender%type,
course_no hand_course.course_no%type,
course_name hand_course.course_name%type,
teacher_name hand_teacher.teacher_name%type,
core hand_student_core.core%type,
avg_core hand_student_core.core%type,
max_core hand_student_core.core%type,
min_core hand_student_core.core%type);
-- 2. 定义内存表类型 type_studens_tbl
TYPE type_studens_tbl IS TABLE OF studens_rec%ROWTYPE INDEX BY
-- 3. 获得低于平均分数的学?生信息
function get_grounded_info return type_studens_tbl;
-- 4. 分数调整
procedure score_adjustment(p_std_score in number,
x_return_status out nocopy varchar2,
x_msg_data out nocopy varchar2);
-- 5. 查询教师的直接领导
function get_manager(p_teacher_no in varchar2) return varchar2 ;
-- 6. 查询课程的及格率
function get_course_pass_rate(p_course_no in varchar2) return
number ;
end cux_exam_xxxx_pkg;


  1 create or replace package body cux_exam_xxxx_pkg is
  2 -- 3. 获得低于平均分数的学?生信息
  3 function get_grounded_info return type_studens_tbl is
  4 l_studens_tbl type_studens_tbl;
  5 begin
  6 -- 计算每?门课程的平均分,并取出所有成绩低于平均分的学?生
  7 select *
  8 from (select hs.student_no,
  9 hs.student_name,
 10 hs.student_age,
 11 hs.student_gender,
 12 hc.course_no,
 13 hc.course_name,
 14 ht.teacher_name,
 15 hsc.core,
 16 round(avg(hsc.core) over(partition by
 17 hsc.course_no), 2) avg_core,
 18 max(hsc.core) over(partition by hsc.course_no)
 19 max_core,
 20 min(hsc.core) over(partition by hsc.course_no)
 21 min_core
 22 from hand_course hc,
 23 hand_student hs,
 24 hand_student_core hsc,
 25 hand_teacher ht
 26 where hc.course_no = hsc.course_no
 27 and hs.student_no = hsc.student_no
 28 and hc.teacher_no = ht.teacher_no)
 29 BULK COLLECT into l_studens_tbl
 30 where core < avg_core;
 31 return l_studens_tbl;
 32 end get_grounded_info;
 33 -- 4. 分数调整
 34 procedure score_adjustment(p_std_score in number,
 35 x_return_status out nocopy varchar2,
 36 x_msg_data out nocopy varchar2) is
 37 l_data_cur ref_cursor;
 38 l_data_rec score_data_type;
 39 l_new_score number;
 40 l_savepoint_name varchar2(30) := sp_score_adjustment;
 41 begin
 42 x_return_status := S;
 43 x_msg_data := null;
 44 savepoint l_savepoint_name;
 45 l_data_cur := get_grounded_info;
 46 loop
 47 fetch l_data_cur
 48 into l_data_rec;
 49 exit when l_data_cur%notfound;
 50 update hand_student_core hsc
 51 set hsc.core = nvl(hsc.core, 0) + 1
 52 where hsc.student_no = l_data_rec.student_no
 53 and hsc.course_no = l_data_rec.course_no
 54 returning hsc.core into l_new_score;
 55 if l_new_score < nvl(p_std_score, 60) then
 56 dbms_output.put_line(Student No.:  ||
 57 l_data_rec.student_no ||
 58 , Student Name:  ||
 59 l_data_rec.student_name ||
 60 , Course Name:                      
