Sql 将A表数据插入到B表
时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17
select Name,DepartId
as DepartmentId,
(select Name
from D
where IsDisable =
0 and ID = A.DepartId)
as DepartmentName,
PersonId as PersonalId,
(select id
from W
where Name = A.JobName)
as WorkTypeId,
CertNumber as CertNumber,
StartDate as CreateTime,--
case ltrim(rtrim(A.Education))
when ‘中专‘ then
when ‘大专‘ then
when ‘本科‘ then
when ‘小学‘ then
when ‘初中‘ then
when ‘高中‘ then
when ‘本科及以上‘ then
else ‘‘ end
) as Education,
0 IsDel
from A
where id
select id
from A
where Isdel=
0 and IsChangeCert=
Sql 将A表数据插入到B表
标签:rtrim( Nid job from sch sel 高中 col cat