时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:3人阅读
实现如下(4 应为3):
delete a from Person a ,Person b where a.Email = b.Email and a.Id > b.Id
Trips 表中存所有出租车的行程信息。每段行程有唯一键 Id,Client_Id 和 Driver_Id 是 Users 表中 Users_Id 的外键。Status 是枚举类型,枚举成员为 (‘completed’, ‘cancelled_by_driver’, ‘cancelled_by_client’)。
Users 表存所有用户。每个用户有唯一键 Users_Id。Banned 表示这个用户是否被禁止,Role 则是一个表示(‘client’, ‘driver’, ‘partner’)的枚举类型。
写一段 SQL 语句查出 2013年10月1日 至 2013年10月3日 期间非禁止用户的取消率。基于上表,你的 SQL 语句应返回如下结果,取消率(Cancellation Rate)保留两位小数。
分析:1)、2)可以实现结果,但存在一定的问题,未考虑Driver_Id = Users_Id且被禁止的情况,因题目刚好Driver_Id均未被禁止,所以可以实现结果,1)2)还待需改进。1)改进可以在where后加and Driver_Id <>
1)case when
select t.Request_at Day , round(sum(case when t.Status <> ‘completed‘ then 1 else 0 end)/count(t.Request_at),2) as `Cancellation Rate` from ( select * from Trips where Client_Id <> ( select Users_Id from Users where Banned = ‘Yes‘ and Role = ‘client‘ ) )t where t.Request_at between "2013-10-01" and "2013-10-03" group by t.Request_at
2) 左连接
select a.Request_at Day, round(sum(case when a.Status <> ‘completed‘ then 1 else 0 end)/count(a.Request_at),2) as `Cancellation Rate` from Trips a left join Users b on a.Client_Id = b.Users_Id where b.Banned ="No" and a.Request_at between "2013-10-01" and "2013-10-03" group by a.Request_at
3) if
select a.Request_at Day, round(sum( if(a.Status = ‘completed‘,0,1) ) / count(a.Status),2) as `Cancellation Rate` from Trips a join Users b on a.Client_Id = b.Users_Id and b.Banned = ‘No‘ join Users c on a.Driver_Id = c.Users_Id and c.Banned = ‘No‘ where a.Request_at between "2013-10-01" and "2013-10-03" group by a.Request_at
4) 方法2改进 左连接
select a.request_at as Day, round( sum( if (a.Status = ‘completed‘,0,1) ) / count(a.Status), 2 ) as `Cancellation Rate` from trips a left join ( select users_id from Users where banned = ‘Yes‘ ) b on (a.Client_Id = b.users_id) left join ( select users_id from Users where banned = ‘Yes‘ ) c on (a.Driver_Id = c.users_id) where b.users_id is null and c.users_id is null and a.Request_at between ‘2013-10-01‘ and ‘2013-10-03‘ group by a.Request_at;
小美是一所中学的信息科技老师,她有一张 seat 座位表,平时用来储存学生名字和与他们相对应的座位 id。其中纵列的 id 是连续递增的,小美想改变相邻俩学生的座位。学生总数奇数,最后一位不换位置。偶数需要换。
1)case when
select (case when id % 2 = 0 then id - 1 when id = (select max(id) from seat) then id else id +1 end) id , student from seat order by id ;
2) if
select if (mod(id,2)=0,id-1,if(id =(select max(id) from seat),id,id+1)) id ,student from seat order by id ;
3) union 、自连接
( select s1.id ,s2.student from seat s1, seat s2 where s1.id = s2.id -1 and s1.id MOD 2 =1 ) union ( select s1.id, s2.student from seat s1, seat s2 where s1.id = s2.id + 1 and s1.id MOD 2 = 0 ) union ( select s1.id, s1.student from seat s1, seat s2 where s1.id mod 2 = 1 and s1.id = (select max(id) from seat ) ) order by id
标签:student and 操作 编号 分析 create group _id manage