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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:2人阅读

oracle 获取表名称,字段 with vA as ( SELECT USER_TAB_COLS.TABLE_NAME as 表名,USER_TAB_COLS.COLUMN_NAME as 列名 , USER_TAB_COLS.DATA_TYPE as 数据类型, USER_TAB_COLS.DATA_LENGTH as 长度, USER_TAB_COLS.NULLABLE as 是否为空, USER_TAB_COLS.COLUMN_ID as 列序号,user_col_comments.comments as 备注 FROM USER_TAB_COLS inner join user_col_comments on user_col_comments.TABLE_NAME=USER_TAB_COLS.TABLE_NAME and user_col_comments.COLUMN_NAME=USER_TAB_COLS.COLUMN_NAME where USER_TAB_COLS.TABLE_NAME like T_A_% and USER_TAB_COLS.COLUMN_NAME like %CHECK_USER% ) select alter table ||表名 || modify ||列名|| VARCHAR2(120) ; from vA --新增字段 alter table table_name add(userName VARCHAR2(255)); --设置字段不为空, 给出默认值 alert table table_name add(userName varchar2(255 CHAR) default 这是默认值 not null) ; --修改列字段长度 alter table T_A_DRUG modify DRUG_PRODUCT_CODE VARCHAR2(50); --修改列名称 alter table T_A_DRUG rename column PRODUCT_NAME to DRUG_PRODUCT_CODE; --修改列字段类型 alter table T_FILE_UPLOAD_www modify (upload_date varchar2(50)); --删除字段 alter table table_name drop column userName; --修改表名称 alter table old_table_name RENAME TO new_table_name; rename 旧表名称 to 新表名称; --删除表中已有的主键约束(有命名) alter table students drop constraint yy; --删除表中已有的主键约束(无命名) 可用 SELECT * from user_cons_columns; 查找表中主键名称得student表中的主键名为SYS_C002715 alter table student drop constraint SYS_C002715; --向表中添加主键约束 alter table student add constraint pk_student primary key(studentid); --查看表中约束 --oracle 更改名称: --查询所有表名: select t.table_name from user_tables t; --查询所有字段名: select t.column_name from user_col_comments t; --查询指定表的所有字段名: select t.column_name from user_col_comments t where t.table_name = BIZ_DICT_XB; --查询指定表的所有字段名和字段说明: select t.column_name, t.column_name from user_col_comments t where t.table_name = BIZ_DICT_XB; --查询所有表的表名和表说明: select t.table_name,f.comments from user_tables t inner join user_tab_comments f on t.table_name = f.table_name; --查询模糊表名的表名和表说明: select t.table_name from user_tables t where t.table_name like BIZ_DICT%; select t.table_name,f.comments from user_tables t inner join user_tab_comments f on t.table_name = f.table_name where t.table_name like BIZ_DICT%; --查询表的数据条数、表名、中文表名 select a.num_rows, a.TABLE_NAME, b.COMMENTS from user_tables a, user_tab_comments b WHERE a.TABLE_NAME = b.TABLE_NAME order by TABLE_NAME; 一,查看数据库里面所有用户: select * from dba_users; 前提是你是有dba权限的帐号,如sys,system。 二,查看你能管理的所有用户: select * from all_users; 三,查看当前用户信息 : select * from user_users; 1、创建存储过程 create or replace procedure sql_test(sex in nvarchar2, out_return out sys_refcursor) is begin open out_return for select sex,sex_name from t_a_sex; end; 2、调用带输出列表的存储过程 var type_cur refcursor var para nvarchar2(20) execute :para :=1; exec pro1(:para,:type_cur); print type_cur; -- 日期 select to_char(sysdate,yyyy-MM-dd HH24:MI:SS) as vDate from dual; --获取表名称、字段、等信息 with vM as ( select * from all_col_comments where OWNER=BYYY and (table_name like T_FILE% or table_name like T_RULE% or table_name like T_JOBLOG% or table_name like T_REPORT_LOG% or table_name like T_A% or table_name like T_E%) and table_name not like T_AUTH% and table_name not like T_ERROR% ),vA as ( SELECT USER_TAB_COLS.TABLE_NAME as 表名,USER_TAB_COLS.COLUMN_NAME as 列名 , USER_TAB_COLS.DATA_TYPE as 数据类型, USER_TAB_COLS.DATA_LENGTH as 长度, USER_TAB_COLS.NULLABLE as 是否为空, USER_TAB_COLS.COLUMN_ID as 列序号,user_col_comments.comments as 备注 FROM all_TAB_COLS USER_TAB_COLS inner join vM user_col_comments on user_col_comments.TABLE_NAME=USER_TAB_COLS.TABLE_NAME and user_col_comments.COLUMN_NAME=USER_TAB_COLS.COLUMN_NAME where USER_TAB_COLS.OWNER=BYYY ) select * from vA order by 表名,列名 with vM as ( select * from all_col_comments where OWNER=BASE and (table_name like T_FILE% or table_name like T_RULE% or table_name like T_JOBLOG% or table_name like T_REPORT_LOG% or table_name like T_A% or table_name like T_E%) and table_name not like T_AUTH% and table_name not like T_ERROR% ),vA as ( SELECT USER_TAB_COLS.TABLE_NAME as 表名,USER_TAB_COLS.COLUMN_NAME as 列名 , USER_TAB_COLS.DATA_TYPE as 数据类型, USER_TAB_COLS.DATA_LENGTH as 长度, USER_TAB_COLS.NULLABLE as 是否为空, USER_TAB_COLS.COLUMN_ID as 列序号,user_col_comments.comments as 备注 FROM all_TAB_COLS USER_TAB_COLS inner join vM user_col_comments on user_col_comments.TABLE_NAME=USER_TAB_COLS.TABLE_NAME and user_col_comments.COLUMN_NAME=USER_TAB_COLS.COLUMN_NAME where USER_TAB_COLS.OWNER=BYYY ) select * from vA order by 表名,列名



标签:table   drop   bsp   com   rom   system   调用   ase   mod   
