时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:13人阅读
Galera Cluster 是一个基于 InnoDB 多主的同步复制,可以读写任何节点,即使失去任何一个节点也不影响业务中断,而且无需复杂的 failover 操作。
MySQL Group Replication 是一个 MySQL Server Plugin,提供分布式状态机复制与 Server 强大协调,当在一个 Group Replication 时,Server 将自动协调,每个节点都可以自动处理更新,自动检测,有一个 membership service 维护一个 view,记录组内 记录可见成员在某个时间点一致性和高可用性的,当任何一个成加入或离开,view 就会相应的更新
MySQL Group Replication
Galera Cluster/PXC
MySQL Group Replication
Galera Cluster/PXC
MySQL Group Replication
Galera Cluster/PXC
MySQL Group Replication
Galera Cluster/PXC
MySQL Group Replication
Full Solution
Galera Cluster/PXC
MySQL Group Replication
Galera Cluster/PXC
MySQL Group Replication
Galera Cluster/PXC
MySQL Group Replication
Galera Cluster/PXC
MySQL Group Replication
ProxySQL 在 PXC 当负载均衡的角色
ProxySQL schedulers
PXC 维护模式
Galera Cluster/PXC
Group Replication
Crashes due to background thread handling trx
Various crashes related to DDL
Concurrent DDLs using wsrep_OSU_method=RSU crash/inconsistency issues
Shutdown issues
* #84727: partitioned nodes still accept writes: queries hang (~Fixed in 5.7.20)
* #84728: GR failure at start still starts MySQL (~Fixed in 8.0.2)
* #84729: block reads on partitioned nodes
* #84733: not possible to start with super_read_only=1 (Fixed in 8.0.2)
* #84784: Nodes Do Not Reconnect
* #84795: STOP GROUP_REPLICATION sets super_read_only=off
* #84731: mysql client connections get stuck during GR start
* #84785: Prevent Large Transactions in Group Replication (~Fixed in 5.7.19)
* #84792: Member using 100% CPU in idle cluster (*)
* #84796: GR Member status is wrong
* #84674: unresolved hostnames block GR from starting (~Fixed in 5.7.18)
* #84794: cannot kill query that is stuck inside GR
* #84798: Group Replication can use some verbosity in the error log
这个看原 PDF 吧。
原文:大专栏 Percona XtraDB Cluster vs Galera Cluster vs MySQL Group Replication
Percona XtraDB Cluster vs Galera Cluster vs MySQL Group Replication
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