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GWAS Catalog数据库简介

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:239人阅读

GWAS Catalog

The NHGRI-EBI Catalog of published genome-wide association studies


Catalog stats

  • Last data release on 2019-09-24
  • 4220 publications
  • 107486 SNPs
  • 157336 associations
  • Genome assembly GRCh38.p12
  • dbSNP Build 151
  • Ensembl Build 96


搜索表型:如breast carcinoma,会得到相关的非常规范的表型信息,EFO,就像GO一样,是一套表型分类规则。然后还会得到表型相关的基因。



搜索染色体位置:如2q37.1,Cytogenetic region






DATE ADDED TO CATALOG* +: Date a study is published in the catalog

PUBMEDID* +: PubMed identification number

FIRST AUTHOR* +: Last name and initials of first author

DATE* +: Publication date (online (epub) date if available)

JOURNAL* +: Abbreviated journal name

LINK* +: PubMed URL

STUDY* +: Title of paper

DISEASE/TRAIT* +: Disease or trait examined in study

INITIAL SAMPLE DESCRIPTION* +: Sample size and ancestry description for stage 1 of GWAS (summing across multiple Stage 1 populations, if applicable)

REPLICATION SAMPLE DESCRIPTION* +: Sample size and ancestry description for subsequent replication(s) (summing across multiple populations, if applicable)

REGION*: Cytogenetic region associated with rs number

CHR_ID*: Chromosome number associated with rs number

CHR_POS*: Chromosomal position associated with rs number

REPORTED GENE(S)*: Gene(s) reported by author

MAPPED GENE(S)*: Gene(s) mapped to the strongest SNP. If the SNP is located within a gene, that gene is listed. If the SNP is intergenic, the upstream and downstream genes are listed, separated by a hyphen.

UPSTREAM_GENE_ID*: Entrez Gene ID for nearest upstream gene to rs number, if not within gene

DOWNSTREAM_GENE_ID*: Entrez Gene ID for nearest downstream gene to rs number, if not within gene

SNP_GENE_IDS*: Entrez Gene ID, if rs number within gene; multiple genes denotes overlapping transcripts

UPSTREAM_GENE_DISTANCE*: distance in kb for nearest upstream gene to rs number, if not within gene

DOWNSTREAM_GENE_DISTANCE*: distance in kb for nearest downstream gene to rs number, if not within gene

STRONGEST SNP-RISK ALLELE*: SNP(s) most strongly associated with trait + risk allele (? for unknown risk allele). May also refer to a haplotype.

SNPS*: Strongest SNP; if a haplotype it may include more than one rs number (multiple SNPs comprising the haplotype)

MERGED*: denotes whether the SNP has been merged into a subsequent rs record (0 = no; 1 = yes;)

SNP_ID_CURRENT*: current rs number (will differ from strongest SNP when merged = 1)

CONTEXT*: SNP functional class

INTERGENIC*: denotes whether SNP is in intergenic region (0 = no; 1 = yes)

RISK ALLELE FREQUENCY*: Reported risk/effect allele frequency associated with strongest SNP in controls (if not available among all controls, among the control group with the largest sample size). If the associated locus is a haplotype the haplotype frequency will be extracted.

P-VALUE*: Reported p-value for strongest SNP risk allele (linked to dbGaP Association Browser). Note that p-values are rounded to 1 significant digit (for example, a published p-value of 4.8 x 10-7 is rounded to 5 x 10-7).

PVALUE_MLOG*: -log(p-value)

P-VALUE (TEXT)*: Information describing context of p-value (e.g. females, smokers).

OR or BETA*: Reported odds ratio or beta-coefficient associated with strongest SNP risk allele. Note that if an OR <1 is reported this is inverted, along with the reported allele, so that all ORs included in the Catalog are >1. Appropriate unit and increase/decrease are included for beta coefficients.

95% CI (TEXT)*: Reported 95% confidence interval associated with strongest SNP risk allele, along with unit in the case of beta-coefficients. If 95% CIs are not published, we estimate these using the standard error, where available.

PLATFORM (SNPS PASSING QC)*: Genotyping platform manufacturer used in Stage 1; also includes notation of pooled DNA study design or imputation of SNPs, where applicable

CNV*: Study of copy number variation (yes/no)

ASSOCIATION COUNT+: Number of associations identified for this study



什么是Genotyping technology?

什么是Experimental Factor Ontology trait?

什么是Cytogenetic region?karyotype

什么是trait + risk allele?这里要分清SNP和allele的概念,SNP是位点,而allele则是该位点上碱基。考虑一下DNA双链,以及多倍体。

什么是risk/effect allele frequency?

odds ratio在GWAS里是个什么指标?wiki

The odds ratio is the ratio of two odds, which in the context of GWA studies are the odds of case for individuals having a specific allele and the odds of case for individuals who do not have that same allele.

As an example, suppose that there are two alleles, T and C. The number of individuals in the case group having allele T is represented by ‘A‘ and the number of individuals in the control group having allele T is represented by ‘B‘. Similarly, the number of individuals in the case group having allele C is represented by ‘X‘ and the number of individuals in the control group having allele C is represented by ‘Y‘. In this case the odds ratio for allele T is A:B (meaning ‘A to B‘, in standard odds terminology) divided by X:Y, which in mathematical notation is simply (A/B)/(X/Y).

When the allele frequency in the case group is much higher than in the control group, the odds ratio is higher than 1, and vice versa for lower allele frequency. Additionally, a P-value for the significance of the odds ratio is typically calculated using a simple chi-squared test. Finding odds ratios that are significantly different from 1 is the objective of the GWA study because this shows that a SNP is associated with disease.[18]

什么是MAF?the frequency of the minor allele

GWAS数据可以有哪些注释?phenotype annotation、population and linkage disequilibrium (LD) information

什么是CP loci?an effective region associated with at least two phenotypes



Quality Control Procedures for Genome Wide Association Studies

Data quality control in genetic case-control association studies

  • minor allele frequency (MAF) > 0.01; statistical power is extremely low for rare SNPs,很好理解,如果一个非常罕见的SNP,需要非常大的样本量才能有足够的power
  • Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) test p-value > 5E-05;
  • missing genotypes rate < 10%; Genotypes are classified as missing if the genotype-calling algorithm cannot infer the genotype with sufficient confidence. Can be calculated across each individual and/or SNP.

什么是Experimental Factor Ontology?

什么是LD information (r2 and D’ values)?

Mathematical properties of the r2 measure of linkage disequilibrium





GWAS Catalog数据库简介

标签:load   procedure   missing   问题:   linkage   gen   ids   基本   using   
