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VLDB 2019:

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:41人阅读


  • 技术图片 rot.cx33 分钟前

    OCC比较适合具有冲突率极低, 短事务, touch的记录数目较少等特点的OLTP workload. "locking may be necessary only in the worst case"[1], 如果冲突极少, 加锁开销相对比较显著.

    OCC仅支持包括{read-only, update} transaction, 很显然, 不支持多次交互的conversational事务.

  • 技术图片 rot.cx16 分钟前

    SLOG uses locality in access patterns to assign a home region to each data granule. Reads and writes to nearby data occur rapidly, without cross-region com- munication. However, reads and writes to remote data, along with transactions that access data from multiple regions, must pay cross- region communication costs. Nonetheless, SLOG uses a determin- istic architecture to move most of this communication outside of conflict boundaries, thereby enabling these transactions to be pro- cessed at high throughput, even for high contention workloads.


    感觉一个数量级的提升,这个实验结果不一定 repeatable


    而且 dynamical remastering 对于频繁变化的 pattern 并不适用 



  • 技术图片 rot.cx5 分钟前



    The distinguishing feature of FineLine in contrast to existing approaches is that it provides persistence without mapping data structures directly to a persistent storage representation.


    Following the WAL rule, a log record must be written before the affected page is written. FineLine, on the other hand, never flushes nodes or any other part of an in-memory data structure. Instead, it relies on the log, which is indexed for fast retrieval, as the only form of propagation to persistent storage. In order to retrieve a node into main memory, its most recent state is reconstructed from the log with the fetch operation.





    • 技术图片 rot.cx1 分钟前



      Sequential log变 Indexed log,实际 commit 写磁盘之前,先对 log 进行合并处理;

      然后核心是 对 Indexed log 的处理“very efficient”(如下):


      The commit queue is formatted as a log page that can be appended directly to the indexed log. Before the append occurs, the log records in this page are sorted primarily by node ID and secondarily by a node-local sequence number. This sort can be made very efficient if log pages are formatted as an array of keys (or key prefixes) and pointers to a payload region within the page.


VLDB 2019:

标签:long   load   asi   cal   要求   巴巴   before   意见反馈   2018年   
