时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:8人阅读
select Student.SId,Student.Sname,Student.Sage,Student.Ssex,r.科目一成绩,r.科目二成绩 from study.dbo.Student right join (select t1.SId as 学生ID,t1.score as 科目一成绩,t2.score as 科目二成绩 from (select SId,score from study.dbo.SC where CId=‘01‘)as t1, (select SId,score from study.dbo.SC where CId=‘02‘)as t2 where t1.SId=t2.SId and t1.score>t2.score) as r on Student.SId=r.学生ID
join -- on这个也是常用的思路,当要连接两个某一列相关的表时。
1.1查询存在" 01 "课程但可能不存在" 02 "课程的情况(不存在时显示为 null )
和第一题思路类似,注意以01课程为准,所以要用left join
select * from (select SId,score from study.dbo.SC where CId=‘01‘) as t1 left join (select SId,score from study.dbo.SC where CId=‘02‘) as t2 on t1.SId=t2.SId
1.2 查询同时存在01和02课程的情况
很简单,用inner join,求两表交集
select t1.SId,t1.score,t2.score from (select SId,score from study.dbo.SC where CId=‘01‘) as t1 inner join (select SId,score from study.dbo.SC where CId=‘02‘) as t2 on t1.SId=t2.SId
我的思路是还是用一个right join,然后判断NULL值,不知道会不会比not in效率高。
select t2.SId,t2.score from (select SId,score from study.dbo.SC where CId=‘01‘) as t1 right join (select SId,score from study.dbo.SC where CId=‘02‘) as t2 on t1.SId=t2.SId where t1.score is null
2.查询平均成绩大于等于 60 分的同学的学生编号和学生姓名和平均成绩
肯定要连表,有表一有表四。平均成绩涉及到group by,对平均成绩的限制涉及到having语句
select t1.SId,t1.avg_score,t2.Sname from ( select SId,AVG(score) as avg_score from study.dbo.SC group by SId having AVG(score)>60 ) as t1 inner join study.dbo.Student as t2 on t1.SId=t2.SId
3.查询在 SC 表存在成绩的学生信息
select DISTINCT Student.SId,Student.Sname,Student.Sage,Student.Ssex from study.dbo.SC inner join Student on SC.SId=Student.SId
4.查询所有同学的学生编号、学生姓名、选课总数、所有课程的总成绩(没成绩的显示为 null )
依然是连表查询,left join
select Student.*,t2.count_id,t2.avg_score from Student left join (select SId,count(CId) as count_id ,avg(score)as avg_score from study.dbo.SC group by SId) as t2 on Student.SId=t2.SId
4.1 查有成绩的学生信息
inner join,不赘述
select Student.*,t2.count_id,t2.avg_score from Student inner join (select SId,count(CId) as count_id ,avg(score)as avg_score from study.dbo.SC group by SId) as t2 on Student.SId=t2.SId
select COUNT(*) from Teacher where Tname like ‘李%‘
select Student.* from (select tid from Teacher where Tname=‘张三‘) as t1 inner join Course on t1.tid=Course.TId inner join SC on Course.CId=SC.CId inner join Student on SC.SId=Student.SId
select study.dbo.Student.* from teacher,study.dbo.Course ,study.dbo.student,study.dbo.sc where teacher.Tname=‘张三‘ and teacher.TId=Course.TId and Course.CId=sc.CId and sc.SId=student.SId
我查了一下,其实这种方式是用了隐式的inner join,效率差异不大
查到没有学全所有课程同学的sid很简单,在表4中查询。同学的信息用inner join联表1查询实现。
SELECT * FROM study.dbo.Student as t1 inner join (select Student.SId from Student left join study.dbo.SC on Student.SId=SC.SId group by Student.SId having COUNT(SC.CId)!=(select count(*) from study.dbo.Course)) as t2 on t1.SId=t2.SId
sql 经典查询50题 思路(一)
标签:姓名 and 简单 mic 成绩 count 技术 tin 相同