时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:9人阅读
For the purposes of this document, the following fictitious environment is used as an example to describe the procedure:
Primary database: boston
Standby database: chicago
Verify that the target standby is synchronous with primary and Redo shipping working fine from primary. 验证目标备用数据库是否与主数据库同步,并且 Redo 从主数据库正常工作
SQL>alter database switchover to <target standby db_unique_name> verify;
The above command will verify following things, 上面的命令将验证以下内容
a. Verifies that the release version is minimum 12.1 验证发行版本是否为最低12.1
b. Primary REDO shipping.
c. Standby MRP recovery running and its synchronous with primary, else it will through below error in SQLPROMPT and alert log as well. Standby MRP recovery正在运行,并且与主MRP同步,否则它将通过SQLPROMPT以及警报日志报以下错误
For example,
SQL>alter database switchover to chicago verify; ORA-16470: Redo Apply is not running on switchover target
------Primary alert log------
SQL>alter database switchover to chicago verify;
ORA-16470 signaled during: alter database switchover to chicago verify...
If it is dirty then it will though the warning messages like
SQL> alter database switchover to chicago verify; ERROR at line 1: ORA-16475: succeeded with warnings, check alert log for more details
-----Primary Alert log-----------
SWITCHOVER VERIFY WARNING: switchover target has dirty online redo logfiles that require clearing.
It takes time to clear online redo logfiles. This may slow down switchover process.
Make sure log_file_name_convert set properly on target standby. 确保在目标备用数据库上正确设置了log_file_name_convert
SQL>show parameter log_file_name_convert;
NOTE: If not set set the value for example if directory structure changing only in db_unique_name. for example, 注意:如果未设置,请设置该值,例如,如果目录结构仅在db_unique_name中不同。例如
Primary ORL location is /oradata/boston/<path>
Standby logfile location is /oradata/chicago/<logfiles>
Set the parameter like,
alter system set LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT=’boston’,’chicago’ scope=spfile;NOTE: Restart the standby and start the MRP. When you restart standby and start MRP then it clears all the ORLs at standby provided log_file_name_convert set properly. 注:重新启动备用数据库并启动MRP。重新启动备用数据库并启动MRP时,只要正确设置了log_file_name_convert,它将清除备用数据库上的所有ORL。
If Standby is synchronous with primary, we will get below messages, 如果Standby与primary同步,我们将获得以下消息
SQL> alter database switchover to chicago verify; Database altered.
--------- Primary Alert log -------
SWITCHOVER VERIFY: Send VERIFY request to switchover target CHICAGO
Completed: alter database switchover to chicago verify
Tempfiles created after standby creation will not be propagated to standby. Check the TEMP files using below query and add new TEMP files at standby is required.
SQL> col name for a45 SQL> select ts#,name,ts#,status from v$tempfile;
SWITCHOVER VERIFY command returns ORA-16475 when log_archive_dest_n is not set on Standby as follows. 当未在Standby上设置 log_archive_dest_n 时,SWITCHOVER VERIFY命令返回ORA-16475,如下所示
SQL> ALTER DATABASE SWITCHOVER TO chicago VERIFY; ALTER DATABASE SWITCHOVER TO chicago VERIFY * ERROR at line 1: ORA-16475: succeeded with warnings, check alert log for more details
In alert.log, following messages appear. 在alert.log中,出现以下消息
SWITCHOVER VERIFY: Send VERIFY request to switchover target chicago SWITCHOVER VERIFY COMPLETE SWITCHOVER VERIFY WARNING: switchover target has no standby database definedin LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter. If the switchover target is converted to a primary database, the new primary database will not be protected.ORA-16475 signalled during: ALTER DATABASE SWITCHOVER TO chicago VERIFY...
What to do? set log_archive_dest_state_n on Standby.
1. Check if any closed thread exists and disable (if any) 检查是否存在任何关闭的thread并禁用(如果有)
SQL>SELECT thread#, instance, status FROM v$thread;
Disable the CLOSED thread using, 使用以下命令禁用CLOSED线程
2. Check any LAD(log_archive_destination) pointing to invalid DESTINATION 检查任何指向无效DESTINATION的 LAD(log_archive_destination)
SQL>alter system set log_archive_trace=8191 sid=’*’;
@primary and standby,
SQL>show parameter background_dump_dest $tail -600f background_dump_dest/alert** NOTE : In RAC environment no need to shutdown all instances apart from one instanc. Switchover(SQLPLUS) comand itself shutdown all the nodes. * 注意:在RAC环境中,除了一个实例外,无需关闭所有实例。Switchover(SQLPLUS) 命令本身会关闭所有节点。
SQL>alter database switchover to chicago; Database altered.
Sample output from primary (BOSTON) and standby (CHICAGO), 来自primary (BOSTON) and standby (CHICAGO)的样本输出
--------------Primary Alert log "alert_boston.log"--------------
Fri Aug 23 11:05:23 2013 ALTER SYSTEM SET log_archive_trace=8191 SCOPE=BOTH; alter database switchover to chicago Fri Aug 23 11:05:43 2013 Starting switchover [Process ID: 3340] Fri Aug 23 11:05:43 2013 ALTER DATABASE COMMIT TO SWITCHOVER TO PHYSICAL STANDBY [Process Id: 3340] (boston) . Fri Aug 23 11:05:44 2013 Active, synchronized Physical Standby switchover target has been identified Preventing updates and queries at the Primary Generating and shipping final logs to target standby Switchover End-Of-Redo Log thread 1 sequence 11 has been fixed <---------Sequence 11 is End-Of-Redo Switchover: Primary highest seen SCN set to 0x0.0x229306 ARCH: Noswitch archival of thread 1, sequence 11 . Switchover: Primary controlfile converted to standby controlfile succesfully. Switchover: Complete - Database shutdown required Sending request (convert to primary database) to switchover target CHICAGO OCISessionBegin with PasswordVerifier succeeded Switchover complete. Database shutdown required USER (ospid: 3340): terminating the instance Fri Aug 23 11:05:51 2013 Instance terminated by USER, pid = 3340 Completed: alter database switchover to chicago
-------------------alert log "alert_chicago.log"------------------
Fri Aug 23 11:05:47 2013 SWITCHOVER: received request ‘ALTER DATABASE COMMIT TO SWITCHOVER TO PRIMARY‘ from primary database. Fri Aug 23 11:05:47 2013 ALTER DATABASE SWITCHOVER TO PRIMARY (chicago) Maximum wait for role transition is 15 minutes. . Standby became primary SCN: 2265860 Switchover: Complete - Database mounted as primary SWITCHOVER: completed request from primary database.
NOTE: At standby side we wait only for 15 minutes for the standby to synchronous with primary. 注意:在备用服务器端,我们仅等待15分钟,以便备用服务器与主服务器同步
SQL>alter database open;
SQL>shut abort SQL>startup SQL>alter database recover managed standby database disconnect;
The scenario worked, but after switchover completed, the Database Role in the OCR is not changed automatically. 该方案有效,但是切换完成后,OCR中的数据库角色不会自动更改
We need use [srvctl modify database] to change Database Role in the OCR according to real database role. 我们需要使用 [srvctl Modify database] 根据实际数据库角色来更改OCR中的数据库角色。
for new primary:
#sqlplus / as sysdba SQL> select DB_UNIQUE_NAME,DATABASE_ROLE from v$database; DB_UNIQUE_NAME DATABASE_ROLE ------------------------------ chicago PRIMARY #srvctl config database -db chicago ... Database Role: PHYSICAL_STANDBY #srvctl modify database -db chicago -role PRIMARY
for new standby:
#sqlplus / as sysdba SQL> select DB_UNIQUE_NAME,DATABASE_ROLE from v$database; DB_UNIQUE_NAME DATABASE_ROLE ------------------------------ boston PHYSICAL STANDBY #srvctl config database -db boston ... Database Role: PRIMARY #srvctl modify database -db boston -role PHYSICAL_STANDBY
SQL> alter system set log_archive_trace=0; System altered.
SQL>alter system switch logfile; SQL>select dest_id,error,status from v$archive_dest where dest_id=<your remote log_archive_dest_<n>>; SQL>select max(sequence#),thread# from v$log_history group by thread#; If remote log_Archive_destination is 2 i.e log_archive_dest_2. SQL>select max(sequence#) from v$archived_log where applied=‘YES‘ and dest_id=2;
SQL>select thread#,sequence#,process,status from gv$managed_standby; SQL>select max(sequence#),thread# from v$archived_log group by thread#;
NOTE : For Oracle version 12.2 use v$dataguard_process instead of v$managed_standby which is deprecated in Oracle 12.2
注意:对于Oracle 12.2版,请使用v$dataguard_process代替在Oracle 12.2中已弃用的v$managed_standby
SQL> select name,role,instance,thread#,sequence#,action from gv$dataguard_process;
12c Data guard Switchover Best Practices using SQLPLUS (Doc ID 1578787.1)
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