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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:21人阅读

五.shutdown timeout

Shutdown modes that wait for users to disconnect or for transactions to complete have a limit on the amount of time that they wait.

If all events blocking the shutdown do not occur within one hour, the shutdown operation aborts with the following message: ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation. This message is also displayed if you interrupt the shutdown process, for example by pressing CTRL-C. Oracle recommends that you do not attempt to interrupt an instance shutdown. Instead, allow the shutdown process to complete, and then restart the instance.

After ORA-01013 occurs, you must consider the instance to be in an unpredictable state. You must therefore continue the shutdown process by resubmitting a SHUTDOWN command. If subsequent SHUTDOWN commands continue to fail, you must submit a SHUTDOWN ABORT command to bring down the instance. You can then restart the instance.




What is the outcome of the SHUTDOWN ABORT command? A. Uncommitted transations are rolled back B. Dirty buffers in the buffer cache and unwritten redo are not written to the data files and redo log files repectively C. Instance recovery must be requested by the DBA at the next startup D. Pending transactions are committed and the database is closed 答案:B   




标签:actions   process   ssi   dia   dep   connected   ict   temp   automatic   
