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spring mvc -- HttpMessageConverter、DispatcherServlet、Validator---@RequestBody @respondBody
spring mvc -- HttpMessageConverter、DispatcherServlet、Validator---@RequestBody @respondBody
时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17
Spring MVC performs input validation for the value stored in Resource object using Validator .
Spring MVC calls REST API.
Here, the Resource that has been converted from JSON and for which input validation is carried out, is delivered to REST API.
REST API calls Service method and performs the process for DomainObject such as Entity etc.
Service method calls the Repository method and performs CRUD process for the DomainObject such as Entity etc.
Spring MVC
Spring MVC converts the Resource object returned from REST API to JSON format message, by using HttpMessageConverter .
Spring MVC sets JSON format message in response BODY and responds to client.
spring mvc -- HttpMessageConverter、DispatcherServlet、Validator---@RequestBody @respondBody
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