时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:71人阅读
Location: lckmgr.cpp:9421 Expression: NULL == m_lockList.Head () SPID: 56 Process ID: 5972 Location: "xact.cpp":2630 Expression: !m_updNestedXactCnt SPID: 56 Process ID: 5972 Description: Trying to use the transaction while there are 1 parallel nested xacts outstanding Location: "xact.cpp":2788 Expression: !m_updNestedXactCnt SPID: 56 Process ID: 5972 Description: Trying to use the transaction while there are 1 parallel nested xacts outstanding Location: "xact.cpp":3851 Expression: !m_parNestedXactCnt SPID: 56 Process ID: 5972 Description: Trying to use the transaction while there are 7 parallel nested xacts outstanding Location: "xact.cpp":2879 Expression: !m_updNestedXactCnt SPID: 56 Process ID: 5972 Description: Trying to use the transaction while there are 1 parallel nested xacts outstanding 消息 3624,级别 20,状态 1,第 1 行 系统断定检查已失败。有关详细信息,请查看 SQL Server 错误日志 消息 0,级别 20,状态 0,第 0 行 当前命令发生了严重错误。应放弃任何可能产生的结果。
(1)使用select count(1) from Db_Tank..Sys_Users_History
发现也是卡顿,连查询都不能查,明显有问题啊。count(1) 探索的是聚集索引列
(2)查看表结构 sp_help Sys_Users_History
当然,这只是经验之谈,如果没什么经验的朋友建议运行DBCC CHECKDB 检查一下这个库。
use db_tank go alter index PK_Sys_Users_History on Sys_Users_History rebuild
系统断定检查已失败。有关详细信息,请查看 SQL Server 错误日志
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