时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:28人阅读
今天,写存储过程时写成了:if...then...else if....else...end if.能编译通过,但是有问题,后来实在是找不到问题怀疑写错了这个语句,后来在网上查了一下,结果不是else if 而是elsif.改过来后就正常了。
Oracle/PLSQL: IF-THEN-ELSE Statement
There are three different syntaxes for these types of statements.
Syntax #1: IF-THEN IF condition THEN {...statements...} END IF; Syntax #2: IF-THEN-ELSE IF condition THEN {...statements...} ELSE {...statements...} END IF; Syntax #3: IF-THEN-ELSIF IF condition THEN {...statements...} ELSIF condition THEN {...statements...} ELSE {...statements...} END IF; Here is an example of a function that uses the IF-THEN-ELSE statement: CREATE OR REPLACE Function IncomeLevel ( name_in IN varchar2 ) RETURN varchar2 IS monthly_value number(6); ILevel varchar2(20); cursor c1 is select monthly_income from employees where name = name_in; BEGIN open c1; fetch c1 into monthly_value; close c1; IF monthly_value <= 4000 THEN ILevel := ‘Low Income‘; ELSIF monthly_value > 4000 and monthly_value <= 7000THEN --逻辑与 ILevel := ‘Avg Income‘; ELSIF monthly_value > 7000 and monthly_value <= 15000 THEN ILevel := ‘Moderate Income‘; ELSE ILevel := ‘High Income‘; END IF; RETURN ILevel; END;
In this example, we‘ve created a function called IncomeLevel. It has one parameter calledname_in and it returns a varchar2. The function will return the income level based on the employee‘s name.
PLSQL:if then else语句段
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